756C.00/2–152: Telegram

No. 186
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Indonesia1


865. Ref Hague tel 791 Feb 1 rptd info Djakarta 43.2 Dept encouraged by decision taken by Neth Cabinet Jan 31 to effect that Indos may, if they wish, refer specific issue of sovereignty NNG to an internatl law body and by further decision that if this is done, Neth Govt wld be agreeable continuation discussions other polit problems relating NNG while sovereignty is before court.

Far as we are aware this is first time either party, on its own initiative has officially proposed reference this issue to internatl body for settlement. It thus appears to us that Neth suggestion re arbitration holds some promise of achieving solution sovereignty issue, or at least of shifting disagreement to new grounds and thus postponing threatened crisis.

We shld think that Neth initiative this instance cld be adroitly exploited so as to lead Indos toward acceptance idea internatl arbitration. Inform FonOff orally Dept thinks reference sovereignty issue to internatl law body a constructive idea which holds promise [Page 262] contribute solution NNG problem provided such referral supported by both disputants.3

  1. Repeated to The Hague as telegram 1026.
  2. See Document 183.
  3. In a conversation of Feb. 6 between Allison and the Netherlands Ambassador, Allison asked what the Netherlands would do in the event an international body found in favor of Indonesia on the New Guinea question. The Ambassador replied that such an eventuality was legally impossible. (Telegram 847 to Djakarta, Feb. 8; 756C.00/2–852)