790.5/7–2454: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Embassy in Pakistan1


92. FYI. On basis US–UK agreement reached at Geneva, UK Govt now consulting Govts of Australia New Zealand Burma Ceylon India Indonesia Pakistan re possibility those govts participating [Page 672] in establishment collective defense SEA. US/UK Govts will also consult French Govt this matter and US Govt has already determined that Govts Philippines and Thailand are prepared participate. US/UK Govts have agreed consultations should be completed so that by about August 7 those govts willing participate can appoint representatives to meet together not later than September 1 for purpose making recommendations to govts on establishment collective defense. End FYI.

Info now available indicates probability India Indonesia Burma Ceylon will not wish participate initially in collective defense. In this situation, UK consultations will probably be designed to persuade those govts adopt favorable attitude toward establishment collective defense or at least not to oppose it.

Attitude Pakistan not yet known; however we anticipate GOP might be willing participate from outset in efforts establish collective defense. Before taking definite position this matter, however, GOP presumably would wish ascertain US views re most desirable course of action for GOP. In view attitudes other “Colombo Powers” we inclined doubt advisability GOP becoming initial participant since such action might well have effect of influencing Indian attitude toward adopting hostile position re creation collective defense, with consequent unfavorable effects other “Colombo Powers”. Furthermore if GOP did not become initial participant it might be able exert constructive influence other “Colombo Powers” and help bring about, in short term, favorable attitude others toward SEA collective defense, and in long run participation other “Colombo Powers” in collective defense.

Foregoing represents tentative thinking re possible courses of action for GOP and we would wish have opportunity consult with UK and perhaps other govts before expressing definitive views to GOP should latter request them. However, for time being you should be guided by above in any discussions you may have with officials GOP.

  1. Drafted by Galloway, and cleared with the Secretary, among others. Repeated to Bangkok, Canberra, Colombo, Djakarta, Manila, New Delhi, Rangoon, Wellington, London, and Paris.