List of Abbreviations and Symbols
Editor’s Note—This list does not include standard abbreviations in common usage; unusual abbreviations of rare occurrence which are clarified at appropriate points; and those abbreviations and contractions which, although uncommon, are understandable from the context.
- AA, anti-aircraft
- AAA, anti-aircraft artillery
- AC&W, aircraft and warning
- ACSP, Asian Collective Security Pact
- AFP, Armed Forces of the Philippines
- ANZAM, Australia-New Zealand-and-Malaya
- ANZUS, Australia, New Zealand, United States
- AOP, aerial observation
- AP, Associated Press
- AV/AVP, seaplane tender/small seaplane tender
- BNA, Office of British Commonwealth and Northern European Affairs, Department of State
- C, Office of the Counselor of the Department of State
- C/S, Chief of Staff
- CA/CL, heavy cruiser/light cruiser
- CAT, Civil Air Transport
- CCAF, Chinese Communist Air Force
- CEV MC, Churchill-Eden Visit, Memorandum of Conversation
- CF, Conference File
- CFM, Council of Foreign Ministers
- Chi, Chinese
- Chi Commie(s), Chinese Communist(s)
- Chinats, Chinese Nationalists
- CHINCOM, China Committee, a permanent working group of the Paris Consultative Group of nations working to control export of strategic goods to Communist countries
- CIA, Central Intelligence Agency
- CIGS, Chief of the Imperial General Staff
- CINCFE, Commander in Chief, Far East
- CINCPAC, Commander in Chief, Pacific
- CINCPACFLT, Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet
- CINCUNC, Commander in Chief, United Nations Command
- COCOM, Coordinating Committee of the Paris Consultative Group of nations working to control export of strategic goods to Communist countries
- CRIK, Civilian Relief in Korea
- CRO, Commonwealth Relations Office (United Kingdom)
- CVA, attack aircraft carrier
- CVS/CVL/CVE, anti-submarine warfare support aircraft carrier/small aircraft carrier/escort aircraft carrier
- DD/DDR/DDE, destroyer/radar picket destroyer/escort destroyer
- del, delegation
- Depcirtel, Department of State circular telegram
- Deptel, Department telegram
- DTG, Date Time Group
- Dulte, primarily a series indicator for telegrams from Secretary of State Dulles while absent from Washington; also used as series indicator for telegrams to him from the head of the United States Delegation at an international conference
- E, Bureau of Economic Affairs, Department of State
- ECA, Economic Cooperation Administration
- ECAFE, Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East
- EDC, European Defense Community
- Embdes, Embassy despatch
- Embtel, Embassy telegram
- EUR, Bureau of European Affairs, Department of State
- FA, field artillery
- FE, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State
- FE/P, Officer in Charge of Public Affairs, Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State
- FOA, Foreign Operations Administration
- FOA/W, headquarters of the Foreign Operations Administration in Washington
- FonMin, Foreign Minister
- FY, fiscal year
- FPT, French political talks; series indicator for documentation related to discussions with Rene Mayer, Premier of France, at Washington, in March 1953
- FYI, for your information
- G, Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of State
- G–2, Army general staff section dealing with intelligence at the divisional or higher level
- G–3, Army general staff section dealing with operations and training at the divisional or higher level
- GA, General Assembly of the United Nations
- GARIOA, Government and Relief in Occupied Areas
- GATT, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- GOC, Government of Ceylon
- GOI, Government of India
- GOP, Government of Pakistan
- GUB, Government of the Union of Burma
- HICOM, High Commissioner
- Hicomer, High Commissioner
- HM, Her Majesty
- HMG, Her Majesty’s Government
- HON, series indicator for papers prepared in connection with the First Meeting, ANZUS Council, held at Honolulu, August 4–6, 1952
- IADB, Inter-American Defense Board
- IBRD, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- IC, Indochina
- IMF, International Monetary Fund
- ISA, International Security Affairs (an office of the Department of Defense)
- IVAG, a proposed International Volunteer Air Group
- JCS, Joint Chiefs of Staff
- JSG, Joint Study Group (of the United Kingdom and the United States)
- JSSC, Joint Strategic Survey Committee
- KV, series indicator for papers prepared in connection with the visit of Sir John Kotelawala, Prime Minister of Ceylon, to Washington, December 6–8, 1954
- L, Office of the Legal Adviser, Department of State
- L/E, Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Economic Affairs, Department of State
- L/FE, Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for Far Eastern Affairs, Department of State
- L/UNA, Office of the Assistant Legal Adviser for United Nations Affairs, Department of State
- LOC, line of communication
- LST(s), tank landing ships
- MAAG, Military Assistance Advisory Group
- MDAP, Mutual Defense Assistance Program
- ME, Middle East
- MEC, the proposed Middle East Command
- MEDO, the proposed Middle East Defense Organization
- MIG(s), Russian-made fighter aircraft
- Mil Rep(s), Military Representative(s)
- MIN, minute
- MISC/RA, Miscellaneous, Regional Affairs
- MS, Mutual Security Agency
- MSA, Mutual Security Act (of 1951); Mutual Security Agency; Mutual Security Assistance
- msg, message
- MTL, series indicator for papers prepared in connection with bipartite and tripartite meetings of the Foreign Ministers of France, the United Kingdom, and the United States at London late in June 1952
- mytel, my telegram
- NA, Office of Northeast Asian Affairs, Department of State
- NAC, National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Problems
- NAC, North Atlantic Council
- NAT, North Atlantic Treaty
- NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- NEA, Bureau of Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs, Department of State
- niact, night action, communications indicator requiring attention by the recipient at any hour of the day or night
- NIE, National Intelligence Estimate
- NSC, National Security Council
- NZ, New Zealand
- OAS, Organization of American States
- OCB, Operations Coordinating Board
- ODM, Office of Defense Mobilization
- OEEC, Organization for European Economic Cooperation
- OIR, Office of Intelligence Research, Department of State
- P, Bureau of Public Affairs, Department of State
- Pac, Pacific
- PriMin, Prime Minister
- POC, Peace Observation Commission
- POL, petroleum, oil, lubricants
- PPS, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State
- PSA, Office of Philippine and Southeast Asian Affairs, Department of State
- PSB, Psychological Strategy Board
- R, Office of the Special Assistant for Intelligence, Department of State
- RAF, Royal Air Force
- ROK, Republic of Korea
- SACLANT, Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic
- SCAP, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers in Japan
- SCEM, series indicator for papers prepared in connection with bipartite and tripartite meetings of the Foreign Ministers of France, the United Kingdom, and the United States at Paris in late May 1952
- SE, Special Estimate
- SEAP, letters standing for “Southeast Asia Pact” were used as a series indicator for documents circulated in preparation for the Manila Conference
- SEATO, Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
- Secto, series indicator for telegrams to the Department of State from the Secretary of State (or his delegation) in connection with international conferences
- SHAPE, Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers, Europe
- SM N, Staff Meetings Notes
- SOA, Office of South Asian Affairs, Department of State
- S/P, Policy Planning Staff, Department of State
- SS, submarine
- S/S, the Executive Secretariat of the Department of State
- S/S-R, the Executive Secretariat, Policy Reports Staff, Department of State
- SUNFED, proposed Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development
- TCT, Truman-Churchill talks (series indicator for papers prepared in connection with the visit to the United States of Winston S. Churchill, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, January 5–19, 1952)
- Tedul, primarily a series indicator for telegrams to Secretary of State Dulles while absent from Washington; also used as series indicator for telegrams from Dulles to the head of the United States Delegation at an international conference
- T.H., Territory of Hawaii
- TIAS, Treaties and Other International Acts Series
- Tosec, series indicator for telegrams from the Department of State to the Secretary of State or his delegation in connection with conferences of Foreign Ministers
- UK, United Kingdom
- UKG, United Kingdom Government
- U/MSA, Office of the Special Assistant for Mutural Security Affairs in the Office of the Under Secretary, Department of State
- UN, United Nations
- UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
- UNKRA, United Nations Korean Reconstruction Agency
- U/OC, Office of the Operations Coordinator, Department of State
- UP, United Press
- urinfo, your information
- urtel, your telegram
- USA, United States Army
- USAF, United States Air Force
- US Del, United States Delegation
- Usfoto, series indicator for telegrams and airgrams from the Foreign Operations Administration to missions abroad
- USIS, United States Information Service
- USMC, United States Marine Corps
- USN, United States Navy
- USRO, United States Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and European Regional Organizations
- USSR, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
- UST, United States Treaties and Other International Agreements
- VOA, Voice of America
- VP, patrol plane squadron
- WAM, series indicator for papers prepared in connection with the Wash ington ANZUS meeting of September 1953
- WE, Office of Western European Affairs, Department of State
- WG, Working Group