772.00/1–2152: Telegram
The Consul General at Tunis (Jernegan) to the Department of State1
83. Min Public Health Mohamed Ben Salem, son-in-law of Bey, told me today that Bey and entire Cabinet united in determination resist French pressure. Says French have even threatened depose Bey but he and other leaders undismayed. May be forced out by Bey [garble] not otherwise. Insists Cab and sovereign all of one mind in present sit and have people behind them. Says Bey has definitely refused request recall Mins from Paris and dismiss Cab.
I attach special significance to these statements because Ben Salem generally regarded as moderate, is not member Neo-Destour, and is undoubtedly closer to Bey than other Mins.
Ben Salem stressed moderate nature Tunisian requests for greater autonomy, saying they wld accept very gradual transfer of auth even in internal field. Wld not demand, for example, immed replacement of all French Dept directors by Tunisians Mins. However, French note of Dec 15 had slammed door in their faces and friendly negots cld only be resumed if French wld make equally formal statement affirming indivisibility Tunisian sovereignty and willingness discuss problems on reasonable basis.2
Likewise stressed Tunisian appeal to UN was in mildest possible form. If Tunisians were wrong in their arguments, let UN say so since Tunisians had accepted full obligations of UN member for peaceful settlement of dispute. If necessary, Bey will affix seal to complaint.
Complained bitterly against French police brutality in handling demonstrators (of which we have seen something ourselves in past few days), asserting it deliberate and designed produce bloodshed so as to intimidate people. Claimed reports from Public Health doctors [Page 673] showed 90 percent of casualties in recent clashes were hit in back, proving they were fleeing and not resisting. Said that in place such as Kairouan where Controleur Civil is reasonable and understanding, demonstrations have passed off without trouble, while most serious affairs have all taken place within jurisdiction of tough Bizerte controleur, Rene Stablo, who he claims is known for his harshness (it is true that in center and south, there have so far been no violent incidents).
Min terminated conversation by saying friendly intervention of reasonable third party wld be most helpful. Failing this or UN action, he saw no possibility of lasting solution. Settlement imposed by French force wld solve nothing. I, of course, noncommittal.
- This telegram was repeated to Paris.↩
- Telegram 91 from Tunis, Jan. 24, reported the Resident General had seen the Bey that morning for the first time since Jan. 15, perhaps signifying the resumption of negotiations. The final paragraph of telegram 91 informed the Department of State that, since both the New York Times and Associated Press had American correspondents on the spot, the Consul General would no longer report public developments unless Americans were involved. (772.00/1–2452)↩