Developments in Sub-Saharan French Africa of Particular Interest to the United States
[93] The Consul General at Dakar (Blake) to the Department of State
Dakar, January 5, 1952.
[94] The First Secretary of the Embassy at Paris (Moore) to the Consul at Accra (Cole)
Paris, August 20, 1952.
Accra Consulate files, lot 59 F 7, “350–Political Affairs”
[95] The Officer in Charge of West, Central, and East Africa Affairs (Feld) to the Consul at Accra (Cole)
Washington, October 8, 1952.
Accra Consulate files, lot 59 F 7, “350–Political Affairs”
[96] The Consul at Dakar (Corrigan) to the Department of State
Dakar, September 16, 1953.
[98] Memorandum of Conversation, by Jerome R. Lavallee of the Office of African Affairs
[Washington,] May 14, 1954.
[99] Memorandum of Conversation, by Jerome R. Lavallee of the Office of African Affairs
[Washington,] May 14, 1954.
103 USIA/5–1454
[101] The Consul General at Dakar (Ferguson) to Jerome R. Lavallee of the Office of African Affairs
Dakar, October 18, 1954.
AF files, lot 58 D 459, “Dakar, Correspondence With”
[102] Jerome R. Lavallee of the Office of African Affairs to the Consul General at Dakar (Ferguson)
[Washington,] October 26,
AF files, 58 D 459, “Dakar, Correspondence With”
[103] The Consul General at Dakar (Ferguson) to the Department of State
Dakar, November 16, 1954.