601.4188/12–3053: Telegram

No. 400
The Ambassador in Iran (Henderson) to the Department of State1

top secret

1414. Noforn. In his limited contacts with Iranian officials and public British Chargé Denis Wright has thus far made excellent impression. In our opinion he has exercised good judgment by going about his tasks of opening Embassy and establishing contacts with Iranian authorities and diplomats in quiet unostentatious manner. Rountree and Melbourne this Embassy among those who met British Chargé and party when they arrived Tehran Airfield December 22. At airfield Wright made short friendly statement to press which was well received.

During lunch with Swiss Minister, Wright and Rountree at residence December 23, I had brief private talk with Wright who told me he seeing Foreign Minister next day. In confidence Wright told me he expected during first substantive interview with Foreign Minister to ask whether it would be possible for AIOC to come back to Iran. He thought he knew in advance what answer would be. Nevertheless necessary go through motions. Wright told me later his call on Foreign Minister on December 24, during which Swiss Minister present was merely of protocol character. It was agreed at that time that the Foreign Minister would summon him later to discuss substantive matters. On morning December 27 Foreign Minister told me he had received impression during his talk with Wright that latter would probably prefer not discuss oil until he had had opportunity obtain better feel of situation. Foreign Minister therefore did not intend ask Wright to call again until early January. I told Foreign Minister I sure he had misunderstood Wright who I thought extremely anxious begin exploratory talks. Foreign Minister after consulting engagement book said he would call Wright in for first talk morning December 29. I understood from Wright evening December 28 appointment had been made.
I invited officers British Embassy yesterday evening to Embassy residence to meet key members Embassy staff. We anxious to do [Page 858] everything possible to cooperate and maintain relations at all levels of mutual confidence.

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  1. Also sent to London.