United States Political, Economic, and Military Relations with Saudi Arabia1
1. For previous documentation, see Foreign Relations, 1951, vol. V, pp. 1017 ff.
[1463] No. 1463
The Ambassador in Saudi Arabia
(Wadsworth) to
the Department of State
Jidda, June 1, 1954—9
611.86A/6–154: Telegram
[1464] No. 1464
Memorandum of Conversation, by
Donald C. Bergus of the
Office of Near Eastern Affairs
[Washington,] September
25, 1954.
611.86A/6–454: Telegram
[1465] No. 1465
The Ambassador in Saudi Arabia
(Wadsworth) to
the Department of State
Jidda, October 1, 1954—5
611.86A/10–154: Telegram