No. 654
Editorial Note
Having arrived in Belgrade on September 17, Foreign Secretary Eden had two conversations with Marshal Tito on September 18. The British Embassy in Washington gave to the Department of State copies of telegrams it received from Eden describing these talks. These copies were attached to a brief covering memorandum from Perkins to Acheson, September 20. (750G.00/9–2052) They were also the basis for the Department of State’s summary description of the September 18 Eden–Tito talks contained in telegram 2051 to London, repeated to Belgrade, Rome, and Paris, September [Page 1312] 20. (750G.00/9–2052) The discussion of the Trieste issue by Eden and Tito in a subsequent conversation at Bled on September 22, as Eden related it to Ambassador Allen, was described in telegram 416 from Belgrade, September 25. (750G.00/9–2552) Eden left Yugoslavia on September 23 for a visit to Vienna before returning to England. In telegram 447 from Belgrade, September 29, Allen said that Bebler had discussed with him the Yugoslav reaction to Eden’s visit, which Bebler had called an “enormous success.” (641.68/9–2952) For Eden’s recollection of the visit, see Full Circle, pages 200–203.