768.5 MSP/7–1552: Telegram

No. 645
The Ambassador in Yugoslavia (Allen) to the Department of State1


62. During conversation which Frank Nash2 and I had with Tito at Brdo last night, latter expressed full appreciation for US military [Page 1298] assistance and for useful visits of Generals Eddleman and Olmsted.3

. . . . . . .

I said I wld report his views, which wld be received with much interest in Washington. Nash said he felt confident Tito’s suggestion wld be accepted with enthusiasm by US Govt.

I remarked that US had close military relations with certain other powers, notably Britain and France, which shld be kept in mind. Tito said he understood situation and that while he wld not wish to discuss military matters directly with an “organization” (i.e., NATO), he agreed fully that British and French shld be brought in. He added that Yugoslavia wld also wish to consider Greece and Turkey in this connection.

. . . Nash and I believe his overture shld be followed up promptly4

  1. Repeated for information to Paris and London.
  2. Assistant Secretary of Defense Nash visited Yugoslavia July 13–14.
  3. Generals Eddleman and Olmsted left Yugoslavia July 14 after spending a week visiting service installations and conferring with various Yugoslav officials. No record has been found in Department of State files of these discussions.
  4. In telegram 199 to Belgrade, Aug. 8, the Department of State reported that it had delayed a reply to Tito’s suggestion concerning talks on operational questions pending progress in the tripartite military meeting which was held in Washington July 30. (768.5/8–852) The decisions made at this meeting were described in a letter of Aug. 20 from Lovett to Acheson. (768.5/8–2052)