S/SNSC files, lot 63 D 351, NSC 36 Series

No. 463
Report by the National Security Council Staff to the National Security Council 1

top secret
NSC 36/2

Construction of Airfields and Stockpiling of Aviation Gasoline in Turkey

The conclusions of NSC 36/1, adopted by the National Security Council at its 38th meeting on April 21, 1949,2 with the President presiding (NSC Action No. 205),3 stated that while it was unwise at that time to seek an arrangement with the Turkish Government for the construction of airfields or the stockpiling of aviation gasoline in Turkey, the Department of State should keep the matter under continuous review with a view to reconsideration by the Council when justified by more favorable circumstances.
In a memorandum dated April 17, 1952,4 the Secretary of State indicated the belief of the Department of State that circumstances are now favorable for Council reconsideration of the proposal to stockpile aviation gasoline in Turkey. With respect to airfield construction, the Secretary of State noted that arrangements have already been reached with the Turkish Government and construction work undertaken, on which a report to the Council is now in preparation by the Department of State.
In the light of the above, the Senior NSC Staff recommends to the Council for its consideration that:
The United States now seek an arrangement with the Turkish Government for the stockpiling of aviation gasoline in Turkey, under terms and conditions to be agreed upon by the Departments of State and Defense.
The Council note that arrangements have been reached with the Turkish Government, and work undertaken, permitting airfield [Page 885] construction in Turkey within the framework of U.S. aid to Turkey programs.
  1. The National Security Council adopted the recommendations contained in paragraph 3 of this report at its meeting on May 19. The Secretary of the Treasury and the Acting Director of Defense Mobilization participated in the Council action. (NSC Action No. 637; S/SNSC (Miscellaneous) files, lot 66 D 95, “Record of Actions by the NSC, 1952”) The President approved these recommendations and directed their implementation on May 21. (Memorandum by Lay to the National Security Council, May 21; S/SNSC files, lot 63 D 351, NSC 36 Series)
  2. For text, see Foreign Relations, 1949, vol. vi, p. 1654.
  3. Regarding NSC Action No. 205, see the editorial note, ibid., p. 1644.
  4. Memo for the NSC from Executive Secretary, subject, “Stockpiling of Aviation Gasoline in Turkey,” dated April 18, 1952. [Footnote in the source text. For text of the memorandum, see supra .]