No. 148
Editorial Note
On November 13, the British, French, and United States representatives in Belgrade and Rome, acting on instructions from their governments, made oral démarches to the Yugoslav and Italian Governments, proposing a five-power conference on Trieste. On November 15, the Yugoslav Government replied that it would attend only a preliminary conference of technicians and on the condition that prior to the preliminary conference there be no Italian officials introduced into Zone A. Any subsequent introduction of Italian administrators to Zone A would have to be demonstrated to be symbolic in character. On November 21 the Italian Government indicated that it accepted the proposal for a five-power conference, whether it be a conference of technicians or a full conference. However, it expected that prior to and during any five-power meeting, the United Kingdom and the United States would begin the gradual transfer of administrative authority in Zone A to Italy as had been announced on October 8. The Yugoslav reply was transmitted to the Department of State in telegram 682 from Belgrade, November 15. (750G.00/11–1553) The Italian reply was sent to the Department of State in telegram 1649 from Rome, November 21. (750G.00/11–2153) Further documentation, including the instructions to the respective Ambassadors, reports on the presentations on November 13, and comments on the replies of the Yugoslav and Italian Governments, is in file 750G.00.
On November 3, Ambassador Luce sent a memorandum to President Eisenhower, Secretary Dulles, and Director of Central Intelligence Dulles providing a number of recommendations regarding United States policy toward Italy to prevent the fall of the Pella government, including the immediate implementation of the October 8 announcement on Trieste. For Luce’s memorandum, along with President Eisenhower’s reply of November 7, in which he assured her that “we have no intention of weaseling on our October eighth decision,” and Secretary Dulles’ reply of November 19, see volume VI, Part 2, pages 1631, 1634, and 1639. Portions of Luce’s memorandum and the President’s reply are paraphrased or quoted in Mandate for Change, page 415.