663.001/12–954: Telegram

No. 949
The Acting United States High Commissioner for Austria (Penfield) to the Department of State1


1256. In course my conversation with Kreisky this morning I took opportunity informally to comment along lines Deptel 1561, December 4.2 Kreisky said that he had just agreed with Schaerf and Figl on following three points:

Austria would still agree to eighteen month or two year evacuation period only on condition that it start from date of signature treaty, and
That very specific schedule of evacuation be agreed providing for maximum number occupation troops of each power at specific dates rather than percentage reductions. This would permit Western forces theoretically outnumber Soviet forces three to one at any time, and in final stages evacuation Western forces would undoubtedly in fact outnumber Soviets.
Although Austria would expect certain freedom from occupation control upon treaty ratification, international control of [Page 1992] Vienna and other protection embodied in control agreement must remain in effect until troop evacuation completed.

In further discussion Kreisky was emphatic in his opinion that Austrian Government would not fall into any Soviet traps and would not be diverted from firm position by latent popular feeling that Austrian interests are being neglected for sake of ratification Paris agreements.

While I believe Kreisky was speaking sincerely, it remains to be seen how effectively he can back up his statements.

  1. Repeated to London, Paris, and Moscow.
  2. Telegram 1561 instructed the Embassy to inform Figl that the U.S. position on the treaty modification proposed by Mendès-France would depend on whether the Soviets responded positively to it, but it would still require careful tripartite consideration. (663.001/12–354)