663.001/9–3052: Telegram
No. 821
The United States High Commissioner
for Austria (Thompson) to the Embassy in the
United Kingdom1
41. In discussion with Gruber last evening (Embtel 39, Sept 292) fol views were expressed which were, of course, personal on part of all except Gruber. Gruber and Fr rep felt every effort shld be made to get Sovs to conf table. First Fr suggestion was that our reply shld state we had been unable reach agreement through exchange [Page 1787] of notes and were therefore inviting Sovs to meet in order that they might explain their point of view. I pointed out that this was tantamount to accepting Sov note as basis for discussion which wld get us nowhere. All agreed that abbreviated draft had pushed Sovs toward acceptance long draft but Fr rep wanted go very far toward disavowing abbreviated draft. Brit rep supported my position that since all agreed little possibility of Sovs agreeing to meet and conclude a treaty at this time we should not throw away this means of pressure. It was clear, however, that Gruber and French and to lesser extent Brit wld be prepared accept long draft, the assumption being that US wld shoulder financial burden. Gruber said it was important make Sovs state their terms then it wld be for the US, UK, Fr and Aust Parliaments to decide whether they could be accepted.
I stressed importance of not allowing the Sovs to confuse issue before UN and said that even if we could get Sovs to meet on basis suggested by Fr rep it was unlikely that we could obtain a more clear statement of their position than that contained in their latest note.
We were all agreed on importance of removing confusion in mind of Aust public, many of whom now think that negots are blocked by our insistence on abbreviated draft. Gruber also pointed out that if frightened Aust man in the street gave up hope of treaty he wld feel strong pull toward Ger or Sov Union.
Gruber said that he did not believe he wld have to make any immediate public comment but wld be grateful for any guidance we could give him as soon as possible.