No. 77
Editorial Note
On March 21 Ambassador Dunn, Foreign Secretary Eden, and Foreign Minister Schuman considered further the draft reply and agreed on still another draft. This draft was the same in substance as that transmitted in telegram 5749 (see footnote 3, supra) with the exception of the final paragraph which is indicated in footnote 4, infra. This text was transmitted to Washington in a telecon during the morning of March 21, and relayed to President Truman the same day with suggested revisions especially in the final paragraph. No copy of the transcript of the telecon has been found in Department of State files; however a message from Secretary Acheson to President Truman, dated March 21, contains the draft text and the suggested revisions. (662.001/3–2152) On March 22 President Truman, who was in Key West, Florida, approved the text of the draft reply subject to the revisions proposed by the Department [Page 189] of State. A telegram containing his approval is attached to the message from Secretary Acheson referred to above.
For text of the reply as approved by the President, with the two different versions of the final paragraph, see telegram 2209, infra.