CFM files, lot M 88, box 166, “Tomacs and Mactos”: Telegram

No. 317
The United States Delegation at the Tripartite Working Group to the Department of State1
confidential priority

Macto 8. 1. First plenary session of tripartite WG re Berlin conference held this afternoon, Seydoux presiding. Agreed most expeditious way of handling work was to assign each delegation preparation of paper to be used as basis tripartite discussion of various subjects in plenaries. Thus US will do paper on elections and status of German Government after German views obtained. French will prepare overall security paper and British tactics paper which will cover additional points including organization Berlin conference and handling Soviet demands for five-power conference. French will also prepare brief paper on contact with Adenauer during Berlin conference. In order that other delegations might have benefit of US views in preparation of papers, MacArthur tabled US WG suggestion re (1) position to be taken on five-power conference; (2) organization of conference; (3) broadening Allied position on European security question to include initiative re Soviet power structure in EE; (4) revision old tripartite tactics paper. (These four papers based on Department papers and discussion here with Secretary.)2

2. Re Austria, special WG designated (Yost US representative) and held first meeting this afternoon in hopes completing work in next couple days.3

3. Heads of Delegations accompanied by one or two advisers each, will meet with Grewe tomorrow morning (French have now yielded to British–US request have him here for consultation).

4. Plenary tomorrow afternoon will consider tactics paper to be prepared by British and have preliminary discussion on security question in light British redraft of security declaration (see separate telegram4).

5. It was agreed that if time permits, WG will take another look at: (1) UK papers on draft heads of German peace treaty and procedure [Page 729] for negotiating treaty; and (2) declaration of intent. In so agreeing, MacArthur pointed out US doubts present inter-allied difference could be reconciled by Paris group. French suggested advisability of reviewing economic papers to see if any changes or additions needed. MacArthur said US had no economic expert present but that if French or British wished raise any particular points he would cable them to Department. (British have not thus far pushed proposal to discuss German assets as side issue).

  1. Repeated to Berlin, Bonn, Vienna, Moscow, and London.
  2. Copies of the papers under reference have not been found in Department of State files.
  3. The U.S. Delegation reported the discussion of the Austrian working party in Macto 7, Dec. 17, indicating that general agreement had been reached on several questions with respect to Austria. (CFM files, lot M 88, box 166, “Tomacs and Mactos”)
  4. Macto 16, infra.