
No. 984
The Chairman of the Joint Congressional Committee on Atomic Energy (Cole) to the Secretary of State

Dear Mr. Secretary: As Chairman of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, I would appreciate a report on the status of our negotiations with Canada concerning the establishment of an early warning line for continental defense.

My inquiries into the problem of continental defense have convinced me of the critical importance of advance notice of hostile attack. In fact, I believe that the success of all our other continental defense preparations, and the success of our civil defense program as well, will hinge upon our ability to detect an enemy striking force before it reaches our borders.

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I therefore deem it of the highest importance that we quickly come to an agreement with the Canadian Government on an early warning line, and then take all steps necessary to make this line operational as soon as possible.

It is my understanding that we have so far failed to reach agreement with Canada on how the responsibilities for manning and equipping such a line would be divided between the two nations.

While I have no doubt that many difficult problems are involved in these negotiations, I am frankly not now satisfied in my own mind that we are attacking them with the full sense of urgency they merit. I would accordingly be grateful to receive your assurances that we are now assigning these negotiations all possible priority, and that we are doing everything in our power to bring them to a speedy and satisfactory close.

Sincerely yours,

Sterling Cole