Eisenhower Library, Eisenhower papers, Whitman file
No. 930
President Eisenhower to
Pope Pius
Your Holiness: I am taking advantage of the visit of Mr. Myron Taylor to convey to you my profound best wishes. It is also my [Page 2013] great pleasure to congratulate you on the fifteenth anniversary of your ascendancy to the Papal Office. Your accomplishments as a great leader of the world’s moral forces constitute a vital contribution toward our common goals of peace and the survival of those moral values which we both cherish.
It was with great pleasure that I learned of your recovery from your recent illness. It is my hope that you will be able to continue your contribution toward world peace for many years to come.
- A handwritten notation in the margin of the source text reads, “Original sent to Taylor c/o Claridge Hotel London. Copy to his office at 71 Broadway N.Y.” The source text is identical to a draft of May 17 prepared in Department of State and transmitted to the White House as an attachment to a memorandum of May 17 from Murphy to Shanley. (765A.00/5–1754) There is no indication on the source text or in Department of State files as to when Taylor delivered the letter.↩