No. 884
Memorandum of Conversation, by William B. Dunham of the
Office of Western European Affairs
- Subject: U.S.–Spanish Negotiations
- Ambassador Lequerica, Spanish Embassy
- Ambassador Dunn, U.S. Ambassador to Spain
During Ambassador Dunn’s call on Ambassador Lequerica this afternoon the Spanish Ambassador referred to his recent trip to Spain. He said that he had reported to Franco about the change of administration in the US and, in response to his inquiries, had stated the belief that the new administration would reflect even more good will toward Spain. The Spanish Ambassador said he had also discussed the negotiations with Franco and, in reply to Ambassador Dunn’s questions said he did not know how Franco regarded the present status or prospects of the negotiations; that Franco had maintained a complete poker face. Ambassador Lequerica expressed his feeling that what is needed now in the negotiations is to get rid of such harsh words as priority and to replace them with some nice fancy words.
Ambassador Lequerica also emphasized his belief that the negotiations must be completed at the earliest possible date. He said he fully realizes the problems involved in providing additional funds for Spain in the new foreign aid budget which he understands will probably go before the Congress about the first of May. Consequently he feels that the negotiations should be completed by that time in order to justify new funds for aid to Spain next year.