740.5/9–2254: Telegram

The United States Permanent Representative on the North Atlantic Council (Hughes) to the Department of State 1


Polto 475. 1. At NAC restricted meeting today Ismay said some delegations had raised question as to whether there should be NATO observer at London conference. He remarked that his position at Bermuda2 was difficult one and often he felt that he was really not wanted. Aside from opportunity confer with President Eisenhower and public relations value having NATO observer, he felt his presence there not fruitful.

UK rep said large number of technical questions must be considered at conference, such as return of German sovereignty and status of Allied forces stationed Germany, especially financial issues relating thereto which are of primary interest occupying powers and nations having forces there. These matters will require considerable study in Bonn. He said there is also series of questions re safeguards which will have considerable impact on NATO. In his opinion will be difficult prepare text on these issues by Oct 15 and for that reason NAC ministerial meeting may not be held until end of October. On question having NATO observer he said if NAC so desires he will ask his Govt as host nation whether 8 NATO members and FedRep would agree have observer. He said he did not favor idea NATO having observer and suggested as alternative that conference be requested designate one of members to give oral briefing end each day to Ambassadors or other reps 6 NATO govts not attending conference. Expressing his personal view re length of conference he opined it would probably last not more than 4 days.

2. Canadian rep speaking off record said was not quite correct use analogy of Bermuda meeting which after all was primarily meeting of 3-powers to discuss forthcoming 4-power meeting. It was of interest to NATO but not directly related to NATO or under NATO auspices. However, issues for consideration London conference so closely related to NATO his Govt had hoped conference would be under NATO auspices. He felt very strongly that NATO should send observer since conference may vitally affect future of organization. Portuguese rep said his Govt entirely shares views expressed by Canadian rep. He added question admitting FedRep to NAC is vital issue but matter regarding occupation forces is not by any means main issue as suggested by UK rep. Greek, Danish and Norwegian reps also supported Canadian view.

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3. US rep said it had always been his understanding that London conference would undertake only preparatory work for later consideration at NAC ministerial meeting. He envisaged that immediately after conference permanent reps would meet here for full discussion and exchange of views. He said he was not opposed to information being made available to NATO govts not attending conference and on contrary thought they should be fully informed on conference developments. However he thought most fruitful exchange of views could take place after conference. (Portuguese rep had earlier suggested might be useful NAC perm reps meet here simultaneously to discuss conference developments.)

4. Dutch rep referring to daily briefing suggested by UK said these would be flat and with little value. He felt most desirable method for govts not attending conference to obtain information would be through close contact between their Embassies and conference delegations. This way they would be posted on conference developments and also obtain good cross section of opinions and views. Belgian rep also favored this procedure pointing out that it was most successful at Brussels conference.

5. After lengthy debate during which Canadian, Norwegian and Portuguese reps, especially latter, gave considerable vent to their feeling over restrictive 9-power conference, it was agreed UK rep would recommend his Govt request conference arrange daily briefing session for reps 6-NATO powers not attending meeting. Method suggested by Dutch rep will also be used.

6. Today’s meeting gave further evidence of real concern on part those perm reps whose govts not invited London that they would not be kept fully informed developments conference. Recommend Dept support any UK initiative to ameliorate this situation.

  1. Repeated to all NATO capitals and Bonn.
  2. For documentation concerning the Bermuda Conference, Dec. 4–8, 1953, see pp. 1710 ff.