The information set forth above is derived from the despatch, infra, and from the following excerpt from a letter of February 22, 1952, from Dorsz to William Rountree:
“The same afternoon [February 20], Ed Martin asked me to seek Greek and Turkish clearance on a draft paragraph to be added at the [Page 117] end of the TCC resolution. The text of this is being forwarded today by telegram. I got to the Greek and Turkish Delegations just in time before the first NAC meeting and handed a copy of the draft to Foreign Minister Koprulu and Mr. Pipinelis. I asked both of them to look it over and suggested that they might want me to drop around the following morning to discuss the matter. That night I was asked to see Mr. Koprulu early yesterday morning. The whole Turkish Delegation was there at the time and I was asked to clarify many of the points which were troubling them. An airgram which is shortly going out gives the highlights of this meeting and will become available to the Department and to our Embassies in Greece and Turkey.” (740.5/2–2252)
The airgram referred to by Dorsz is presumably the despatch printed infra. Regarding the other documents cited by Dorsz, see footnotes 1 and 2, infra.