
Prime Minister Churchill to the Secretary of State 1


[My Dear Foster:]

I have strongly supported your line in my messages to Mendes-France. I have indeed for a very long time, as you know, been wearied with this deeply injurious French procedure of delay. I hope however you will not fail to grip the NATO solution which I am sure can be arranged.
I am telegraphing to you because in Anthony’s absence on holiday I have been promoted to the Foreign Office. I hope therefore you will treat me as kindly as you did when we talked about my Boston speech. I suppose you are watching the Attlee and Bevan excursion. How lucky you are in Washington never to have to worry about party politics.

Kindest regards,

Winston Churchill
  1. Source text was transmitted to the Embassy in the United Kingdom in telegram 1030 to London, Aug. 20, together with the texts of a similar message dated Aug. 19 (p. 1050) and a message from Dulles to Churchill dated Aug. 20 (p. 1051).