740.5/2–1253: Telegram

The Ambassador in France ( Dunn ) to the Department of State


4505. Limit distribution. Reference: Embtel 4503 February 12.1 Subject is European Defense Community.

This is third of series of four cables. Following are the two parts of French proposal on interchangeability of French forces:

Begin Text. 1. Draft convention on interchangeability of French military personnel of land and air forces.

Article 1.

Articles 2 through 4 of the present convention apply to military personnel of land and air forces of French origin placed at the disposal of the EDC or forming part of the national forces referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 10 of the treaty.

The personnel referred to above are called upon to serve indifferently (indifferemment) in the European defense forces or in the national forces.

Article 2.

The French Government shall decide initial assignment of military personnel either to the French contingent of the European defense forces or to national forces.

It shall also decide, under the conditions set forth in paragraph 5 of Article 10 of the treaty, the exchanges between personnel serving the French contingent of the European defense forces and those who serve in the national forces.

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Article 3.

Without prejudice to the provisions of the treaty pertaining to ranks above that of commander of a basic unit of homogeneous nationality, the French Government shall promulgate (pronounce) the promotions and in general the decisions directly affecting the career of French military personnel, either upon proposal of the commissariat or upon proposal of the competent official echelon of the national forces.

For this purpose, a table of advancement (or an aptitude list) shall be established for each rank on which will figure both the personnel proposed by the commissariat as well as those proposed by the competent official echelon of the national forces.

Article 4.

Until such time as the statute for personnel of the European defense forces enters into effect, the status of the French military personnel serving in the European defense forces or in the national French forces shall, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 11 of the military protocol, be governed by French legislation or regulations.

When the statute provided for in Article 11 of the military protocol has been approved, under the conditions set forth in Article 44 of the treaty, it shall be incumbent upon the French Government to adapt the statutes of the national forces to that statute.

Article 5.

The provisions above may be applied to any state adhering to the European Defense Community which assumes responsibilities for the defense of non-European territories.

2. Agreement for the application of Articles 10 and 31 of the treaty and of the convention on interchangeability of French military personnel.

The Commissariat of the EDC and the French Government agree as follows:

Article 1.

The personnel, who are the subject of the present convention, are divided according to their specialization into groups, each having a special statute. Following the entry into force of the statute provided for in Article 11 of the military protocol, the commissariat and the French Government shall act in concert to harmonize the regulations and the instructions in implementation thereof.

Article 2.

Decisions not directly affecting career, such as assignments or internal transfers, shall be taken independently by the commissariat or the national authority, each acting for the personnel over which it has jurisdiction at that time.

Article 3.

For the administration of certain categories of non-officer personnel to be defined by the common agreement, the French Government may grant temporary delegations of its powers to the commissariat.

With respect to these same personnel, the commissariat may, with the agreement of the French Government, delegate to its subordinate [Page 724] authorities certain of its powers of decision, particularly as concerns advancement. End Text.

  1. Ante, p. 719.