740.5/5–1952: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Dunn) to the Department of State 1


7162. In giving us French concurrence regarding tripartite declaration (Embtel 7148,2 repeated Bonn 865, London 2009) Foreign Office official stated that while text had been approved by Schuman, declaration as well as all EDC texts would come up for Cabinet approval in about two days and official French concurrence would technically only be obtained at that meeting; although he had no reason to believe that “final” concurrence would not be forthcoming in due course.

Foreign Office is somewhat disturbed by story in today’s France-Soir, datelined London, to the effect that “US–UK guarantee envisages only ‘consultation’ in event EDC Treaty is broken”. Article says “text will be disappointment for those who hoped to obtain solid US–UK guarantee against attempt by Germany to recreate an independent army” and attributed absence of such “solid” guarantee to impossibility of obtaining US Congressional approval.

Obviously, only that part of declaration has leaked to press which [Page 663] is susceptible of such unfavorable interpretation. Foreign Office intends to furnish brief explanatory comment to selected journalists, pointing out that declaration will also express determination of US and UK to maintain troops on Continent, which is the point on which National Assembly had laid stress and which, in fact, it had defined as the essence of desired “guarantee”.

  1. Repeated to Bonn and London.
  2. Summarized in footnote 3, supra.