Editorial Note
On October 22, a North Atlantic Council Ministerial meeting was held in the Palais de Chaillot in Paris to receive a report concerning the results of the Four-Power and Nine-Power Conferences. The representatives of the NATO countries, with Konrad Adenauer in attendance as an observer, adopted a resolution approving the arrangements worked out by the Four-Power and Nine-Power Conferences to terminate the occupation regime in the Federal Republic of Germany and to invite Italy and the Federal Republic of Germany to become members of the Brussels Treaty Organization. The representatives also approved the text of the Protocol to the North Atlantic Treaty on the Accession of the Federal Republic of Germany, adopted a resolution strengthening the powers of the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, associated themselves with the Tripartite Declaration of October 3 issued in London, and received for information a report on the settlement of the Trieste issue. In the course of the meeting, the Chairman of the Council noted that the Annual Review Report [Page 525] and the Capabilities Study (subsequently circulated as MC 48 Final, “The Most Effective Pattern of NATO Military Strength for the Next Few Years,” not printed) would be ready for consideration by mid-December 1954 and proposed that the Council agree in principle to meet at that time, with the exact date to be recommended subsequently by the Permanent Representatives. This was agreed to. For a report of the North Atlantic Council Ministerial meeting, see Secto 21, page 557. MC 48 was not declassified by NATO military authorities at the time this volume was ready for publication.