762A.022/2–352: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Office of the United States High Commissioner for Germany, at Bonn 1


1538. 1. We have waited see Schuman’s reaction Adenauer’s proposal before replying urtel 1405 Feb 3 rptd info London 374 Paris 439.2 While interchange indicates area of Fr and Ger agreement exists in connection with idea of “Europeanization” of Saar, that area is so small it wld probably be best not to go further into substance of question present time. To do so wld risk freezing Fr position re continuance of monetary and customs union and stimulating further Ger demands re “democratic freedoms” in Saar. Regret Adenauer had to face Bundestag debates with only Fr reply but hope he will not feel forced make any further statements re substance of settlement. We likewise hope Schuman in Fr debates will say nothing re substance of settlement which will place conditions on future discussions with Gers.

2. We believe next step in solution problem shld be taken at London. We prepared suggest there fol procedure for settlement on Saar:

As a first step in settlement Saar problem, three powers shld offer to begin negots with Federal Republic in London or Strasbourg soon as EDC Treaty and Contractual arrangements come into effect.
Resulting agreement shld be submitted Saar for approval.
Fr, UK and US shld begin discussions at early date on substance of settlement.
If this procedure can be agreed upon among US, UK, and Fr and subsequently Ger it may be possible separate Saar question from EDF and contractual negots and at same time open way to eventual settlement on Saar.

3. In view above and Eden’s reaction (London’s 3393 Feb 5 rptd info Paris 1658 Bonn 2723) believe it best that US and UK not attempt [Page 32] at this time make any substantive proposal to Fr and Gers, such as Adenauer has suggested.

  1. This telegram was repeated for information to Paris (4737), London (3825), and Strasbourg; it was drafted by John C Ausland (GER/GPA) and approved for transmission by Perry Laukhuff.
  2. Not printed; it suggested that the United States and the United Kingdom propose an immediate exchange of views on the Saar between France and the Federal Republic with the aim of bringing about a definitive settlement of the question. (762A.022/2–352)
  3. Not printed; it reported that Eden had rejected Bonn’s proposal as being precipitous. (762.022/2–552)