Editorial Note

The question of the accession of Greece and Turkey to the North Atlantic Alliance was first considered by the North Atlantic Council in 1950 and was further discussed in detail among the member governments during 1951. The Greek and Turkish Governments formally renewed their request for membership in May 1951. Following prolonged study of the Greek-Turkish accession issue by the NATO governments, the North Atlantic Council Deputies adopted on [Page 269] October 17, 1951 a protocol inviting Greece and Turkey to join the North Atlantic Treaty. The draft protocol modified the definition of the territories and forces contained in Article 6 of the original North Atlantic Treaty of April 4, 1949. The formal accession of Greece and Turkey took effect on February 15, 1952. For the text of the Protocol of October 15, 1951, see 3 UST 43; TIAS No. 2390; 126 UNTS 350. For documentation on the negotiation of the protocol, see Foreign Relations, 1951, volume III, Part 1, pages 460 ff.