ODA files, lot 62 D 228, “Attitude of U.S. on Colonial Question”

Memorandum by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for United Nations Affairs (Sandifer) to the Assistant Secretary of State for United Nations Affairs (Hickerson)


Four papers1 are attached on the subject of United States policy towards colonial areas and colonial powers:

Memorandum by Mr. Knight (EUR) with the title “Preliminary Thoughts on the Subject of a U.S. Policy towards Colonial Areas and Colonial Powers”, sent under date of April 28 by Mr. Perkins to Messrs. Matthews, Bohlen, Jessup, Hickerson, Byroade, and Nitze.
Preliminary comment by Mr. Gerig, dated April 30.
Memorandum of comment, dated April 30, by Mr. Jessup.
Draft memorandum prepared by UND and UNP, dated May 8, commenting on Mr. Knight’s memorandum.

Mr. DePalma tells me that Mr. Watts, Executive Director of the Policy Planning Staff, said at a staff meeting on April 30 that the Policy Planning Staff was thinking of undertaking a study of this subject, using Mr. Knight’s memorandum as a springboard.

I recommend that we have a meeting urgently of the interested people in UNA as soon as you have had a chance to look at these memoranda. You have already read Mr. Jessup’s memorandum.

What we need to consider urgently is the approach that we take on the procedure to be followed in developing this subject in the Department. Should we undertake to promote the establishment of the working group on the general subject of colonial policy with focus [Page 1116] on United Nations problems? Or should we encourage (perhaps it is already under way without encouragement) an over-all study by the Planning Staff? If the latter is done, what focus should be encouraged for the study:

A statement of general guiding principles for colonial policy;
A statement of principles applicable in particular to organizations in areas—the United Nations, NATO, and the various geographic areas; or
Possibly a combination of these two.

  1. See pp. 1102, 1108, 1110, and supra.