Memorandum by William B. Sale of the Bureau of European Affairs
[Washington, July 9, 1952.]
Admission of New Members to the United Nations
During the EUR Directors’ meeting of July 7 it was agreed that Mr. Hickerson’s memorandum of July 1 [2] to Mr. Matthews provided a satisfactory basis for consultation on this problem with the UK, France and Canada, and, in the light of the results of such initial consultation, with other friendly members of the Security Council. It was agreed that EUR’s concurrence should be subject to the following conditions and clarifications:
- (1)
- Such consultation should not prejudice our freedom of action in determining our final position with respect to the general problem of admission of new members, nor with respect to tactics to be employed in presentation of the proposal in the United Nations. Specifically, it should be made clear that EUR favors a preliminary effort to obtain an amendment to the Charter to remove certain qualification requirements for membership. We consider that procedure toward such amendment should be initiated before the admission of new members whom we consider to be unqualified under present Charter requirements; we consider that such action is essential to provide moral justification of our support of, or acquiescence in, the blanket admission of the proposed new members.
- (2)
- EUR considers that our position should provide for strong support for inclusion of Spain in any en bloc admission and we would not agree to the acceptance of any “package” without Spain, at least until every effort has been made to obtain Spain’s inclusion.
- (3)
- It should be made clear that the approval of a final US position on this problem must be subject to bi-partisan Congressional and “executive” agreement.
- (4)
- The procedure for implementation of the proposed position should provide for ascertaining the views of the Soviets regarding an acceptable package prior to any US public announcement of our final position.