310.2/6–1253: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Mission at the united Nations1


488. Re Chinese representation.

USSR or other del will undoubtedly propose in post-armistice SC and GA meetings that representatives Govt Republic of China be unseated and Chinese Commies seated. Our objective should be to dispose of issue in both bodies in routine fashion and with minimum debate.
In SC, following procedure would accord with past practice and with existing “moratorium arrangement” with UK.
If USSR, on point of order, moves that Council unseat representatives Govt Republic of China and seat Chinese Commies, President can state that while Soviet representative can, of course, request that Chinese representation issue be listed in provisional agenda of subsequent meeting, this question is not on agenda present meeting and Soviet motion is therefore not in order. If Soviet representative insists on immediate consideration his proposal, President should formally rule it out of order. If challenged, such ruling would undoubtedly be sustained.
If Soviet representative should request SC meeting to consider Chinese representation issue, matter can probably be most easily disposed of at that meeting by adoption of motion postpone sine die consideration question of inclusion item in agenda. Such motion should preferably be made by another Council Member. Greece or Colombia would be appropriate sponsor and would probably be willing do this.
In GA question should be handled on basis that any proposal unseat representatives Chinese National Govt and seat Commies is out of order or constitutes, in effect, motion reconsider decision already taken by this session GA (Rule 82). This should be done preferably on ruling by President. If Pearson does not agree make such ruling, US or [Page 672] another Delegation would submit formal motion in above sense in form designed secure maximum support. Action would be based on fact that GA, in resolution 609 (VII), approved credentials representatives Govt Republic of China and decided “to postpone for duration of its seventh session consideration all proposals exclude representatives of Govt of Republic of China and to seat representatives of CPG of the PRC”.
Procedural questions re problem of possible attempts hear Chinese Commies or North Koreans, as well as any additional procedural points raised in urtels 781, 782 and 786 will be subject separate telegram.
In seeking support other delegations SC and GA for procedure outlined paragraphs 2 and 3, it will probably be desirable for you, in your discretion, restate major considerations which lead this Govt believe it imperative Chinese Commies should not be seated in any UN body and that representatives Government Republic of China continue be seated. In this connection you may wish make use of material in Department’s circular telegram on Chinese representation, 1195, June 12.
  1. drafted by Taylor and Gough with concurrence of Wainhouse; cleared by the geographic bureaus, L/UNA and the Executive Secretariat; approved for transmission and signed by Hickerson.