315.2/10–3052: Circular telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Missions in the Other American Republics and in the Near East and Africa1


500. Re: A–543 to Rio

Depciragam CON 2133 Apr 18 to Habana
Mexico City
San José
Ciudad Trujillo
Depciragam CON 2122 Apr 18 to Athens
Damascus (AmLeg)

Your reply RefAgams indicated country to which you accredited favorable US budgetary position hold WHO and UNESCO budgets for 1953 to 1952 level. At WHO Conference rep of country to which you accredited did not vote to keep WHO budget to 1952 level. US position was defeated. Decision on UNESCO budget to be made at Gen Conference in Nov. US position will be to hold assessments on govts to 1952 level, i.e., $8,718,000. In view WHO record, Dept requests you approach appropriate FonOff officials in your discretion along lines Ref Agams to ascertain specific position govt to which you accredited on UNESCO budget and what instrs their Dels will receive this issue.

  1. Drafted by Carol C. Laise of the Division of International Administration, cleared with the Director of the Office of International Administration and Conferences (Ingram) and the geographic bureaus, and signed by the Acting Assistant Chief of the Division of International Administration (Anderson). Sent to 12 posts.