320/8–653: Telegram

The Deputy United States Representative at the United Nations (Wadsworth) to the Department of State


67. Re Presidency Eighth GA and SC Slate.

Crosthwaite (UK) informed us today he was surprised this morning at receipt of information from London by UK HICOM Delhi that we would support Madame Pandit for presidency Eighth GA. He said information accompanied by “fairly pained comment” from London.

On basis our action, India has asked UK support. Crosthwaite went on to say this created “awkward” situation for them. They were not as yet committed to any candidate. They had been leaning in direction Prince Wan who stepped down in favor Pearson last year and who they had been thinking would make better president than Pandit.

On basis telecon with Sandifer we have informed Crosthwaite that decision was made over weekend, that we had inquired if Madame Pandit were coming to Assembly and would be candidate and had indicated we would support in this case. Necessity informing Thailand Government complicated by lack of definite information her candidacy. [Page 488] Crosthwaite was also informed we had told Indians we were supporting New Zealand and not India for SC. Crosthwaite said Lloyd “hedged like mad” in talking with Indians in London, indicating they would be “extremely reluctant” to vote against a Commonwealth candidate.

Crosthwaite added some of Commonwealth countries (he mentioned Canada in particular) thought there should be some tie-in between Korean political conference and Eighth GA, e.g., some procedure analogous to that provided in last spring’s session of GA. Crosthwaite observed this might be awkward for us if Pandit were in Chair.
