320/7–2253: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Thailand1
257. Re Eighth GA Presidency (urtel 185):2
Indian Embassy recently informed Department GOI was considering offering Madam Pandit as candidate for GA Presidency and asked [Page 487] our reaction. While realizing Wan’s deep interest in post and having highest regard his abilities Department has decided for overriding political reasons support Madam Pandit if she becomes candidate. However we will not campaign on her behalf or against Wan. Amembassy New Delhi has informed Madam Pandit in strict confidence we will support her if she runs for office. We expect she will become candidate.
Inform Wan soonest we have decided support Madam Pandit if she becomes candidate but of course will not campaign against Wan, stressing decision dictated by overall political considerations and is in no way reflection on ability of Wan for whom we have greatest respect. Also assure him that under circumstances we wish do what we can for Thailand as regards some other UN election and therefore would be glad support its election to succeed Philippines on ECOSOC if it is still interested. Last fall Thai delegation to GA informed us Thailand interested in ECOSOC but we have heard nothing recently. Alternatively we would support Thailand’s reelection to Trusteeship Council.3
- Drafted by Jones, cleared with the Bureau of Far Eastern Affairs and the Bureau of Near Eastern, South Asian and African Affairs, and signed by Assistant Secretary Murphy.↩
- Not printed.↩
In telegram 279, Aug. 7, 7:44 p.m., to Bangkok, the Department cabled on a priority basis:
“Report soonest action taken pursuant Deptel 257. Important Wan be informed by us of our position before hearing from other sources. India has already informed UK and further leaks expected.” (320/8–753)