330.13/4–1254: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Lodge) to the Department of State


611. Re Disarmament. Introduction in the Disarmament Commission by India of Nehru’s parliamentary statement makes it essential that we take an immediate position on the question of moratorium of all future tests of nuclear weapons. Unquestionably we would reap great political benefits if we could announce our willingness to forego further tests of nuclear weapons, provided the USSR agrees to the same thing. Would it be possible, without losing any of the political benefits, to limit the moratorium on the tests to nuclear weapons of megaton magnitude on the ground that only in connection with tests of this magnitude do we have “built-in” safeguards through our ability to detect explosions? While I am, of course, not in a position to judge whether such a moratorium would be consistent with US security interests, I have been told that a proposal of this kind would have certain strategic benefits for US and deficits for the Soviet Union.

We urgently request a US position on this matter as soon as possible.
