[Page 1902] [Page 1903]- Acheson, Dean G., 68n, 118, 138n, 164n, 197, 238n, 851n, 883n, 885n, 947n, 964n, 1021n
- Armaments regulation policy:
- Armed forces limitations, 859–863, 904, 941, 943, 954n, 957–958, 982–984
- Development of, 894–895
- Disclosure and verification, 900, 918, 926, 928, 932, 945
- Executive Committee on Regulation of Armaments, 876
- French proposals, 979–980
- Panel of Consultants on Disarmament, 896–898, 901–902, 995, 1008, 1056
- U.S.-Soviet negotiations, 854–855
- Atomic energy policy:
- Approved policies, 1046
- Atomic weapons, responsibility for, 863n, 964, 969n, 970, 972, 981, 984, 1010
- Atomic weapons production, 933–934
- Combined Development Agency, 891
- Fissionable materials, 852, 886, 888–890, 893, 1026, 1029–1032
- Hydrogen bomb production, 878, 1017–1018
- Hydrogen bomb testing, 958, 989n, 991–992, 1032, 1034, 1036, 1050–1051, 1053–1055
- Sharing of information with Allies, 846, 988n
- Atomic weapons, possible use of, 202
- Continental defense program, 125
- Economic and military assistance programs, 126, 127n, 184, 209–222
- Foreign information program, 1616–1620, 1625–1627, 1641, 1652–1654
- General war, 197n
- Indigenous forces, development of, 134, 136–137
- International Information Agency, 289, 1628–1629
- National security policy, 88, 278, 289
- Trade policy, 119–120, 122–125
- Armaments regulation policy:
- Achilles, Theodore C., 1133–1134, 1291
- Acts of Congress:
- Atomic Energy Act of 1946, 274, 847n, 965, 972, 1116, 1125–1126, 1129–1133, 1245–1246, 1264–1265, 1269–1274, 1277–1279, 1281, 1284, 1361, 1456, 1471, 1492–1493
- Atomic Energy Act of 1954, 1477n, 1507–1508, 1524
- Defense Production Act of 1950, 33–34, 36, 46
- Espionage Act, 1264–1265
- Internal Security Act, 1264–1265, 1281
- McMahon Act, 1302, 1437
- Mutual Security Act of 1951, 174, 1603
- National Security Act of 1947, 179, 246, 1724
- Omnibus Immigration Act of 1952, 180
- Supplemental Appropriation Act of 1953, 989
- United States Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948, 1591, 1601, 1632, 1646, 1648–1650, 1693, 1715
- Universal Military Training and Service Act, 607
- Ad Hoc Committee on Armaments and American Policy. See under Armaments regulation policy.
- Adenauer, Konrad, 459, 533, 557
- Administrative transition, 181, 186
- Advisory Commission on Educational Exchange, U.S., 1693
- Advisory Commission on Information, U.S., 1693, 1852
- Afghanistan, 391
- Africa, 131–132, 192–193, 426–427, 561, 795–796, 1780, 1785–1786, 1820–1821
- Agriculture, U.S. Department of, 1407, 1450
- Air Force, U.S. Department of the, 3, 9–10, 22, 24–26, 31–33, 167–168, 260, 310, 627
- Albania, 439, 1727
- Alberto, Adm. Alvaro, 1143
- Aldrich, Winthrop W., 1379, 1431–1432
- Alexander, Archibald S., 880–881
- Allen, Leo E., 829
- Allen, Ray, 869–871, 925
- Allen, Ward P., 897
- Allison, John M., 17n
- Alphand, Hervé, 1234
- Alsop, Joseph and Stewart, 122, 635
- Aluminum, 158
- American Civil Liberties Union, 1640
- American Committee for Liberation for Bolshevism, Inc., 1829, 1884, 1899
- American Institute of Architects, 1450
- The American Legion Magazine, 1690
- American Republics. See Latin America.
- Amory, Robert, Jr., 324, 327, 1230, 1482n, 1539, 1540
- Anderson, Dillon, 268–269, 273, 280
- Anderson, John, 1252
- Anderson, Orville C., 1616n
- Anderson, Robert B., 238n 672n, 680, 1437–1438, 1448
- Arab States, 267, 751
- Arends, Leslie C., 827
- Argentina, 195, 562, 1143
- Armaments regulation policy (see also
Atomic energy policy; Atoms for
Peace proposal; and
Armaments regulation
United Nations):
- Ad Hoc Committee on Armaments and American Policy, 323, 1114, 1134–1137, 1150–1160, 1240, 1257n, 1259–1285
- Allied cooperation, importance of, 1081–1083, 1115–1116, 1156–1157
- Armed forces limitations, 859–863, 903–906, 909–913, 915–917, 920–921, 938–939, 941–945, 954–955, 957–958, 982–984, 1091–1092, 1103–1108
- Arms race, 1063–1069
- Atomic stocks, reductions in, 1089, 1118–1120
- Atomic weapons. See under Atomic energy policy and under National security policy.
- Bacteriological weapons, 994, 1094
- British atomic weapons ban proposal, 1393–1397, 1421–1423
- Continental defense, role of, 1083–1085, 1116, 1137, 1172
- Conventional weapons, 1090, 1118–1120, 1585–1587
- Development of, 497, 584–585, 670, 687–688, 717–718, 775, 894–910, 916–926, 1061–1062, 1088–1091
- Disarmament (see also Panel of Consultants on Disarmament below):
- Disclosure and verification, 872–875, 877–878, 883–885, 900, 905–908, 914–915, 917–918, 923–924, 926–932, 945–946, 1046–1048, 1089–1090, 1092–1093, 1530–1531
- Executive Committee on Regulation of Armaments, 876–877, 910n, 912–913, 932, 954, 1160–1169
- Great Powers conference, possible, 1207–1208
- Hydrogen bomb. See under Atomic energy policy.
- Interagency Working Group on Preparations for the Disarmament Commission, 902, 910n
- Interdepartmental review of, 1211–1212, 1378, 1383–1384, 1386, 1537–1540, 1563–1566, 1580–1589
- International regulation, 1073–1076, 1200–1201
- Panel of Consultants on Disarmament (see also Ad Hoc Committee on Armaments and American Policy above), 232–233, 319, 896–910, 915–926, 988, 992–1010, 1013–1016, 1056–1091, 1096, 1107, 1110–1121
- Political considerations, 918–924
- Public information policy (Project Candor), 1077–1081, 1110–1115, 1136–1137, 1151–1155, 1157–1160, 1170–1174, 1184–1185, 1223–1227, 1240–1243, 1250
- Savings used for world aid (“The Chance for Peace” speech), 1144–1145, 1176, 1193, 1198–1199, 1204–1206
- Soviet atomic weapons ban proposal, 861–862, 1238, 1304–1305, 1310–1312, 1316–1318, 1358–1360, 1367–1368, 1387–1392, 1413–1416, 1421–1423, 1473–1477, 1525–1526, 1534–1537, 1568
- U.S.-Soviet negotiations, 854–855, 1013–1014, 1040, 1048, 1086–1087, 1117–1118
- Armed Forces Network, 1845
- Armstrong, W. Park, Jr., 562n, 646–647, 1336n
- Army, U.S. Department of the, 3, 22–23, 25, 235, 259–260, 310, 821
- Arneson, R. Gordon, 58, 234n, 607n, 846–848, 882, 890, 894, 964–968, 969n, 981, 989–991, 993, 1017–1025, 1026n, 1029–1037, 1049, 1055, 1056n, 1125–1126, 1134, 1157, 1179, 1215, 1247–1248, 1251–1256, 1265, 1298–1300, 1305n, 1322n, 1333, 1334n, 1336n, 1349n, 1352n, 1355–1356, 1367, 1370–1372, 1540, 1758n, 1760n
- Arnold, Henry F., 1713n
- Arnot, Charles P., 1658n
- Atomic Energy Commission, U.S.:
- Advisory duties, 1177–1179
- Armaments regulation, 872–875, 1378, 1384, 1386, 1566, 1580, 1583–1584
- Atomic weapons:
- Expansion program, 1112
- Fissionable materials:
- Funding for, 169, 274–276, 286, 538–540, 989
- Hydrogen bomb production, 879–881
- Hydrogen bomb testing, 991, 1016–1017, 1025, 1036–1037, 1054, 1420, 1428, 1450, 1464
- International Atomic Energy Agency proposal, 1298, 1357, 1372–1376, 1406–1407, 1560
- International control of atomic energy, 945–946
- Military Liaison Committee, 851
- Oppenheimer security clearance, 1472–1473
- Practical uses of atomic energy, 1121–1128, 1132–1133, 1137–1139
- Program cutbacks, 292, 294–295, 314–315
- Public information policy, 871–872
- Reactor construction and regulation, 1146–1149
- Reactors abroad, construction of, 1482n
- Sharing of information with Allies, 846–847, 849–850, 951–952, 985–986, 1263, 1269–1274, 1277–1278, 1281–1282, 1508–1511
- Atomic energy policy (see also
Atoms for Peace proposal; International Scientific Conference; Atomic
weapons, possible use of
National security policy):
- Aircraft propulsion program, 1146–1149
- Approved policies, 1046
- Atomic weapons (see also Weapons information under Sharing of information with Allies below):
- Combined Development Agency, 890–892, 1098, 1100–1101, 1141–1144, 1255, 1510
- Combined Development Trust, 1252
- Combined Policy Committee, 867, 885–894, 951, 1026–1032, 1252n, 1253, 1255, 1275, 1277, 1513
- Fissionable materials:
- Hydrogen bomb production, 878–883, 955–957, 963–964, 1017–1019, 1470–1471
- Hydrogen bomb testing, 991
- Ban on, 959–961, 992–993
- British position, 1036–1037, 1382–1383, 1418–1420, 1448, 1463
- Effects testing, 1449–1452
- Foreign protests, 1379–1380
- Moratorium on, 1383–1387, 1418–1420, 1425–1429, 1445–1472, 1478–1479, 1584–1585
- Notification of Allies, 1036–1037, 1424
- Postponement of, 989–1008, 1020–1021, 1032
- Publicity re, 1019–1020, 1049–1055, 1408–1409
- Results of, 881–883, 1025, 1042
- Soviet Union, considerations re, 1004, 1016, 1022–1025, 1034–1036
- International control of atomic energy, 926–932, 945–946, 1018–1019, 1021–1022, 1035–1036, 1182–1183
- Morality questions, 1153, 1160
- Nuclear fuel production, 1586, 1588
- Practical uses of atomic energy, 274–276, 855, 1112, 1121–1133, 1137–1139, 1180–1183
- Private industry involvement, 1124–1125, 1129–1132, 1147–1149, 1247–1248, 1296–1297, 1498
- Reactor construction and regulation, 1123–1125, 1131–1132, 1146–1149
- Reactors abroad, construction of, 1460–1461, 1481–1482, 1489–1492, 1496–1501, 1541–1542, 1550–1551
- Security concerns, 1108–1109
- Sharing of information with Allies:
- Australia, 1283–1285, 1289
- Bilateral agreements, 1570
- Canada, 848–851, 975, 1116, 1244–1246, 1252–1255, 1268, 1275–1277, 1279–1285, 1289, 1507–1511
- Categories of information, 1257–1262, 1264–1265
- Communication concerns, 1271–1272
- France, 1292
- Free World alliance, importance to, 1081–1083, 1220–1223
- Guidelines for, 867–868, 951–952, 1489–1499
- Intelligence information, 1284–1285, 1289
- Joint declassification program, 1280
- Legislation re, 966–968, 972, 985–986, 1183, 1245–1246, 1264–1266, 1268–1271, 1277–1279, 1360–1361, 1456–1457, 1471–1472, 1477, 1492–1493, 1505
- Medical research information, 1519–1520
- Memorandum of Intent of 1945, 1252–1255
- New Zealand, 1283–1285, 1289
- Objectives of, 1260–1261, 1264
- Raw materials data, 1279
- Restricted data, 1272–1274, 1360–1361
- Security concerns, 1262–1263, 1266–1269
- Training schools, 1498, 1519–1520, 1552
- United Kingdom, 846–848, 975–976, 988, 1116, 1245–1246, 1251–1255, 1267–1269, 1275–1277, 1279–1285, 1289, 1301–1302, 1355–1356, 1507–1511, 1542
- Weapons information, 1115–1116, 1156–1157, 1282–1284
- Soviet hydrogen bomb capabilities, 457, 479, 614, 628, 879–881, 998, 1185–1188, 1213–1214, 1219–1220, 1454–1455, 1458, 1464–1465
- U.S.-Soviet inspections of atomic facilities, 1530–1531
- Atomic weapons. See under Atomic energy policy and under National security policy.
- Atoms for Peace proposal:
- British position, 1286
- Conventional weapons, questions re, 1314–1316, 1321–1322
- Development of, 1213n, 1224–1235, 1309–1310, 1526–1527
- Foreign notification, 1289–1291, 1294–1295
- French position, 1291–1292
- Implementation of, 1293–1294, 1297–1300, 1376–1378, 1385, 1387, 1435–1436
- Indian position, 1291
- Information efforts re, 1758–1761, 1781, 1793–1794
- International Atomic Energy Agency proposal:
- Allied reaction to, 1503–1504
- British position, 1320–1321, 1341–1342, 1353–1355, 1361–1363, 1370–1371, 1458–1459, 1503, 1513, 1515–1517, 1528–1529
- Canadian position, 1344–1345, 1370–1371, 1412, 1503, 1513, 1515–1517, 1528–1529
- Contributions of fissionable materials, 1341–1342, 1485–1486, 1545–1548, 1553–1554, 1560, 1577–1578
- Country representation, 1361–1363, 1366–1367
- Formation, plans re, 1511–1517, 1519–1520, 1523–1524
- Future actions re, 1574–1576
- Indian position, 1554–1555, 1559–1560
- Legislation re, 1247–1249, 1442–1445, 1504–1505
- Negotiations for, 1527–1529, 1547–1549, 1560–1563, 1571–1573
- Organization and function of, 1218–1219, 1235–1240, 1246, 1298–1299, 1312–1314, 1357, 1372–1376, 1448, 1489–1491, 1495–1496, 1501–1502, 1506–1507, 1549–1550
- Ratification conference, 1554–1555, 1559–1560
- Reactor construction in the United States, 1530–1532
- Soviet participation, question of, 1443–1445, 1458–1463, 1473–1475, 1479–1480, 1493–1495, 1528–1529, 1542–1543, 1544n, 1545–1549
- Soviet position, 1376–1377, 1413–1418, 1462–1463, 1479–1480, 1522–1523, 1560–1563, 1567–1574
- United Nations, relation to, 1370–1371, 1436–1437, 1481, 1484–1485, 1505, 1530, 1532–1533, 1540, 1544–1545, 1562, 1567–1568
- U.N. resolution re, 1579
- Presidential speech re, 1953, 1285–1287, 1291–1292, 1300, 1344
- Publicity re, 1317–1318, 1403
- Soviet position, 1287–1288, 1291–1292, 1295, 1302–1305, 1398–1399, 1401–1403, 1412, 1424–1425
- U.S.-Soviet private discussions:
- Additional participants, possible, 1327–1328, 1332–1334, 1337–1338, 1340, 1346, 1350–1353, 1364–1365, 1368–1369
- British position, 1305–1306, 1316, 1332–1333, 1339–1341, 1347–1352
- Canadian position, 1347–1351
- Dulles–Molotov meetings, 1355, 1413–1416
- French position, 1327–1328, 1332–1334, 1340, 1347–1348, 1351–1353
- Preliminary meetings, 1322–1328, 1335–1339, 1345–1347, 1349, 1368–1369
- Proposal of, 1304–1309, 1319, 1320n
- Publication of documents, 1518–1525
- Site of, 1331–1332, 1337
- Attlee, Clement R., 1252, 1254
- Austin, Warren R., 1140
- Australia, 496, 584, 1027–1028, 1031, 1101, 1283–1285, 1289, 1382, 1498, 1504, 1661
- Austria, 175, 218
- Automobile Manufacturers’ Association, 1450
- Azores, 619
- Baarslag, Karl H. W., 1690
- Bacon, Ruth E., 957n
- Barbour, Walworth, 58n, 1681n
- Barco, James W., 883n
- Barkley, Alben W., 118, 136, 271, 1635
- Barnard, Thurman L., 1635, 1656n
- Barnes, Tracy, 925
- Baruch, Bernard M., 895n, 1059
- Battle, Lucius D., 1625n
- Bechhoefer, Bernard C., 846, 872, 883n, 912n, 916, 932n, 954n, 957n, 982n, 1014, 1046–1049, 1096n, 1139n, 1175n, 1307–1308, 1334n, 1370–1371, 1378n, 1384n, 1393n, 1429n, 1433–1434, 1478, 1570n
- Begoügne de Juniac, Gontran, 1351–1353
- Belgian Congo, 1028, 1031, 1098, 1141
- Belgium, 1098–1099, 1327–1328, 1461, 1483, 1491, 1498–1499, 1503–1504, 1555–1558, 1559n
- Bendetsen, Karl R., 324
- Benton, William B., 1627
- Berding, Andrew H., 1756, 1758n
- Beriya, Lavrentiy Pavlovich, 1178, 1727n
- Berlin, 191, 496, 584, 1828–1829, 1884, 1893
- Berlin Conference, 1954, 1355
- Bermuda Conference, December 1953, 608–609, 1250, 1251n, 1285–1286, 1289, 1292, 1301
- Bernau, Phyllis D., 1379n
- Berry, Burton Y., 17n
- Bhatnagar, S. S., 886–887
- Bickel, Alexander, 1387n, 1402–1403
- Bidault, Georges, 1291, 1333, 1334n, 1340, 1398
- Bissell, Richard M., Jr., 202
- Black, Lt. Col. Edwin F., 1265
- Black, James B., 270, 280
- Blakeney, F. J., 1382
- Block, Ralph, 1654n, 1756n
- Bloomfield, Lincoln P., 1008n, 1014–1016, 1056n
- Blum, Robert, 1796, 1874
- Board of National Estimates, 186–196
- Boegner, Jean-Marc, 1292
- Boggs, Marion W., 435n, 440, 700n, 715, 1184n, 1185, 1482n, 1488, 1537n
- Bohlen, Charles E., 5–9, 11–18, 57, 58n, 68n, 87–88, 134–135, 164n, 197–198, 200n, 242–245, 1226, 1286–1288, 1291–1292, 1295, 1302–1305, 1310–1312, 1319, 1323–1324, 1335–1336, 1417, 1518–1522, 1578, 1681n, 1684n
- Bolivia, 562
- Bonbright, James C. H., 58n, 1345n, 1346n, 1348, 1349–1353
- Bonesteel, Col. Charles H., III, 324, 352, 391, 1229, 1482n, 1539
- Bonnet, Henri, 1144, 1334, 1336n, 1340
- Borel, Paul A., 186n
- Boughton, James H., 1681n, 1711n
- Bowie, Robert R., 324, 370–371, 441–442, 456n, 529, 565–567, 598, 607n, 609, 648n, 699–700, 736, 1211, 1215, 1220, 1227, 1235–1240, 1250, 1251n, 1297–1300, 1307, 1312–1315, 1322n, 1329, 1330, 1336n, 1344, 1349n, 1352n, 1371–1372, 1416, 1419–1420, 1435n, 1448, 1473n, 1481, 1482n, 1501n, 1537–1540, 1544n, 1564–1566, 1570, 1586–1587, 1723
- Boyer, Marion, 890–891, 1143–1144
- Boykin, Samuel D., 1673
- Bracken, Katherine W., 1673n
- Bradbury, Norris, 1050
- Bradley, General of the Army Omar N., 20, 37, 113–114, 257n, 260, 263, 272, 281n, 305n, 326, 328n, 355n, 372, 378n, 399n, 437, 852n, 879, 894, 931, 981, 985–987, 1082, 1103n, 1108, 1149n, 1161n, 1174
- Brainin, Joseph, 1736
- Brazil, 562, 886, 888, 1029, 1143
- Bridges, H. Styles, 829
- British Guiana, 562
- Browder, Earl, 1698
- Brownell, Herbert, Jr., 328n, 355n, 399n, 438, 472, 475n, 489n, 522, 536n, 562n, 577n, 609n, 647n, 667n, 715n, 729n, 738n, 759n, 802, 806n, 1456
- Bruce, David K. E., 164–165, 954–955, 989, 993, 1051, 1091–1096, 1625, 1640
- Buckley, 1720
- Budenz, Louis, 1698
- Budget, U.S. Bureau of the, 124, 261–262, 491n, 500n, 503n, 507n, 515–518, 522–524, 537–538, 725, 729–731, 732n, 733–736, 813, 817n, 820n, 1409, 1644, 1878
- Bulgaria, 1727
- Bull, Lt. Gen. Harold R., 330n, 368
- Bundy, McGeorge, 924–926, 941, 988, 992–993, 1014–1015, 1058
- Bundy, William P., 1134, 1157
- Burgess, Carter, 823–824, 829
- Burma, 194, 560, 1787
- Burns, Arthur F., 488n, 562n, 577n, 667n, 713, 738n, 759n, 798, 800, 806n
- Burns, Gen. James H., 1267
- Burton, Ralph, 1697n
- Bush, Vannevar, 896n, 899, 906–908, 917, 919–922, 924, 988, 992–993, 1058, 1096, 1114, 1134–1137, 1150, 1170–1172, 1174
- Byrnes, James F., 897
- Byroade, Henry A., 441n, 1780
- Cabell, Lt. Gen. Charles P., 324, 350
- Cabot, John M., 1688–1690
- Caccia, Harold, 1412, 1418
- Caldwell, Millard, 20n, 54n, 80n, 142n, 869
- Campbell, John C., 736–738
- Canada:
- Armaments regulation policy, 884, 908–909, 1381
- Continental defense, 235, 319, 368, 474, 482–483, 616–620, 627
- International Atomic Energy Agency proposal, 1344–1345, 1370–1371, 1412, 1503, 1513, 1515–1517, 1528–1529
- U.S. hydrogen bomb testing, 1036–1037
- U.S. sharing of atomic energy information, 848–851, 975, 1116, 1244–1246, 1252–1255, 1268, 1275–1277, 1279–1285, 1289, 1507–1511
- Uranium ore sales, 1027–1028, 1031, 1101
- Cannon, Cavendish W., 1030
- Carlier, Georges, 1503
- Carney, Adm. Robert B., 326–327, 444–445, 449, 454, 570–573, 639–640, 643
- Carns, Brig. Gen. Edwin H. J., 565
- Carroll, Col. Paul, 325
- Carson, Col., 1547
- Carter, Brig. Gen. Marshall S., 878
- Casier, Harry S., 1736
- Central Intelligence Agency, 50–53, 181, 186n, 247–248, 356–357, 436, 551n, 676–678, 812n, 1263, 1428, 1482n, 1509, 1674, 1725, 1746, 1749, 1790, 1829, 1831, 1835, 1837, 1898–1899
- Charpentier, Pierre, 1333–1334
- Chase, Warren, 909, 1014, 1056n
- Cherwell, Lord, 846–848, 1286, 1289, 1301–1302, 1342, 1356, 1454, 1527
- Chiang Kai-shek, Generalissimo, 392n, 696, 839, 841
- Chidlaw, Gen. Benjamin W., 800
- Chile, 562
- China, People’s Republic of:
- Armaments regulation, 1208
- Foreign policy, 60, 94, 108, 772–773, 811
- Indochina, involvement in, 560
- International Atomic Energy Agency proposal, 1367
- Korean war, 922–923
- Military strength, 104, 188–189
- Political situation, 188
- Prestige of, 650, 725, 754
- Project Solarium recommendations re, 408–409, 421, 424–425
- Soviet Union, relations with, 493, 580, 773, 1683, 1808
- U.N. Disarmament Commission, 1382, 1398
- U.S. information efforts re, 1785, 1828, 1884, 1892–1893
- U.S. policy re, 776, 817, 957–958
- China, Republic of, 175, 215, 218, 221–222, 421, 429, 496, 498, 559, 584, 586, 811
- Churchill, Winston S., 4, 439, 533, 546, 608, 695, 697, 846–847, 848n, 885n, 890n, 1251–1253, 1285–1286, 1289, 1291, 1301–1302, 1328, 1341, 1355–1356, 1379, 1383, 1467, 1528
- Civil Aeronautics Administration, 632
- Civil Defense Program. See Federal Civil Defense Program.
- Civil Service Commission, 180
- Clark, General Mark W., 1705
- Clark, Ralph, 1265
- Clarkson, Gen. Percy W., 1025, 1033
- Coast Guard, U.S., 487–488
- Cockroft, John, 1142, 1513
- Cogan, Thomas J., 1429n
- Cohen, Benjamin V., 883–885, 894–896, 898–900, 903–909, 912, 914, 916–917, 919, 979n, 989, 992, 1008n, 1013–1014, 1046–1048, 1052, 1055–1056
- Cohn, Roy V., 1697
- Cole, W. Sterling, 1109, 1113n, 1185–1188, 1247–1249, 1442–1443, 1504–1505, 1511, 1523–1524
- Collins, Gen. J. Lawton, 259–263, 326, 373, 1033, 1132
- Colonialism, 377, 408
- Combined Policy Committee. See under Atomic energy policy.
- Commerce, U.S. Department of, 1297, 1792–1793
- Committee for Free Asia, 1834
- Committee of Three, 238n
- Committee on International Information Activities, 455
- Communist Party, U.S., 336–337
- Compton, Wilson M., 1591n, 1595, 1628–1638, 1641–1651, 1654, 1656–1658, 1672, 1673n, 1678
- Congress, U.S. (see also
Acts of Congress):
- Armaments regulation policy, 1155, 1207n
- Continental defense, 234
- Economic and military assistance programs, 271, 296–297
- Foreign information program, 1627, 1776–1777
- House of Representatives:
- International Atomic Energy Agency proposal, 1442–1443, 1504–1505
- International Information Administration, 1630–1632, 1635–1636, 1650, 1654, 1656, 1672–1673
- Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, 853n, 879, 892, 1108, 1122, 1127, 1129, 1180, 1186–1188, 1247–1249, 1254, 1270, 1277–1278, 1442, 1456, 1462, 1472, 1484, 1504–1505, 1524, 1576–1577
- Military appropriations, 9n, 10n
- Mutual Security Program, 278, 298–299
- National security funding, 316–317
- Redeployment of forces abroad, 448
- Senate:
- Connors, W. Bradley, 1632, 1652n, 1670n, 1673–1674, 1677n, 1678–1680, 1681n, 1684n, 1686n, 1699n, 1711n
- Conolly, Adm. Richard L., 324, 352, 392–393, 398
- Continental defense:
- Armaments regulation, role in, 1083–1085, 1116, 1137, 1172
- Canada, agreements with, 235, 319, 368, 474, 482–483, 616–620, 627
- Early warning system, 138–142, 164–165, 168–169, 182–184, 232–235, 318–323, 337–338, 368–370, 375, 468, 471, 473–474, 479, 484–485, 615–616, 619–620, 625–628, 638, 673–674, 800–801, 1040
- Funding for, 480–481, 615–616
- Inadequacies of, 213–214, 231–234, 477–479, 613–615
- Intelligence operations, 482, 617
- Internal security, 339, 465, 486–487, 621–623
- Manpower shortages, 469
- Objectives of, 114–117, 120–122, 125–126
- Programs for, 482–484, 611–613, 617–619, 629, 703–705
- Progress reports, 698
- Public support, 472–473
- Research and development, 617
- Urban vulnerability, 375–376, 489, 623–624
- Weapons systems and force requirements, 467, 471, 620–621, 703–705
- Continental Defense Committee, 614
- Controlled Materials Plan, 38, 174
- Cook, Frank C., 1874
- Cootes, Merritt, 1654n, 1668n, 1711n
- Copper, 158
- Cornell, S. Douglas, 324, 351
- Council of Economic Advisers, 490, 500n, 713, 806n, 820n
- Court of Appeals, U.S., 1640
- Cowen, Myron M., 1031, 1625
- Cowles, John, 270, 280
- Cox, Henry B., 1668n, 1699n, 1707n, 1711n
- Coyne, J. Patrick, 358, 802
- Craig, Horace S., 1134, 1157, 1265
- Craig, Lt. Gen. H. A., 349–350, 354n
- Crosby, Ben G., 1675–1677
- Cutler, Robert, 5n, 236–237, 245–247, 258n, 259, 264–265, 268, 272–273, 276, 278–281, 288, 291–294, 297, 300, 302, 323–328, 349, 354n, 367, 373–374, 387–388, 393, 397–398, 435–438, 440–442, 444, 448, 451, 453, 455–457, 466–467, 471–472, 474, 515–516, 520, 522–523, 525–526, 528, 530–533, 536–538, 540–541, 543, 545–548, 568–570, 572–573, 599–603, 624–627, 629, 631–632, 635–636, 638–639, 641–643, 648n, 686–691, 693, 698, 701–708, 710–713, 736n, 737–738, 763–764, 766–769, 781, 784, 788, 790–792, 794–801, 804, 833, 836, 839–840, 842–843, 1107, 1110–1111, 1113–1114, 1128, 1130–1131, 1137, 1146, 1170, 1172, 1174, 1177, 1180, 1184, 1210–1214, 1217–1218, 1227, 1230–1234, 1245–1246, 1296–1297, 1378, 1424, 1427–1428, 1438, 1453, 1459–1461, 1468, 1470–1471, 1481, 1483–1486, 1500, 1527, 1537, 1539, 1580–1581, 1719, 1750–1751, 1791n, 1797, 1855, 1868, 1877–1879
- Cyprus, 193
- Czechoslovakia, 1398, 1727, 1804, 1832
- Damon, G. Huntington, 1626n
- Davenport, Virginia L., 1706n
- Davis, Vice Adm. Arthur C., 1342n
- de la Grandville, Jean, 1399
- De Palma, Samuel, 1560
- De Rose, François, 1334n
- Dean, Gordon E., 851n, 964n, 969n, 1021n, 1149n, 1161n, 1162, 1190n
- Armaments regulation policy, 876, 899, 1113–1114
- Atomic energy policies, 1046, 1112
- Atomic weapons, 863n, 869, 933, 937, 947, 970, 972, 981, 986–987, 1010
- Combined Development Agency, 890–891
- Fissionable materials, 852, 855–858, 887, 889, 892–894, 1026–1029, 1031–1032, 1098–1103
- Hydrogen bomb production, 878–879, 1017
- Hydrogen bomb testing, 991n, 1033, 1035–1036, 1042
- National security policy, 274–276, 294
- Panel of Consultants on Disarmament, 1110
- Practical uses of atomic energy, 1121–1122, 1128–1133, 1137–1138
- Sharing of atomic energy information with Allies, 847, 849–850, 985, 988
- Deane, Maj. Gen. John R., 324, 351
- DeChant, John, 1265
- Defense, U.S. Department of (see also
Military program), 20n, 37, 622, 813, 820n
- Armaments regulation policy, 894–895, 1378, 1384, 1386, 1537–1540, 1563–1566, 1580–1584, 1586
- Atomic energy policy:
- Atomic weapons, responsibility for, 863–868, 947–953, 964–973, 1010–1013, 1577
- Atomic weapons production, 934–937
- Fissionable materials, 852, 887, 892, 1026–1032, 1486
- Hydrogen bomb development, 879–880, 1017
- Hydrogen bomb testing, 990–991, 1025, 1036–1037, 1420, 1428, 1464
- Practical uses of atomic energy, 1128
- Public information policy, 869n
- Reactor construction and regulation, 1146–1149
- Reactors abroad, construction of, 1482n
- Sharing of atomic energy information with Allies, 847, 985–986, 1273–1274, 1277, 1509
- Atomic weapons, possible use of, 533, 607–608
- Continental defense, 120–122, 142, 164–165, 183–184, 318, 611, 625–628
- Foreign information program, 1694–1695, 1740–1742, 1746, 1749, 1835, 1837–1839, 1845, 1848, 1859–1861, 1897
- Free World military posture, 672–675
- Funding of programs, 2–4, 9–10, 265, 278–281, 286–289, 296, 315–316, 541–549, 597–598
- International Atomic Energy Agency proposal, 1315–1316, 1371–1372, 1407
- Military Liaison Committee to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, 851
- Military program, 21, 46, 169, 260–261, 301, 306, 814n, 823–824
- Mobilization program, 137, 174, 712–713, 725, 732n, 733–736, 739n, 766, 768
- Negotiation policy, 513n
- Political warfare, 513n
- Redeployment of forces abroad, 573, 597–599
- Defense Mobilization, Office of, 70n, 137, 503n, 513n, 532, 600, 602, 622, 626, 629–632, 678–680, 733–736, 739n, 740, 766, 768, 813n, 821n, 1263, 1297, 1408
- Defense Production Administration, 34, 37, 39, 45
- Defense Transportation Administration, 45–47
- Denmark, 1782
- Dickenson, Edward T., 350, 352
- Dickey, John, 896n, 900, 906, 909–910, 919, 921, 988, 1008, 1058, 1096
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 1535
- Dirksen, Everett M., 1246
- Disarmament. See Armaments regulation policy.
- Dixon, Pierson, 1382n
- Dodge, Joseph M., 237, 257, 258n, 261–262, 281n, 305n, 372n, 378n, 399n, 475n, 489n, 536n, 562n, 577n, 604n, 609n, 644n, 647n, 648n, 667n, 715n, 731n, 738n, 759n, 806n, 808n, 1296n, 1791n, 1879, 1880n, 1881n
- Atomic Energy Commission, U.S., 295, 538
- Atomic energy policy, 1122, 1129, 1148, 1256
- Continental defense, 630
- Defense programs, funding for, 543
- Economic and military assistance programs, 296, 525, 526
- Economic policies, 524, 536–538, 547–548, 574
- Fiscal and security balance, 516, 518, 522–523
- Mutual Security Program, funding for, 298–299, 300, 541
- National security funding, 244, 265, 297, 304
- Negotiation policy, 529
- Soviet atomic capabilities, 540
- Donegan, 328n, 355n, 358–360, 475n, 534n, 609n, 759n
- Donhauser, Robert, 1713n
- Donovan, William J., 1780, 1787
- Doolittle, Gen. James H., 327
- Douglas, Paul H., 1246
- Draper, William, 324
- Drury, L. Mason, 1721
- DuBridge, Lee A., 626–627
- Dulles, Allen W., 257n, 281n, 305n, 328, 355n, 372n, 378n, 399n, 475n, 477, 489n, 536n, 562n, 577n, 604n, 609n, 644n, 647n, 667n, 715n, 731n, 738n, 759n, 788n, 800nn
1149n, 1161, 1190n, 1256n, 1296, 1429, 1437–1438, 1449n, 1488n, 1580n, 1752n, 1830, 1880n, 1881n
- China, People’s Republic of, U.S. policy toward, 778
- Continental defense, 232, 473, 800
- Countersubversion activities, 776, 781
- Hydrogen bomb testing, 1445–1448, 1471
- Information Agency, U.S., 1751, 1878
- Intelligence program, 268
- Mobilization program, 793
- Negotiation policy, 530, 793
- Operations Coordinating Board, 1879
- Panel of Consultants on Disarmament, 896n, 900, 904–906, 908, 919, 923–925, 988, 992, 1008–1009, 1058, 1096, 1111, 1170
- Project Solarium, 327, 349n, 435, 438, 441
- Sharing of atomic energy information with Allies, 1471
- Soviet atomic capabilities, 531, 540, 693, 701, 1454
- Soviet bloc economic situation, 777–778
- Soviet capabilities to injure the United States, 356–357, 602, 776–777
- Soviet peace offensive, 778–780
- Dulles, John Foster, 372n, 463n, 562n, 565, 597n, 633, 648n, 690n, 699, 1043n, 1106n, 1142n, 1184n, 1223n, 1456
- Armaments regulation policy:
- Armed forces limitations, 1107–1108
- Conventional armaments, 1585–1586
- Disarmament, atomic, 1343, 1359
- French proposals, 1144–1145
- Interdepartmental review of, 1212, 1383, 1580, 1583, 1584n, 1588
- Panel of Consultants on Disarmament report, 1056n
- Public information policy, 1224–1225, 1227, 1250
- Soviet atomic weapons ban proposal, 1367, 1388, 1389, 1473n, 1535
- U.N. actions, 1175–1176, 1179, 1189, 1206–1209, 1215–1217, 1218n, 1334–1335, 1380, 1382n, 1384, 1429–1433
- Atomic Energy Commission, U.S., 292, 539
- Atomic energy policy:
- Fissionable materials, 1098, 1484, 1486
- Hydrogen bomb testing, 883, 1379, 1380, 1418–1419, 1424, 1425, 1428–1429, 1437, 1448–1449, 1453, 1457, 1459, 1461–1471, 1478–1479, 1584–1585
- Practical uses of atomic energy, 1125, 1130–1131
- Private industry involvement, 1247–1248
- Sharing of information with Allies, 1245, 1477, 1542
- Soviet hydrogen bomb testing, 1186n, 1454
- Atomic weapons, possible use of, 533, 545–546, 707
- Atoms for Peace proposal:
- Conventional weapons, 1315, 1321
- Development of, 1232, 1234–1235, 1527
- Implementation of, 1385, 1387
- International Atomic Energy Agency proposal, 1235, 1320–1321, 1341–1342, 1357, 1361–1363, 1372, 1376–1378, 1417–1419, 1442, 1462–1463, 1480–1481, 1506–1507, 1512, 1519–1520, 1532, 1541, 1544–1545, 1546n, 1547n, 1549, 1559–1560, 1575, 1577–1578
- Presidential speech, 1286–1287, 1291–1292
- Soviet position, 1398–1399, 1401–1402
- U.S.-Soviet private discussions, 1305–1308, 1316, 1319, 1322–1334, 1337–1340, 1345–1352, 1355, 1363, 1365, 1413–1417, 1518
- Bermuda Conference, 608
- Colonialism, 377
- Continental defense, 233, 369, 704–705
- Economic and military assistance programs, 228, 266–267, 271, 303–304, 525, 772, 788, 841–842
- Economic policies, 524, 536, 547
- European Defense Community, 1301
- Fiscal and security balance, 370, 517–519, 522–523
- Foreign information program, 1654–1656, 1668–1670, 1681–1685, 1699, 1705, 1707, 1713, 1715–1716, 1723, 1726–1736, 1775, 1790, 1793–1794, 1835, 1868
- Free World alliance, 452–453, 693–695, 711
- General war, 265, 462n, 602, 639, 642, 706, 788
- Indochina, 696, 795, 835–836
- Information Agency, U.S., 1711, 1738–1739, 1750–1751
- International Information Administration, 1670–1672, 1685n, 1686–1687, 1690, 1697, 1698n, 1699n, 1722
- Korean war, 272
- Massive retaliation doctrine, 609
- Middle East, 835
- Mutual Security Program, 289, 300, 302–303
- National security policy, 289, 460, 716
- Negotiation policy, 529–530, 694–695, 842
- North Africa, 793
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 289
- Project Solarium, 349, 354n, 436–438
- Redeployment of forces abroad, 445–446, 450–451, 453–454, 456–457, 526–527, 549–550, 570, 572, 575, 597n
- Soviet atomic energy capabilities, 540–541
- Soviet Union, attitude toward, 374, 703, 707–709, 712, 789–790, 794, 836–837
- Trade policy, 799
- Armaments regulation policy:
- Duncan, 1297, 1298
- Dunn, James Clement, 979, 1142
- Dunworth, J. V., 1143
- Early warning system. See under Continental defense.
- East-West trade, 389, 555
- Economic Cooperation Administration, 1601–1602
- Economist, 1727
- Eden, Anthony, 546, 695, 697, 833, 1301, 1332, 1350–1352, 1355–1356, 1361, 1363, 1367–1368, 1381, 1382, 1384–1385, 1396–1398, 1401–1402, 1418–1419, 1421–1422, 1424–1425
- Edwards, Lt. Gen. Idwal H., 207, 329–331, 368–369
- Edwards Committee, 320
- Egypt, 192–193, 221, 561, 862
- Eisenhower, Dwight D.,
232, 268, 457n, 576–578, 597n, 648n, 703, 711, 716, 740, 798, 807, 825, 1184n
- Administrative transition, 181, 186
- Armaments regulation policy:
- Disarmament, atomic, 1342
- Interdepartmental review of, 1212, 1378
- Panel of Consultants on Disarmament, 1107
- Principles of, 105
- Public information policy, 1110–1113, 1171, 1173–1174, 1185, 1223–1224, 1250
- Savings used for world aid (“The Chance for Peace” speech), 1144–1145, 1176, 1193, 1198–1199, 1204–1206
- Soviet atomic weapons ban proposal, 1387, 1388
- U.N. actions, 1218, 1387
- U.S.-Soviet negotiations, 885, 898, 905
- Atomic Energy Commission, U.S., 292, 539, 540
- Atomic energy policy:
- Approved policies, 1046
- Atomic weapons production, 1112
- Fissionable materials, 1484, 1486–1487
- Hydrogen bomb testing, 1051, 1426–1429, 1469–1471
- Practical uses of atomic energy, 1121, 1129–1130, 1133, 1296
- Reactor construction and regulation, 1131–1132, 1147–1149
- Security concerns, 1108–1109
- Sharing of information with Allies, 1244, 1246, 1256, 1289, 1301, 1302, 1356, 1360, 1361, 1471, 1477, 1505, 1507
- Soviet hydrogen bomb capabilities, 1185, 1188n, 1213, 1219, 1454–1455
- Atoms for Peace proposal:
- Conventional weapons, 1314, 1321–1322
- Development of, 1213, 1234, 1309–1310
- Implementation of, 1385, 1436
- International Atomic Energy Agency proposal, 1218, 1342, 1462, 1474, 1485, 1511, 1547n, 1553
- Soviet position, 1398
- Speech re, 1285–1287, 1291–1292, 1300, 1344
- U.S.-Soviet private discussions, 1306, 1322–1323, 1325, 1329, 1365
- Bermuda Conference, 608, 1285
- “The Chance for Peace” speech, 1953, 1144–1145, 1176, 1193, 1198–1199, 1204–1206
- Colonialism, 377
- Committee on International Information Activities, 393
- Continental defense, 465n, 466–471, 475–477, 610n, 630–632, 698, 703–705, 801–802, 807n, 823
- Defense programs, funding for, 542
- Economic and military assistance programs, 186n, 228, 273, 296–297, 303–304, 524–526, 842
- Economic policies, 269–297, 523–524, 536–538, 546–548, 709, 713
- Federal Civil Defense Program, 274
- Fiscal and security balance, 378, 515–516, 518–519, 520, 522
- Foreign information program, 1691, 1705, 1711–1713, 1715, 1776–1777, 1790–1791, 1795, 1835n, 1836, 1855
- Free World alliance, 695, 697, 711
- General war, 601–603, 606, 635–636, 640–643, 646n, 687–693, 706–707, 804–805
- India, 838
- Indochina, 696
- Information Agency, U.S., 1709–1711
- International Information Agency, U.S., 1671, 1722, 1735, 1738, 1751, 1754
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, 326–327, 535
- Korean war, 272
- Military program, 260–264, 279, 293–294, 543–545, 807n, 823–824, 825–829
- Mobilization program, 295–296, 600, 763–764, 766–770, 793, 807n
- Mutual Security Program, 278, 297–299, 541
- National Security Council, 5n, 245–246, 257–258, 535
- National security policy, 521–522, 838–841
- Negotiation policy, 529–531, 843
- North Africa, 796
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 289, 540–541
- Operations Coordinating Board, 455, 1736, 1877–1879
- President’s Committee on International Information Activities, 1867–1868
- Project Solarium, 323–324, 327, 349–350, 360, 374, 376, 386, 396, 398, 436–439, 441
- Redeployment of forces abroad, 394, 451, 454, 456, 526–528, 549–550, 570–574, 597–598
- Soviet atomic capabilities, 531, 540, 575
- Soviet expansion, 708–709, 791–792, 794
- Western European military situation, 570
- Eisenhower, Milton, 1781–1782
- Elbrick, C. Burke, 1524
- Eldorado Mining Company, 1101
- Eniwetok Atoll, 882
- Enyart, Byron K., 1739n
- Esposito, Col. V. J., 352
- European Defense Community, 190–191, 389, 432, 549, 558, 1234, 1290, 1301
- Evans, Gillespie S., 1709–1711, 1713
- Executive Committee on Regulation of Armaments. See under Armaments regulation policy.
- Facilities Protection Board, 180
- Far East:
- Farley, Hugh D., 1216n
- Farley, Philip J., 1512–1517, 1523–1524, 1527–1528, 1793n
- Fast, Howard, 1670, 1671n
- Faulkner, Rafford L., 1142–1143
- Fechteler, Adm. William M., 259, 263, 326
- Federal Bureau of Investigation, 487, 1638–1639, 1674
- Federal Civil Defense Administration, 20n, 44, 47–49, 124, 176, 183–184, 490, 622, 626, 1113, 1263, 1408, 1449–1452
- Federal Civil Defense Program:
- Federal Housing Administration, 1450
- Feeney, 1720–1721
- Ferguson, John H., 87n, 197n, 904, 921–922, 924, 982n, 992–993, 1114n, 1134
- Finland, 694, 1784
- Finletter, Thomas K., 126, 880–881, 1050, 1053
- Finley, Robert L., 1231
- Fischer, D. A. V., 1503
- Fisher, Fredrick M., 1731n
- Fisher, Raymond, 1707n
- Flanagan, Francis D., 1679
- Flemming, Arthur S., 305n, 328n, 355n, 372n, 378n, 697, 710, 798, 1149n, 1161n, 1212, 1456
- Flexner, Magdalen G. H., 1668n
- Foley, Edward H., Jr., 122
- Food and Drug Administration, 1450–1451
- Ford, John W., 1638n, 1639, 1674
- Foreign Affairs, 609
- Foreign information program (see also
Information Agency, U.S.; International Information Administration; President’s Committee on International Information Activities;
Voice of America):
- Africa, 1780, 1785–1786
- Allied contribution to, 1887–1888
- Assessment of, 1642–1644
- Atoms for Peace proposal, 1409–1410, 1758–1761, 1781, 1793–1794
- Attribution of Information, 1841–1842, 1886, 1894
- Berlin, radio broadcasts in, 1828–1829, 1884, 1893
- Book burning, 1713–1714, 1715n, 1722
- Cold war functions, 1644–1645
- Congressional report re, 1627
- Country-level administration, 1598–1599, 1641–1642, 1841–1843, 1858–1859, 1886, 1889, 1894, 1895
- Cultural program, 1773–1777, 1790–1793
- Defectors and refugees, 1885, 1897–1898
- Exchange of persons programs, 1648–1649, 1847–1848, 1891
- Far East, 1780, 1786–1788
- Free World, efforts in 1835–1853, 1885–1897
- History of, 1600–1601, 1613–1614
- Indochina, 1781
- Korean war, 1731–1736, 1739–1750, 1756–1758, 1884, 1897
- Latin America, 1655–1656, 1688–1690, 1780–1782, 1788–1790
- Libraries and information centers, 1850–1851, 1891–1892, 1896–1897
- Middle East, 1779–1780, 1785–1786
- Military, role of, 1859–1861
- Motion pictures, 1625–1626, 1849–1850
- Organization and function of, 1595–1598, 1601–1604, 1652–1654, 1836–1838, 1840–1841, 1843–1844, 1853–1865, 1875–1879, 1889, 1895
- Private organizations, involvement of, 1649, 1887, 1894–1895
- Public support for, 1844, 1865, 1889–1890, 1895
- Publications, use of, 1849, 1891, 1896
- Radio, 1845–1847, 1890, 1895–1896, 1898–1899
- Rosenberg case, 1640–1641, 1668–1670, 1711–1713, 1736
- Security handicaps, 1844
- Slansky trial, 1640–1641
- South Asia, 1780–1781, 1785
- Soviet bloc, 1726–1731, 1771, 1779, 1784–1785, 1823–1835, 1883–1884, 1892–1893, 1897–1899
- Soviet propaganda techniques, exposure of, 1626–1627, 1654–1655, 1699–1706, 1801–1811
- Soviet Union, 1768–1770, 1779–1780, 1785–1786
- Stalin, death of, 1681–1685
- Television, use of, 1851
- Theme approaches, 1616–1625, 1655–1656, 1778–1781
- United Nations, activities re, 1818–1819, 1888
- U.S. official positions, 1738–1739
- U.S. program for world order, 1811–1823
- U.S.-Soviet conflict, nature of, 1797–1801
- Western Europe, 1778–1779, 1782–1784
- Wireless Bulletin, 1658–1668
- Foreign Operations Administration, 513n, 514n, 725, 813n, 820n, 1407, 1885, 1897–1898
- Foster, Paul, 1547
- Foster, William C., 137, 139–140, 878–880, 981, 987, 1050–1051, 1053–1054
- Foster, William Z., 1698
- Fowler, Joe, 137–138, 140
- France:
- Armaments regulation policy, 845, 859–860, 884, 898–899, 908, 914–917, 954, 979–980, 989, 1046–1049, 1144–1145, 1167
- Atomic weapons, possible use of, 534, 1440–1441
- Economic situation, 191
- Fissionable materials, 1028, 1100–1101
- Hydrogen bomb concerns, 1188–1189
- Indochina, involvement in, 93, 194, 266, 410, 459, 498, 559–560, 586, 795, 797
- International Atomic Energy Agency proposal, 1291–1292, 1327–1328, 1332–1334, 1340, 1347–1348, 1351–1353, 1503, 1513
- International control of atomic energy, 1021
- North Africa, involvement in, 561, 795–796
- Outside obligations, 84, 107, 132, 146
- Political situation, 389, 558, 694
- Project Solarium recommendations re, 407, 419
- U.S. information efforts re, 1783
- U.S. sharing of atomic energy information, 1292
- Franco y Bahamonde, Generalissimo Francisco, 696, 1101
- Free World:
- Alliance of, 452–453, 494–499, 505–508, 555–556, 583–587, 591–593, 654, 659–660, 693–698, 711–712, 719–721, 728, 748–751, 758, 810, 816, 818
- Economic situation, 1812–1814
- Military capabilities, 106–108, 653–654, 727–728, 757–758, 1814–1816
- Military posture, U.S. policy re, 62–64, 672–675
- Political situation, 1816–1817
- Political warfare, vulnerability to, 97–98
- U.S. information efforts in, 1835–1853, 1885–1897
- U.S. role in, 384–385
- Fuchs, Klaus, 880
- Fulbright, J. William, 1627, 1635, 1672
- General war. See under National security policy.
- Geneva Conference on Korea and Indochina, 1954, 1416–1417
- George, James, 1381n
- Gerhart, Gen. John K., 1230
- German reunification, 406–407, 557
- Germany, Democratic Republic, 432, 492, 580, 1726–1730, 1804
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 107, 110, 191, 299, 389, 419, 432–433, 499, 533, 557, 565, 587, 750
- Gerrety, Joseph, 1654n
- Gillette, Guy M., 1627, 1635
- Gilman, Robbins P., 1306–1309
- Glasstone, Samuel, 883
- Glazebrook, George, 1459n, 1503, 1515–1517, 1528
- Gleason, S. Everett, 125, 201n, 236–237, 258n, 264, 281, 287, 290, 291n, 301, 302n, 305, 366n, 370, 372, 373n, 374, 378, 388n, 443n, 455, 464n, 475, 514n, 534, 549, 567, 576, 599n, 604, 611, 624, 633, 635, 637, 686n, 698, 762, 770, 787n, 802, 803n, 806, 844, 863n, 882, 973n, 1106n, 1109n, 1110n, 1133, 1145, 1149n, 1169n, 1174, 1179n, 1180, 1210n, 1212, 1244n, 1247, 1364n, 1365, 1423n, 1429, 1452, 1456, 1467, 1472, 1580, 1750n, 1752, 1877n, 1879
- Glennan, T. Keith, 1027–1028, 1036
- Global war. See General war under National security policy.
- Godel, William H., 1681n, 1758n, 1760n
- Gold Coast, 1780, 1786
- Goldschmidt, Bertrand, 1021, 1334
- Goodpaster, Col. Andrew J., Jr., 351, 1576–1577
- Gorrie, Jack, 114, 120–122, 124–125, 138–142, 164
- Gowing, Margaret, 846n
- Graves, Alvin C., 1033
- Gray, George, 1656n
- Gray, Gordon, 393, 1719, 1797, 1868
- Greece, 175, 192, 217, 696
- Gregg, Alan, 467, 474–475
- Grocery Manufacturers’ Association, 1451
- Gromyko, Andrei, 1518, 1519n, 1520–1522
- Guatemala, 438–439, 562, 694, 1789–1790
- Guillaume, General of the Army Augustin, 793
- Gullion, Edmund A., 352, 1114–1121, 1265, 1435n
- Hackett, Col. R., 352
- Haden, Allen, 1731n, 1758n, 1760n
- Hagerty, James C., 536–537, 1295
- Hall, Evelyn K., 1874
- Hall, John A., 1037, 1103, 1142–1143, 1501n, 1504, 1547n, 1556, 1558n, 1566
- Halle, Louis J., 197, 200–202
- Halleck, Charles A., 829
- Hallstein, Walter, 1234
- Hamilton, J. Bruce, 1141–1144
- Hammarskjold, Dag, 1398n, 1520, 1525
- Hannah, John A., 531–532
- Harriman, W. Averell, 4, 55, 119, 122–125, 12n, 209–222, 1698
- Harris, Reid, 1668, 1673n, 1681n
- Hawaii, 619
- Hayden, Carl, 829
- Hazlett, E. E., Jr., 1309
- Health, Education and Welfare, U.S. Department of, 1408
- Heeney, Arnold, 1335n, 1340, 1344–1345, 1348, 1350–1351
- Henkin, Louis, 1731n
- Hennings, Thomas G., 1716n
- Henry, Barklie McKee, 393, 1719, 1797, 1868
- Herron, Francis W., 1668
- Hickenlooper, Bourke B., 988, 1109, 1113n, 1442–1443, 1627, 1635, 1672, 1754
- Hickerson, John D., 58n, 872, 877, 883, 894, 897–898, 900, 902–903, 905–906, 908–910, 912–914, 918, 927, 932, 938, 945n, 946, 979, 982n, 1056n, 1096–1097, 1106n, 1139–1140
- Hirsch, Col., 1758n, 1760n
- Hitler, Adolf, 519, 805
- Hobby, Oveta Culp, 1723
- Hoffman, Paul, 460
- Holman, Eugene, 273
- Hong Kong, 498, 586, 1787
- Hoopes, Townsend W., 1874
- Hoover, Herbert, Jr., 1534, 1540–1542, 1558–1559
- Hoover, J. Edgar, 328n, 354n, 355n, 357–358, 475n, 534n, 609n, 1109
- Hoppenot, Henri, 1318
- Horwitz, Leonard J., 915n
- Housing and Home Finance Agency, 1450–1451
- Howe, C. D., 1027, 1031
- Howe, Fisher, 634, 699n
- Hughes, John C., 393, 710, 769, 798, 1719, 1797, 1868
- Hughes, Rowland R., 1449n, 1488n, 1580n, 1752n
- Hull, Gen. John E., 324, 596
- Humelsine, Carlisle, 1595–1596, 1629, 1641n, 1654, 1656n, 1671
- Humphrey, George M., 236–237, 257n, 281n, 305n, 328n, 355n, 372n, 378n, 399n, 475n, 489n, 536n, 562n, 577n, 604n, 647n, 667, 715n, 731n, 738n, 759n, 806n, 839, 1103n, 1149n, 1161n, 1190n, 1296n, 1348, 1445, 1449, 1488n, 1580n, 1752n, 1880n, 1881n
- Armaments regulation policy, 1111, 1172–1173
- Atomic Energy Commission, U.S., 275, 539–540
- Atomic energy policy, 1130–1132, 1147–1148, 1256, 1455
- Atomic weapons, possible use of, 548
- British presence in Iran, 439
- Continental defense, 470–471, 609n, 630–631, 704
- Defense programs, funding for, 280–281, 543
- Economic and military assistance programs, 525, 842
- Economic policies, 265, 271–272, 523–524, 537, 547, 709
- Fiscal and security balance, 516–519, 521
- Foreign information program, 1723
- Free World alliance, 697
- General war, 601–603, 605, 642–643, 644n, 689, 692, 805
- Military program, 261–263
- Mobilization program, 532, 600, 764–765, 767–769
- Mutual Security Program, 304, 541
- National security policy, 288–289, 292, 317, 837–839
- Negotiation policy, 530
- Project Solarium, 436–437
- Redeployment of forces abroad, 447–454, 527, 570–573
- Soviet Union, attitude toward, 374, 709, 836–837
- Western Europe military strength, 569
- Humphrey, Richard, 1680, 1719–1721, 1737–1738
- Hungary, 1727, 1832
- Hurtado, Charles V., 1655n
- Huyler, Coulter D., 1289n, 1640n, 1655n, 1681n, 1684n, 1731n, 1760n
- Hydrogen bomb. See under Atomic energy policy; Soviet Union.
- Ignatieff, George 1037
- India, 192, 215, 220–221, 267, 409, 525, 561, 671, 838, 890, 1291, 1383, 1398, 1419, 1445–1446, 1463, 1478, 1530, 1554–1555, 1559–1560, 1661, 1785
- Indochina (see also
- British policy re, 696
- Communist activities in, 78, 154, 560
- French involvement, 93, 194, 266, 410, 459, 498, 559–560, 586, 795, 797
- Military situation, 559–560, 696
- Project Solarium recommendations re, 409–410, 421, 429–430
- U.S. information efforts re, 1781
- U.S. policy, 175, 215, 221, 390, 584, 671
- Viet Minh, 560, 795, 811n
- Indonesia, 560, 835, 863, 1782
- Industries Evaluation Board, 180
- Information Agency, U.S. (see also
International Information Administration):
- Atoms for Peace proposal, 1409–1410
- Economic development program, 784
- Expenditures, 1781–1782
- Formation of, 1709–1711, 1723–1726, 1735, 1750–1752
- Function of, 1753–1755, 1762–1764
- Korean war, 1750
- President’s Committee on International Information Activities recommendations, 1892–1897
- Strategic principles, 1761–1773
- Summary of operations, 1778–1790
- U.S. official positions, 1738–1739
- Information and education program. See Foreign information program.
- Intelligence Advisory Committee, 50–53, 186n, 551n, 634, 646–647
- Interagency Working Group on Preparations for the Disarmament Commission, 872n
- Interdepartmental Committee on Internal Security, 180, 248, 358–360, 465n, 536n
- Interdepartmental Intelligence Conference, 180, 248, 331, 357–358, 465n, 536n
- Interdepartmental Stockpiling Committee, 177
- Internal Security Program, 180–181
- International Atomic Energy Agency proposal. See under Atoms for Peace proposal.
- International Broadcasting Service. See Voice of America.
- International Information Administration (see also
Information Agency, U.S.):
- Administration of, 1592–1593, 1597–1598, 1604–1607, 1672
- Building operations, 1610
- Communications systems, 1607–1608
- Congressional investigation of, 1630–1631, 1672–1673
- Congressional relations, 1635–1636, 1650
- Country-level administration, 1594–1595, 1598–1600, 1606–1607, 1611, 1614–1616
- Establishment of, 1591–1595
- Foreign information policy, 1605–1606
- Function of, 1629, 1836–1837
- Funding for, 1608, 1629–1631, 1644–1646, 1688–1690, 1839
- Internal organization, 1612–1613, 1631–1632
- Language services, 1610
- Loyalty investigations, 1637–1639, 1649–1650, 1670–1672
- New York operations, 1610–1611
- Office space, 1651
- Personnel, 1609, 1632–1634, 1646, 1864
- Program planning, 1598
- Progress reports, 1628–1638, 1641–1651
- Regional bureaus, responsibilities of, 1593, 1606
- Salaries in, 1611–1612
- Security concerns, 1608
- State Department, relation to, 1593–1594, 1599, 1607–1611, 1634, 1646, 1861–1863
- Supplies, procurement of, 1609–1610
- Transmitting facilities, 1654, 1656–1658
- International Materials Conference, 1951, 39–40, 178
- International Motion Picture Service, 1619–1620, 1655–1656
- International Press Service, 1655–1656
- International Scientific Conference, 1486, 1491, 1496, 1513, 1516–1517, 1519, 1533, 1541, 1551–1552, 1579–1580
- Iran, 175, 193, 220–221, 267, 439, 507, 561, 592, 1780, 1786, 1811
- Iraq, 561, 1785
- Israel, 175, 192, 220, 267, 561, 751
- Italy, 191, 1783
- Jackson, C. D., 288–300, 393, 438–439, 448, 470, 473, 520, 529, 536, 569, 572, 577n, 636, 642–643, 1174, 1184n, 1185, 1213n, 1219, 1223–1226, 1234n, 1240, 1293–1294, 1314–1319, 1321, 1342, 1403–1404, 1406–1407, 1409, 1526, 1544, 1719, 1723, 1797, 1868, 1878
- Jackson, Henry M., 1n, 1716n
- Jackson, Wayne G., 1874
- Jackson, William H., 393, 455, 1719, 1754, 1797, 1868, 1871, 1875
- Jackson Committee. See Committee on International Information Activities.
- Jaeger, George, 1668n, 1711n
- Japan:
- Economic situation, 498, 560, 586
- Project Solarium recommendations re, 409, 421, 428–429
- Reactors in, 1498
- Rearmament of, 107, 110, 499, 587
- Security of, 203, 221–222
- U.S. hydrogen bomb testing, 882, 1419–1420
- U.S. information efforts re, 1780, 1788
- U.S. relations with, 215, 266–267, 458, 496, 584, 1816
- Western alliance, 194
- Jebb, Gladwyn, 1341
- Jenner, William E., 1690–1691, 1706
- Jerolaman, Jean, 1793n
- Johnson, Eric, 1625, 1780, 1786
- Johnson, Jesse, 1027–1028, 1141–1143
- Johnson, Joseph E., 350, 896n, 899–900, 905–907, 917, 920, 922, 988, 1058, 1096
- Johnson, Robert L., 1677n, 1686n, 1708–1709, 1715–1716, 1718–1719, 1722
- Johnstone, William C., 1632
- Joint Chiefs of Staff:
- Appointment of new staff, 326–327
- Armaments regulation policy:
- Atomic energy policy:
- Atomic weapons, possible use of, 545–547
- Concept of, 535
- Continental defense, 319–321, 465n, 467–469, 638
- Defense programs, funding for, 3n, 4n, 541–549
- Fiscal and security balance, 516, 519–520
- General war, 372–373, 638–640, 804–806
- International Atomic Energy Agency proposal, 1357
- Military assistance program, 175
- Military program, 113–114, 166, 260, 814n
- Mobilization program, 600, 602–603, 759n, 760–764, 769
- National security policy objectives, 813, 826–830
- Negotiation policy, 512n, 680–686, 694–695, 819
- Political warfare, 513n
- Redeployment of forces abroad, 394, 444–457, 526, 528, 570–574
- Soviet capabilities to injure the United States, 206, 355–356
- Soviet expansion, 785–787, 791–792
- Western European military strength, 562–565, 569
- Joliot-Curie, Frédéric, 1533
- Jones, Paul W., Jr., 1462n
- Joxe, Louis, 1526
- Joyce, Robert P., 352
- Justice, U.S. Department of, 487, 490, 1408, 1741
- Karst, Gene, 1655n
- Kelleher, Maj. J. J., 1699n, 1731n
- Kellerman, Henry, 1707n
- Kelly Committee. See Continental Defense Committee under National Security Council.
- Kennan, George F., 350, 388, 391, 393
- Key, David McK., 1335n, 1336n, 1349n, 1352n, 1358–1360, 1376, 1393, 1421, 1433, 1440–1442, 1506–1507, 1535–1537, 1544–1545
- Keyserling, Leon H., 20n, 54n, 80n, 142n
- Kimball, Art, 1639
- King, William Lyon Mackenzie, 1252
- Kitchen, Jeffrey C., 647n, 989n, 1351n
- Knapp, Burke, 352
- Knight, Ridgway B., 1188–1189
- Knowland, William F., 829
- Koons, T. M., 323, 328, 352, 388n
- Korea, Republic of, 217, 221–222, 427–428, 496, 498, 559, 584, 586, 797, 1780
- Korean war, 194, 272–273, 276, 421–422, 559, 597, 921–923, 1731–1736, 1739–1750, 1756–1757
- Kreps, Col. K. R., 851
- Kyes, Roger M.:
- Labor, U.S. Department of, 1407
- Lacy, Dan T., 1632
- Lalor, Rear Adm. William C., 355–356, 945
- Landry, Gen. R. B., 9–10
- Laniel, Joseph, 607, 1285, 1301n
- Lanphier, T. J., Jr., 324
- Larmon, Sigurd, 393, 1719, 1797, 1868
- Latin America:
- Fissionable materials, sales of, 1029, 1102, 1143–1144
- Political situation, 561–562, 584
- Reactors in, 1532
- U.S. information activities re, 1655–1656, 1688–1690, 1780–1782, 1788–1790
- U.S. policy re, 194–195, 496, 584, 751, 1821
- Lawrey, L. J., 1503
- Lawton, Frederick J., 20n, 54n, 55, 80n, 142n, 851n, 852, 858
- Lay, James, S., Jr., 20–21, 54, 55n, 68n, 73n, 80–81, 88–113, 114n, 118, 122, 124–127, 134n, 136–137, 142–143, 165, 181, 184, 199, 205–207, 209–210, 223, 236, 257n, 258n, 274, 281n, 288, 292, 305–307, 328–329, 331n, 355–357, 378–379n, 396n, 399, 435, 443, 466n, 467n, 475–477, 489–490, 535n, 562n, 577–578, 597n, 604–605, 629, 633, 638n, 646n, 647–649, 667–668, 672n, 678n, 699n, 715–716, 731–732, 736n, 737–739, 759, 766n, 772, 776n, 784n, 785, 807, 833, 848n, 849, 851, 852n, 859, 863, 870, 933–934, 937–938, 947, 964, 969n, 974, 988, 991n, 1010–1011, 1016, 1021, 1036, 1042n, 1046, 1056n, 1091, 1096n, 1103, 1107n, 1110n, 1121, 1134–1135, 1140, 1150, 1160, 1161n, 1184n, 1190, 1256–1257, 1296, 1438, 1445, 1449, 1460n, 1463, 1468, 1482, 1488, 1540, 1737, 1752–1753, 1880–1881
- Leach, W. Barton, 598–599
- Lebanon, 1661
- LeBaron, Robert, 847, 863, 889–890, 892–893, 981, 985–987, 1029, 1036, 1328
- Leith, C. K., 1142–1143
- Lemnitzer, Lt. Gen. L. L., 327, 351
- Lenin, Vladimir I., 6–7, 90–91
- Lewis, John L., 641
- Libya, 193
- Lilienthal, David E., 879
- Lincoln, Col. George, 324, 350
- Lindeman, John, 351
- Lindsay, Franklin A., 1874
- Lindsay Light and Chemical Company, 887–888
- Linneman, Herbert F., 1673
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 882, 1056n, 1096, 1139, 1175–1177, 1179, 1291, 1307, 1358, 1360, 1365, 1376–1377, 1378n, 1381, 1382n, 1383, 1385, 1397–1398, 1420, 1429, 1462, 1463n, 1507, 1512, 1520, 1522–1523, 1530n, 1532–1533, 1540, 1544–1546, 1550–1555, 1560–1563, 1571, 1575, 1578, 1775, 1783, 1793
- Lombardo, Maj., 234n, 235
- London Observer, 1535
- Loomis, Henry, 1874
- Loper, Brig. Gen. H. B., 852, 854, 1384, 1537–1539, 1547n, 1565–1566
- Lounsbury, Robert L., 1874
- Lourie, Donold, 1656n, 1658, 1670, 1679, 1699n, 1708, 1722
- Lovett, Robert A., 126n, 324, 947n, 964n, 1021n
- Armaments regulation policy:
- Atomic energy policy:
- Approved policies, 1046
- Atomic weapons, responsibility for, 863, 964, 969–970, 972, 984, 1010
- Atomic weapons production, 934–937
- Combined Development Agency, 890
- Fissionable materials, 852–857, 887–889, 891–893, 1026–1028, 1031–1032
- Hydrogen bomb production and testing, 880, 989n, 990, 1017–1018, 1032–1033, 1035–1036, 1051, 1054
- Sharing of information with Allies, 847, 851, 988n
- Continental defense, 120–122, 125, 139–142
- Defense programs, funding for, 2–4
- Economic and military assistance programs, 123, 127n, 184, 209–222
- General war, 198
- National security policy, 20, 55, 88, 113, 118, 124, 135
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, 325, 351, 1251n, 1292, 1336n, 1347–1348, 1349n, 1352n
- McCardle, Carl W., 1673n, 1678–1679, 1684n, 1685–1686, 1738n
- McCardle, James, 1340, 1399
- McCarran, Pat, 1690–1691, 1706
- McCarthy, Joseph R., 1670–1671, 1697–1699, 1708, 1718–1720
- McCleod, Scott, 1675n
- McCloy, John J., 351, 1380
- McClurkin, Robert, 1731n
- McCormack, Maj. Gen. James, 324, 351, 390–391, 398
- McDonnell, W. Barrett, 330n
- McGranery, J. P., 20n, 54n, 80n, 142n, 205n
- Mackenzie King. See King, William Lyon Mackenzie
- MacKnight, Jesse M., 1668n, 1711n
- McMahon, Brien, 853, 858n, 879, 955–957, 963
- McNeil, Wilfred J., 542–543, 610n, 824, 829
- McSweeney, John M., 1560
- MacVeagh, Lincoln, 1031
- McWilliams, William J., 1625–1626
- Makins, Roger, 847, 1142n, 1305, 1316, 1320–1321, 1328, 1330, 1332–1333, 1335, 1340–1341, 1350, 1351–1354, 1356, 1361–1362, 1363n, 1419, 1421, 1448, 1542
- Malaya, 194, 497, 560, 589
- Malenkov, Georgiy M., 1186n
- Malik, Charles, 1291
- Malott, Deane W., 276
- Mann, George A., 1735n
- Marks, Herbert, 897
- Marshall Islands, 882, 1419
- Martin, Edwin W., 957n
- Martin, Hugo, 1656
- Martin, Jacques, 1334, 1459, 1503
- Martin, Joseph W., Jr., 317
- Marx, Karl, 7, 91
- Matthews, H. Freeman, 58, 68n, 87n, 125n, 164n, 242n, 967, 993, 1055, 1625n, 1658–1668
- Mattison, Lewis C., 1874
- Maybank, Burnet R., 933
- Mayer, René, 266
- Mayo, Charles W., 1756
- Meat Institute, 1450
- Meeker, Leonard C., 957n, 1300
- Mendès-France, Pierre, 696, 1355, 1535
- Menon, V. K. Krishna, 1291, 1554–1555, 1559
- Merchant, Livingston T., 441n, 1188, 1251, 1305–1306, 1328, 1330–1333, 1335–1341, 1345, 1347–1348, 1350–1353, 1361–1363, 1366, 1372, 1376–1377, 1412–1418, 1425n, 1448, 1473n, 1501, 1578n
- Merson, Martin, 1719–1720, 1722
- Mexico, 1143
- Meyers, Howard, 904, 909, 912n, 938n, 979n, 1014, 1043–1046, 1139n, 1175n, 1179n, 1189, 1206n, 1214n, 1294n, 1297–1300, 1306–1309, 1358n, 1360n, 1366–1367, 1378n, 1380, 1381n, 1386n, 1393n, 1399–1400, 1421n, 1422n, 1429n, 1435n, 1440n, 1534n, 1535n, 1540n, 1559, 1563–1566, 1585–1589, 1758n, 1760n, 1793n
- Middle East:
- British policy re, 835–836
- Colonialism in, 561
- Communist activities in, 77–78, 153–154
- Military situation, 107, 220–221
- Political situation, 508, 591–592
- Project Solarium recommendations re, 410, 426–427
- U.S. information efforts re, 1779–1780, 1785–1786
- U.S. policy re, 131–132, 192–193, 215, 751, 835–836, 1820–1821
- Middle East Defense Organization, 220
- Military program:
- Air warfare, 168–172, 338–341
- Antisubmarine warfare, 170
- Buildup of, 106, 113–114
- Career Incentive Program, 821–824, 829
- Cutbacks in, 259–264, 278–279, 293–297, 309–312
- Force levels, 21–26, 284, 807n, 814–816, 823, 828n
- Force structures, 301, 306, 543–547
- Funding for, 27–28, 284
- Ground combat, 171–172
- Manpower needs, 502, 589–590
- Objectives, 166–168, 825–829
- Reserve program, 133–134, 823, 829
- Miller, Charles P., 1616n
- Millikan, Max, 324, 926
- Minnich, L. Arthur, Jr., 822–825, 1305n
- Mitchell, William, 1142
- Mobilization program:
- Adequacy of, 72–73, 86, 149–150
- Allies, support for, 761
- Atomic weapons policy, effect of, 678–680
- Capabilities of, 100–103, 663–666
- Civilian economy, effect on, 35–36, 42–44, 162–163
- Continuity of governmental and industrial functions, 44–45, 486, 489, 621, 623, 629–632, 801
- Dispersal of production facilities, 763–765, 767–769
- Funding for, 45–47, 712–713
- General war planning, 599–607
- Industrial base, 33–35, 70, 83, 140, 146
- Manpower requirements, 41, 531–532, 582, 821
- Matériel production, 29–33, 41, 75–76, 137–138, 151–152, 156–163, 259–296, 311, 731–736, 760–761, 766, 783
- Military base, 70, 83, 146
- Objectives, 29, 173–174, 582–583, 759–770
- Strategic materials, 36–40, 157–161, 174, 177–178, 821
- Moch, Jules, 914–915, 979n, 980, 1021, 1046–1049, 1144–1145, 1440, 1534–1537
- Molotov, Vyacheslav M., 1227, 1286n, 1287–1288, 1292, 1302, 1304, 1307, 1319, 1320n, 1323–1324, 1335–1336, 1338–1339, 1347, 1349, 1350–1351, 1353, 1355, 1358, 1362–1363, 1369, 1377, 1388–1389, 1399, 1401, 1413–1417, 1424–1425, 1479, 1526, 1567n, 1578
- Monazite, 886–890, 1029
- Monnet, Jean, 4
- Montgomery, Edward P., 1652n, 1668n, 1681n, 1699n, 1711n, 172, 1731n, 1758n
- Montgomery, Maj. Gen. John B., 351
- Morgan, George A., 1293n, 1722
- Morgan, Marthlyn, 61
- Morocco, 454, 1028–1029, 1100–1101, 1142
- Morris, Joe Alex, 1356
- Morton, Gerald, 1679
- Morton, Thruston, B., 1442, 1690n, 1707
- Mosely, Philip E., 351
- Mosman, Ellsworth R., 1707n, 1711n, 1731n
- Mossadegh, Mohammad, 439
- Mundt, E. Karl, 1627
- Murphy, Robert D., 699n, 1050, 1053–1055, 1189n, 1298, 1300, 1307–1308, 1320–1321, 1322n, 1336n, 1340–1342, 1352n, 1353–1354, 1358, 1367, 1371–1372, 1380–1382, 1393, 1421, 1435–, 1440, 1442, 1501n, 1586–1588, 1758n
- Murray, Thomas E., 847, 892, 1036, 1100–1101, 1148, 1177–1179, 1464, 1584
- Murrow, Edward R., 1406
- Mutual Defense Assistance Program, 27–28
- Mutual Security Agency, 297, 1835, 1837, 1839
- Mutual Security Program:
- Nagle, Arthur C., 1043n
- Nash, Frank C., 202, 243, 260, 264, 877, 912, 927, 941, 1056n, 1128, 1137, 1229, 1241, 1315, 1327, 1445n
- The Nation, 1721n
- National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 169
- National Association of Home Builders, 1451
- National Automobile Dealers’ Association, 1450
- National Canners’ Association, 1450
- National Committee for a Free Europe, 1831–1833, 1899
- National Indications Center, 800–801
- National Intelligence Estimates:
- National Intelligence Survey, 52
- National Psychological Program, 178–179
- National Retail Dry Goods Association, 1450
- National Security Council:
- Civilian Consultants on national security, 268–273, 276, 280–281
- Continental Defense Committee (Kelly Committee), 320, 375, 465n, 477–479
- Documents:
- NSC 20/4, 13, 225–226, 325n, 386
- NSC 68 series, 11, 13, 17–20, 54–55, 62, 226, 1018–1019
- NSC 79, 197–200
- NSC 112, 859–863, 926n, 928, 1091–1096, 1103–1108
- NSC 112/1, 1190–1206, 1210–1212, 1217–1218
- NSC 114 series, 11, 13–14, 17–21, 54–55
- NSC 120/2, 848–851
- NSC 126, 869–872
- NSC 131 series, 47
- NSC 135 series, 56–57, 80–87, 89–113, 119–126, 134–139, 142–156, 210–212, 226–228, 325n
- NSC 139, 319, 477n
- NSC 140 series, 205–208, 328–349, 355–360, 369–370, 1177–1178
- NSC 141, 209–222, 228–230, 232, 319–320, 520–521
- NSC 145, 274, 1121–1133
- NSC 149 series, 149, 281, 288–289, 291–317
- NSC 151 series, 323, 546n, 1149–1160, 1170–1174, 1184–1185, 1256–1285
- NSC 153 series, 370–386
- NSC 159 series, 465–489
- NSC 161, 443, 535–549
- NSC 162 series, 488–534, 545–546, 562–597
- NSC 165/1, 1752–1754
- NSC 172 series, 599–607
- NSC 5407, 633
- NSC 5408, 609–633, 638
- NSC 5410 series, 635–646
- NSC 5422 series, 647–680, 686–731, 759–770
- NSC 5430, 1777–1790
- NSC 5431 series, 1481–1499
- NSC 5440, 806–822, 828–832
- Meetings:
- Armaments regulation policy, 1106–1108, 1110–1114, 1169–1174, 1184, 1210–1212, 1216–1218, 1246
- Atomic Energy Commission, U.S., 538–540
- Atomic energy policy, 1108–1109, 1128–1133, 1145–1149, 1179–1180, 1244–1246, 1425–1429, 1452–1456, 1467–1472, 1482–1488
- Atomic weapons, possible use of, 532–534, 688–690, 706–707
- Atoms for Peace proposal, 1423–1425
- Continental defense, 120–122, 138–139, 164–165, 367–370, 375–376, 464–475, 624–633, 637–638, 698, 703–705, 800–802
- Defense programs, funding for, 541–549
- Economic and military assistance programs, 267–268, 524–526, 788–789, 797–798, 841–842
- Economic policies, 299, 523, 536–549
- Fiscal and security balance, 514–524
- Free World alliance, 694–699, 711–712
- General war, 638–644, 688–693, 706–707, 803–805
- Guidelines for, 250–251
- Indigenous forces, development of, 136–137
- Information Agency, U.S., 1750–1752
- Military program, 291–297, 807n
- Mobilization program, 531–532, 599–604, 762–770
- Mutual Security Program, 265, 297–299, 302–305, 541
- National security policy, 236–237, 244–245, 268–281, 287–290, 710–711, 834–836
- Negotiation policy, 528–530, 843–844
- Operations Coordinating Board, establishment of, 1877–1879
- Political warfare, use of, 530–531
- Project Solarium, 387–388, 394–398, 432–440, 490n
- Recall of documents, 118
- Redeployment of forces abroad, 443–455, 526–528, 570–574
- Soviet expansion, 373–375, 700–703, 707–709, 790–796, 832–834
- Soviet Union, relations with, 836–837, 840
- Trade policy, 119–120, 122–125, 798–799
- Organization and function of, 1n, 258, 535–536
- Special Committee on Atomic Energy, 851–858, 863, 865, 933, 969–970, 973–979, 984–988, 1011, 1017–1018, 1021, 1032–1036, 1052–1053
- Special Committee on Development of Thermonuclear Weapons, 878–879, 881
- Special Evaluation Subcommittee on Soviet capabilities, 206n, 207–208, 329–349
- National security policy (see also
Continental defense; Federal
Civil Defense Program; Military program;
Mobilization program; Project Solarium), 181, 736–759
- Adequacy of, 834–836
- Atomic parity, 62, 771, 781–783
- Atomic weapons, possible use of, 110–113, 202–205, 447–448, 509, 532–534, 545–548, 566, 593, 607–608, 656–657, 678–680, 688–690, 706–707, 718, 1440–1442
- Containment policy, 66–68
- Economic and military assistance programs, 71, 84–85, 126–134, 147, 175, 184–186, 209–222, 228–230, 266–268, 273, 296–297, 303–305, 524–526, 663, 722, 753, 770–772, 788, 797–798, 841–842
- Economic development programs, 660–661, 670–671, 721–722, 752, 784, 817
- Economy, effect on, 262–263, 265, 269–272, 281–282, 299–300, 316, 383, 500–502, 518–524, 536–549, 588–589, 709, 713, 817–818
- Evolution of, 225–231
- Fiscal and security balance, 370–371, 379–385, 500–505, 510–511, 515–524, 582, 588–590, 593–594, 745–746
- Foreign apprehensions re, 498–499, 586–587, 646–647, 796–797
- Free World alliance, importance of, 452–453, 494–499, 504–507, 583–587, 591–593, 659–660, 693–698, 711–712, 719–721, 748–750, 816, 818
- Free World military posture, 62–64, 672–675
- Funding for programs, 54–56, 236–237, 244–245, 268–290, 292, 306, 309, 315–317, 666–667, 710–711, 729–731
- General war:
- Indigenous forces, development of, 71, 134–137, 147
- Intelligence program, 50–53, 179, 268, 582, 821
- Isolationism, 452–453
- “Key Data” book on national security programs, 165–181
- Massive retaliation doctrine, 609, 1071–1072
- Negotiation policy, 72, 79, 85, 149, 155, 495–496, 512–513, 528–530, 566–567, 584–585, 594–595, 680–686, 694–695, 747–748, 775, 818–819, 829, 843–844
- Objectives of, 64–65, 224–225, 307–309, 440–441, 521–522, 596–597, 813–814, 828–832, 838–841
- Political programs, 130–131
- Political warfare, 72, 78–79, 155, 513, 530–531, 595, 818
- Public support for, 72, 85, 148, 460–462, 502, 511, 590, 594, 820–821
- Reappraisal of, 17–20, 54–73, 87–88
- Redeployment of forces abroad, 394, 443–457, 508–509, 526–528, 549–550, 566, 570–574, 593, 597–599
- Soviet Union (see also under
General war
- Atomic capabilities, 12–17, 110–113, 202–204, 651, 677, 725, 755, 1064–1066, 1159–1160
- Capabilities to injure the United States, 205–208, 328–349, 355–360, 364
- Coexistence with, 836–837, 840–841
- Destruction of system, 68–69, 79–80, 144–145, 155–156, 200–201, 202n, 267–268
- Expansion, 66–68, 93–94, 373–375, 658–659, 700–703, 707–709, 718–719, 743–747, 757, 780–781, 785–787, 789–796, 803, 831–832
- Peace offensive, 778–780, 811–812, 1699–1706
- Trade policy, 119–120, 122–125, 148, 663–664, 722, 752–753, 798–799, 817
- Underdeveloped countries, 499–500, 587–588, 660–661, 721
- U.S. prestige abroad, 407
- National Security Resources Board, 20n, 44, 114, 164, 183–184, 940
- Navy, U.S. Department of the, 3, 22–25, 167, 235, 259–260, 310
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 1383, 1419, 1463
- New York Times, 826n, 1052n, 1376
- New Zealand, 496, 584, 1283–1285, 1289
- Nichols, Kenneth D., 1472
- Niemeyer, Gerhart, 1014
- Nitze, Paul H., 125n, 1114n, 1681n
- Armaments regulation policy, 918–923, 992
- Atomic weapons, possible use of, 202–205
- Atomic weapons, responsibility for, 967
- Continental defense, 140, 142n, 164n, 165, 182–184, 318–323
- Economic and military assistance programs, 127n, 184–186
- General war, 197, 199
- Hydrogen bomb testing, 958–963, 1034–1035, 1054
- Indigenous forces, development of, 135
- National Security Council, functioning of, 237–243
- National security policy reappraisal, 17, 58–59, 68–73
- Project Solarium, 324, 350
- Nixon, Richard M., 287, 296, 300, 398, 438, 444–445, 447–448, 451, 453, 466, 472–473, 696, 1108–1109, 1210, 1217, 1427, 1723, 1776, 1779–1780, 1782, 1791n
- Nkrumah, Kwame, 1786
- Nolting, Frederick E., Jr., 234n, 441n, 699n
- North Africa, 192–193, 561, 795–796
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 31, 454, 541, 775
- Norway, 569, 1784
- Noyes, Charles P., 124, 127n, 1134, 1157
- Nuclear weapons. See hydrogen bomb subheadings under Atomic energy policy and under Soviet Union.
- O’Connor, Roderic L., 1351n, 1477, 1501n
- O’Day, Burnita, 1670n
- Operations Coordinating Board (see also Psychological Strategy Board), 455, 512, 536n, 1293, 1403–1412, 1724–1725, 1736–1737, 1739–1750, 1753, 1792, 1855–1858, 1875, 1877–1879, 1882–1883
- Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 896n, 901, 903–908, 917, 920–921, 925–926, 988, 992, 994n, 1008, 1013–1014, 1035, 1047–1049, 1058, 1096, 1170–1171, 1173–1174, 1472
- Organization of American States, 1821, 1888
- Pace, Frank, Jr., 126
- Page, Arthur W., 466, 474
- Pakistan, 192, 215, 217, 220–221, 409, 508, 561, 593, 671, 862, 1530, 1780, 1785
- Panel of Consultants on Disarmament. See under Armaments regulation policy.
- Parodi, Alexandre, 1535
- Passive defense. See Continental defense.
- Patterson, Morehead, 1387, 1429, 1523–1524, 1544n, 1560, 1570–1571
- Patterson, Robert P., 1252
- Paul, Gen. Willard S., 631
- Pawley, William D., 886–890
- Pearson, Lester B., 1097, 1412
- Penfield, James K., 351, 1355
- Perkins, George W., 17n, 125n, 957n, 1031
- Perrin, Francis, 1021
- Petersen, Howard C., 1323, 1325
- Peterson, A. Atley, 1874
- Peterson, Val, 273–274, 276, 305n, 328n, 355n, 372n, 378n, 375–376, 474n, 489n, 522, 536n, 562n, 577n, 609n, 647n, 667n, 705, 715n, 730n, 737n, 798, 801, 805n, 1161n, 1172, 1190n, 1256, 1449–1452
- Philippines, 175, 194, 495, 560, 584, 1787
- Phillips, Ellis L., 1874
- Phillips, Joseph B., 1289n, 1294n, 1626, 1640–1641, 1652n, 1679, 1680, 1681n, 1684, 1699n, 1713n, 1738n, 1758n
- Phleger, Herman, 1673n, 1679
- Pike, Sumner, 891
- Plowden, Edward, 4, 1542
- Plutonium, 275, 852
- Point Four Program, 175
- Polakoff, Joseph, 1655n
- Poland, 694, 1094–1095, 1727, 1832
- Popper, David H., 1358n
- Porter, Gen. H. E., 1230
- Portugal, 1030, 1100, 1503
- Potier, Augusto, 1503
- Pratt, James, 1681n, 1684n, 1699n, 1731n
- President’s Advisory Committee on Government Organization, 1691–1697, 1711
- President’s Board of Foreign Scholarships, 1693
- President’s Committee on International Information Activities, 1711, 1719–1720, 1737–1738, 1754
- Project Candor. See Public information policy under Armaments regulation policy.
- Project Corrode, 618n
- Project East River, 20n, 183, 232, 319
- Project Solarium:
- Implementation of recommendations, 387–388, 394–398, 432–442, 490n, 577n
- Plenary Session, 388–393
- Political warfare against the Soviet Union (Task Force C), 392–393, 416–431, 433–434
- Project summaries, 398–434
- Reports based on, 463–464
- Strategic offensive by the United States (Task Force A), 388–390, 399–412, 432–434
- Task force selection and functions, 323–328, 349–354, 360–366
- Warning of general war as sanction against Soviet aggression (Task Force B), 390–391, 412–416, 432, 434
- Psychological Operations Coordinating Committee, 1638, 1840, 1857, 1876
- Psychological Strategy Board (see also Operations Coordinating Board), 178, 248, 451–452, 455, 490n, 576n, 869–872, 989n, 1019, 1021–1023, 1050–1051, 1150, 1152, 1174, 1184–1185, 1601, 1603, 1694, 1722, 1840, 1854–1855, 1876, 1880, 1897
- Public Buildings Service, 1450
- Puerto Rico, 1530
- Quarles, Donald A., 627
- Rabi, Isidor L., 1513, 1516, 1541
- Radford, Adm. Arthur W.,
326, 394, 475n, 489n, 562n, 577n, 604n, 609n, 667n, 684, 715n, 731n, 738n, 759n, 799, 806n, 830, 1190n, 1223n, 1256n, 1296n, 1445n, 1449n, 1488n, 1526, 1580n, 1752n, 1880n, 1881
- Armaments regulation policy, 1218, 1224, 1243
- Atomic weapons, possible use of, 533, 545–547, 1576
- Continental defense, 466n, 467, 469, 471, 473–474, 610n, 627
- Fiscal and security balance, 521
- General war, 636, 639–640, 643, 644n, 647n, 687–689, 692–693, 792
- Hydrogen bomb testing, 1427, 1440, 1455
- Indochina, 795–796
- Military assistance programs, 797
- Mobilization program, 760n, 767, 793
- Redeployment of U.S. forces abroad, 444–451, 453–454, 526, 528
- Soviet expansion, 791–792, 794
- U.S. military forces, restructuring of, 543–544
- Radio Free Asia, 1834
- Radio Free Europe, 1832–1833, 1899
- Radius, Walter, 1293n, 1723–1724
- Raine, Philip, 1689n, 1699n, 1758n
- Rand, William M., 297
- Rand Corporation, 235
- Rayburn, Sam, 828–829
- Raynor, G. Hayden, 1382n, 1542
- Reams, Elinor, 1689n
- Reed, Daniel A., 524
- Reinhardt, G. Frederick, 351
- Reston, James, 1052n, 1376
- Revey, E. Lewis, 1654n, 1681n, 1699n, 1726
- Rhee, Syngman, 696, 1731
- Ridgway, Gen. Matthew B., 326–327, 394, 444, 447, 454, 526, 533, 541, 639–640, 643, 804–806
- Roberts, Edward V., 1652, 1760n
- Robertson, David B., 272–273, 280
- Robertson, Walter S., 441n
- Robeson, Paul, 1714
- Robilliart, Hermann, 1028, 1031, 1503
- Robinson, Howard A., 1333
- Rockefeller, Nelson A., 1691n
- Romania, 1277
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 885n, 890n, 1251–1253, 1355n
- Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel, 1640n, 1668, 1736
- Ruffin, Henri, 1144
- Rusk, Dean, 327, 350
- Russell, Bertrand, 61
- Russell, Richard, 829
- Ryckmans, Pierre, 1099, 1536, 1557, 1558
- Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira, 1030, 1100
- Salt, Barbara, 1382n, 1393, 1399, 1422n, 1503, 1515–1516
- Saltonstall, Leverett, 628, 824, 829
- Sanders, William, 883n, 905, 907, 914–916, 932n, 938–940, 957n, 1014, 1096n
- Sandifer, Durward V., 1008–1010, 1214–1215
- Sanger, Richard H., 1668n, 1699n, 1707n, 1758n
- Sargeant, Howland H., 939, 1697n, 1723–1724, 1875–1877
- Savage, Carlton, 142n, 182–184, 231–235, 318–323, 1265
- Sawyer, Charles, 20n, 54n, 80n, 142, 849
- Schine, G. David, 1697
- Schwartz, Harry H., 12–17, 370
- Scott, Robert, 1381, 1382n, 1556–1558
- Scott, Walter K., 1293n, 1638–1639, 1673–1675
- Sengier, Edgar E. B., 1028, 1031
- Shepherd, Gen. Lemuel C., Jr., 259–260, 263
- Shulman, Marshall D., 1055
- Simpson, Thomas W., 1706n, 1708n, 1720n, 1721, 1737
- Sims, Albert G., 1706n, 1713n
- Slansky, Rudolph, 1640n
- Smedley, Agnes, 1698
- Smirnovsky, Michail N., 1336
- Smith, Bromley K., 87, 1128
- Smith, David W., 1714
- Smith, Gerard C., 1336n, 1349n, 1352n, 1402, 1435, 1442–1445, 1453n, 1458–1459, 1461n, 1473n, 1477, 1480n, 1481–1482, 1501n, 1503–1505, 1506n, 1512, 1515–1517, 1523–1524, 1529–1532, 1542–1547, 1549–1551, 1558, 1570n, 1577–1578, 1587
- Smith, H. D., 1016
- Smith, Rear Adm. H. P., 350, 1215, 1229
- Smith, Robert, 1026
- Smith, Walter Bedell, 323n, 646, 1056n, 1506n
- Armaments regulation policy, 1103, 1107, 1140, 1161, 1173, 1214, 1217–1218, 1223–1224, 1358, 1384–1386, 1397, 1416
- Atomic energy policy, 846–847, 988n, 1180–1183, 1247, 1249, 1302n, 1418
- Atomic weapons, possible use of, 607–608
- Atoms for Peace proposal, 1289–1291, 1294–1295, 1297, 1347–1348, 1369, 1398, 1401, 1524
- Continental defense, 466
- Economic assistance programs, 301
- Foreign information program, 1699–1707, 1722
- Information Agency, U.S., 1761–1762, 1791–1793, 1875, 1879
- Mobilization program, 295
- Mutual Security Program, 298–299
- National Security Council, functioning of, 237, 242
- National security policy, funding for, 292–293
- Project Solarium, 327, 349, 441
- Soviet capabilities to injure the United States, 206–208, 634
- Smyth, Henry D., 847, 872, 946, 1036, 1051, 1054, 1056n
- Smythe, Horace, 896n
- Snapp, Roy B., 1134, 1157, 1265, 1482n, 1539
- Snyder, John W., 20n, 54n, 80n, 142n, 205n, 849–850, 869
- Sobolev, A. A., 1560, 1562, 1571, 1574
- Society of Automotive Engineers, 1450
- Sohm, Earl O., 164n
- Sokolsky, George, 1670–1671
- Solarium Project. See Project Solarium.
- Sontag, Raymond, 324
- South Asia, 77–78, 131–132, 154, 192, 215, 220–221, 1780–1781, 1785, 1820–1821
- Southeast Asia. See Indochina.
- Southwick, Rodney L., 882
- Soviet bloc:
- Capabilities and foreign policies, 553–555
- Economic situation, 189, 777–778, 809–810
- Internal instability, 381, 834, 1726–1731
- Political situation, 187–188
- Project Solarium recommendations re, 425–426
- Soviet Union, relations with, 492–493, 579–580, 648–649, 725, 753
- U.S. information efforts re, 1726–1731, 1771, 1779, 1784–1785, 1823–1835, 1883–1884, 1892–1893, 1897–1899
- Soviet Union (see also Soviet subheadings
Atoms for Peace proposal and under
United Nations: Armaments
- Armaments regulation policy:
- Armed forces limitations, 897–900, 954
- Atomic weapons ban proposal, 861–862, 1238, 1304–1305, 1310–1312, 1316–1318, 1358–1360, 1367–1368, 1387–1392, 1413–1416, 1421–1423, 1473–1477, 1525–1526, 1534–1537, 1568
- Atomic weapons testing, 959–960, 1002, 1446–1447
- Disclosure and verification, 906–907, 1047–1048
- Great Powers conference, possible, 1207–1208
- Negotiation strategy, 1060
- Savings used for world aid proposal, U.S., 1199
- U.S. public information policy, 1226–1227
- U.S.-Soviet negotiations, 854–855, 1013–1014, 1040, 1048, 1086–1087, 1117–1118
- Atomic weapons capabilities, 12–17, 110–113, 202–204, 540, 651, 677, 725, 755, 856, 1064–1066, 1159–1160
- China, People’s Republic of, relations with, 493, 580, 773, 1683, 1808
- Destruction of political system, U.S. plans for, 68–69, 79–80, 144–145, 155–156, 200–201, 202n, 267–268
- Economic situation, 51, 1802–1803, 1809
- Foreign information activities, 1846, 1848–1850
- Foreign policy, 91–92, 491–492, 578–579, 681–682, 772–773, 810–812
- Future actions, U.S. estimate of, 195–196
- General war, possible initiation of, 7–9, 16–17, 60–62, 73–78, 92–93, 109–110, 150–154, 186–187, 491–494, 578–581, 616, 812
- “Hate” campaign, 1654–1655
- Hydrogen bomb capabilities, 457, 479, 614, 628, 879–881, 998, 1185–1188, 1213–1214, 1219–1220, 1454–1455, 1458, 1464–1465
- Internal security, 1804–1805
- International control of atomic energy, 1021–1022, 1035–1036
- Korean war, 1735–1736, 1743–1746
- Military capabilities, 104–105, 650–652, 677–678, 726–727, 754–756, 776–777, 808–809, 1803–1804
- Mobilization capabilities, 98, 103–104
- Negotiation policy, 682–683
- Peace offensive, 778–780, 811–812, 1699–1706
- Political situation, 5–7, 89–92, 1074, 1681–1685, 1807–1808
- Political warfare:
- Power struggle with the United States, 64–65, 67–68, 108–109
- Satellite unrest, 1726–1731
- Soviet bloc, relations with, 492–493, 579–580, 648–649, 725, 753
- Stalin, death of, 290, 1681–1685
- Strategic materials stockpiling, 103
- United States, capabilities to injure, 205–208, 319, 321–322, 328–349, 355–360, 368, 634
- U.S. arms buildup, 919–920
- U.S. hydrogen bomb testing, 1004, 1016, 1022–1025, 1034–1036
- U.S. information efforts re, 1768–1770, 1779–1780, 1785–1786, 1824–1826, 1883–1884, 1892
- World domination policy, 93–94, 480–481, 701–703, 707–709, 757, 1801–1811
- Armaments regulation policy:
- Spaak, Paul-Henri, 1556, 1557, 1558, 1559n
- Spain, 175, 1030–1031, 1101, 1142, 1783–1784
- Special Estimates:
- SE–10, 12n
- Special National Intelligence Estimates:
- SNIE–11–2–54, 634
- Sprague, Robert C., 628, 698, 801–802
- Sriyanond, Gen. Phao, 1787
- Staats, Elmer B., 122, 1293n, 1403n, 1791n
- Stalin, Iosif V., 6, 61, 90, 92, 267–268, 290, 491, 554, 923, 1052n, 1113, 1136, 1681–1685
- Stassen, Harold E., 698, 1223n, 1500n, 1698, 1791n
- Armaments regulation policy, 1108, 1112, 1217, 1224
- Atoms for Peace proposal, 1407
- Colonialism, 377
- Continental defense, 369, 469, 474, 704–705, 793–794
- Defense program funding, 279
- Economic and military assistance programs, 228, 303–304, 437, 770–772, 788n, 797–798, 842
- Fiscal and security balance, 519, 521
- Foreign information program, 1710, 1723, 1868, 1878
- Free World alliance, 711
- General war, 690–692, 706, 805–806
- Hydrogen bomb testing, 1379, 1456
- Indochina, 696
- Military program, 260–262
- Mutual Security Program, 276–278, 290, 297, 300–304, 541
- National security policy, funding for, 237
- Negotiation policy, 530
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 289, 540
- Peaceful uses of atomic energy, 1485
- Project Solarium, 436–437, 439
- Redeployment of forces abroad, 455
- Soviet expansion, 708–709
- Trade policy, 799
- State–Defense Military Information Control Committee, 1258–1259, 1263, 1266–1267, 1281–1282
- State–War–Navy Coordinating Committee, 237n, 238n
- Steel, Christopher, 847
- Steelman, John R., 28, 138, 142n, 143, 156–163, 184–185, 205n, 849–850, 851n, 852, 869, 938
- Steffan, Roger, 257
- Stegmeier, John L., 1758n
- Stelle, Charles C., 1220–1223
- Stephens, Tom, 387, 457
- Stevens, Francis B., 1675, 1874
- Stevens, Adm. Leslie C., 324, 328
- Stevens, Robert T., 787
- Stimson, Henry L., 1073
- Stoessel, Walter J., 1368–1369, 1524n, 1699n
- Stone, I.F., 1707
- Strategic Air Command, 16, 338–341, 347–348, 458, 864
- Strategic materials, 36–40, 103, 157–161, 174, 177–178, 821
- Straus, Richard, 1726n
- Strauss, Lewis L., 305n, 328n, 355n, 372n, 378n, 399n, 475n, 489n, 562n, 577n, 609n, 644n, 647n, 667n, 715n, 731n, 738n, 759n, 806n, 1223n, 1296n, 1297n, 1305n, 1383n, 1445n, 1449n, 1488n, 1551, 1580, 1584n
- Armaments regulation policy, 1185, 1211–1212, 1215, 1217, 1224, 1235, 1238–1239, 1248, 1531, 1576–1577
- Atomic energy policy:
- Fissionable materials, 1483–1484, 1486, 1556–1558
- Hydrogen bomb testing, 882, 1379, 1380, 1418, 1425–1429, 1437–1438, 1448, 1453, 1464, 1469, 1470–1472
- Practical uses of atomic energy, 1496
- Private industry involvement, 1249
- Reactor construction and regulation, 1146–1149, 1246, 1550
- Reactors abroad, construction of, 1460–1461, 1481
- Sharing of information with Allies, 1245, 1256, 1289, 1302, 1356, 1361, 1477, 1507–1508
- Soviet hydrogen bomb testing, 1213, 1454, 1455
- Atoms for Peace proposal 1321, 1398, 1406, 1527
- National security policy, 275–276, 293–294, 531, 538–539, 568, 574–575, 628
- Streibert, Theodore C., 642, 784, 788n, 797, 800, 1735–1736, 1751, 1752n, 1754–1758, 1760–1762, 1773–1775, 1791, 1793, 1881n
- Strong, Gen., 907
- Supreme Court, U.S., 1640, 1712
- Suydam, Henry, 1340
- Sweden, 1498, 1784
- Switzerland, 1784
- Syria, 863
- Taber, John, 296, 829, 1654, 1656
- Tactical Air Command, 864
- Taft, Robert A., 317, 858
- Taiwan. See China, Republic of.
- Talbott, Harold E., 704–705, 787
- Templer, Gen. Gerald, 1267
- Tenth Inter-American Conference, Caracas, 1954, 835n
- Thailand, 175, 560, 1780, 1786–1787
- Thermonuclear weapons. See Hydrogen bomb subheadings under Atomic energy policy and under Soviet Union.
- Thomas, Charles A., 270, 274, 276, 280, 1130
- Thompson, Leland W., 352
- Thorium oxide, 887–888
- Thorp, Willard L., 17n, 125n, 135
- Thurston, Ray L., 1699n, 1726n
- Tito, Josip Broz, 7
- Tomkins, Edward E., 1037, 1367n, 1458–1459, 1528
- Trapnell, Edward R., 1504n
- Treasury, U.S. Department of the, 262–263, 265, 491n, 500n, 503n, 505n, 510n, 516, 518, 523–524, 727–729, 811, 815n, 818n, 1408
- Treaties, conventions, agreements, etc.:
- Geneva Protocol of 1925, 1094
- Hyde Park Agreement on atomic energy, 1944, 1252
- Memorandum of Intent on atomic energy, 1945, 1252–1255
- Modus Vivendi on atomic energy cooperation, 1948, 1244, 1275, 1279, 1282, 1509–1510
- Quebec Agreement, 1943, 975, 1251–1253, 1255, 1355–1356, 1383
- Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 1954, 773n
- Templer-Burns Agreement, 1950, 1267–1268
- Tritium, 275
- Truman, Harry S.:
- Administrative transition, 181, 186
- Armaments regulation policy:
- Atomic Energy Commission, 989
- Atomic energy policy:
- Approved policies, 1046
- Atomic weapons production, 933–934
- Atomic weapons, responsibility for, 863, 969–970, 972–973, 975–976, 981, 1011
- Fissionable materials, 851–853, 855–858, 892
- Hydrogen bomb production, 879, 955, 963–964, 1017–1018, 1186
- Hydrogen bomb testing, 991, 1032–1033, 1042n, 1050, 1052–1054, 1055n
- Public information policy, 869, 870n, 872
- Sharing of information with Allies, 846–850, 988, 1252, 1254
- Continental defense, 114, 121, 125, 138–140, 164, 182n
- Defense programs, funding for, 2, 3n, 4, 9–10
- Economic and military assistance programs, 186n, 209
- Economic policy, 547
- Indigenous forces, development of, 136–137
- “Key data” book on national security programs, 165–166
- Military program, 21, 27
- Mobilization program, 28, 138
- National security policy, 20, 54–56, 59, 88, 289, 317
- Soviet atomic capabilities, 13, 1113
- Soviet system, destruction of, 81
- Special Evaluation Committee on Soviet capabilities, 207–208
- Steel strike of 1952, 158n
- Trade policy, 119–120, 122–125
- United Kingdom, relations with, 4
- Tufts, Robert W., 18–20, 58n, 920–921, 992, 1874
- Turkey, 175, 192, 217, 267, 507, 593, 696
- Tuttle, Elbert P., 1231
- Twining, Gen. Nathan F., 326, 444, 448, 627, 830, 840
- Union of South Africa, 886, 888, 1027, 1099–1100, 1498, 1503
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See Soviet Union.
- United Kingdom:
- Armaments regulation policy, 898–899, 906, 914–917, 954, 989, 1393–1397
- Atomic weapons, possible use of, 533, 1401
- Atomic weapons ban proposal, Soviet, 1367–1368, 1393–1397, 1421–1423
- Atoms for Peace proposal, 1286
- Economic situation, 191
- Fissionable materials, 1027, 1098–1100, 1142–1143, 1254–1255, 1555–1558
- Indochina policy, 498, 586, 696
- Iran, relations with, 439
- Middle East policy, 835–836
- Outside obligations, 71, 84, 107, 132, 146
- U.S. hydrogen bomb testing, 1036–1037, 1382–1383, 1418–1420, 1448, 1454, 1463
- U.S. information efforts re, 1784, 1887–1888
- U.S. sharing of atomic energy information, 846–848, 975–976, 988, 1116, 1245–1246, 1251–1255, 1267–1269, 1275–1277, 1279–1285, 1289, 1301–1302, 1355–1356, 1507–1511, 1542
- Weapons production, 171, 191
- United Nations:
- Armaments regulation policy (see also Disarmament Commission below):
- Atomic Energy Commission, U.S., 845, 895n, 910, 1018
- Commission for Conventional Armaments, 845
- Disarmament Commission (see
Armaments regulation policy
- Four-Power Working Party, 1393–1394, 1397
- French proposals, 979–980, 1144–1145, 1167
- Functioning of, 845–846, 861–863, 1043–1046, 1250, 1551
- Indian proposal, 1383
- Meeting site, 1384–1385, 1397–1398
- Participants, 1397–1398
- Soviet proposals, 1093–1095, 1139–1140, 1164–1166
- Subcommittee of Five, 1307–1309, 1328, 1351–1352, 1380–1382, 1386–1387, 1393–1397, 1399–1400, 1429–1435, 1448, 1536
- U.S. proposals, 872n, 877, 895–932, 938–945, 954–955, 957–958, 982–984, 989, 1091–1096, 1105–1106
- U.S.-Soviet discussions, 1298–1300, 1305–1306, 1334–1335
- U.S. strategy, 883–885, 1045–1046, 1160–1169, 1139–1141, 1175–1177, 1179, 1189
- General Assembly Resolutions:
- International Atomic Energy Agency proposal, 1291, 1436–1437, 1481, 1484–1485, 1505–1507, 1516, 1519–1520, 1530, 1532–1533, 1540, 1544–1545, 1551–1552, 1560, 1562, 1567–1568, 1571, 1579
- International control of atomic energy plan, 930, 976, 1181–1182, 1202–1204, 1214–1215
- International Scientific Conference, 1541
- International tensions, Dulles speech re, 462–463
- Korean war, 1756–1757
- U.S. information activities re, 1818–1819, 1888
- University of Michigan Survey Research Center, 1451
- Uranium, 275, 888, 1026–1032, 1098–1103, 1141–1144
- Van Hollen, Christopher, 197n, 372n
- Van Zeeland, Paul, 1099
- Vandenberg, Arthur, Jr., 1356n
- Vandenburg, Gen. Hoyt S., 260–261, 263, 326, 852, 854, 856–857
- Vargas, Gen. Jesus, 1787
- Vedeler, Harold, 1726n
- Vietnam, 215, 217, 498, 586, 795, 811n
- Vladykin, Nikolai A., 1346n
- Voice of America:
- China, People’s Republic of, broadcasts into, 1828, 1884, 1892–1893
- Criticism of, 1675–1677
- Funding for, 1647–1648, 1845
- Investigation of, 1638–1639
- Name change proposal, 1890–1891, 1896
- Program development and content, 1619, 1637, 1640–1641, 1670–1672, 1678–1680, 1692, 1845
- Soviet bloc, broadcasts into, 1784, 1826–1828
- Soviet Union, broadcasts into, 1824–1826, 1883–1884, 1892
- Transmitting facilities, 1657
- Voluntary Credit Restraint Program, 44
- Vyshinsky, Andrey Y., 860–861, 906, 920, 1200, 1324, 1358–1360, 1382n, 1397–1398, 1522–1523, 1525, 1534, 1560–1563, 1571–1574
- Wadsworth, James J., 122, 124, 205n, 206n, 1335n, 1341, 1529
- Wadsworth, Lawrence W., 1699n
- Wage Stabilization Board, 43
- Wainhouse, David W., 1043n, 1298–1300, 1334n, 1371–1372, 1376, 1377–1378, 1382n, 1393, 1435–1437, 1507, 1544, 1549n, 1793n
- Walmsley, Walter, Jr., 87, 125–126, 134n, 1567n
- Washburn, Abbott, 1754n, 1758–1760, 1791n, 1796, 1868
- Washington, George, 544
- Washington Post, 122
- Watts, Philip H., 372n, 441–442, 1134, 1135n, 1157
- Waugh, Samuel, 441n
- Webster, Maj. Gen. Robert M., 330n, 331n
- Wechsler, Irving R., 1654n, 1731n
- Weeks, Sinclair, 628, 1296, 1791
- Weightman, Melvin A., 1708n
- Wells, A. A., 1141
- Western Europe:
- Atomic vulnerability, 203, 1072
- Economic and political situations, 76–77, 153, 190–192
- Military capabilities, 219–220, 497–498, 507, 562–565, 569, 585–586, 592
- Project Solarium, recommendations re, 426
- U.S. economic and military assistance, 215–216, 273
- U.S. information efforts, 1778–1779, 1782–1784
- U.S. policy re, 528, 671, 749–750, 1819
- U.S. troops in, 598–599
- Western hemisphere, U.S. defense of, 132–133
- Whiston, Lish, 330n
- White, Max, 1143
- White, Lt. Gen. Thomas D., 324
- Whitehair, Francis P., 880–881
- Whitman, Ann, 1234n, 1301n
- Wiley, Alexander, 829, 1181n, 1627, 1635
- Williams, John Z., 1431, 1793n
- Wilson, Charles Edward, 20n, 28, 54n, 80n, 140, 856–858, 938
- Wilson, Charles Erwin:
- Armaments regulation policy, 1107, 1161, 1212, 1217
- Atomic Energy Commission, U.S., 274, 292, 539–540
- Atomic energy policy:
- Atomic weapons, possible use of, 533, 545
- Atoms for Peace proposal, 1398
- Continental defense, 466, 469–470, 472, 704–705, 794, 802
- Defense programs, funding of, 265, 278–279, 541–543, 707
- Economic and military assistance programs, 228, 273, 303, 525
- Economic policy, 271–272, 523, 536, 538, 547–548, 709
- Fiscal and security balance, 516, 520–521
- Foreign information program, 1723, 1751, 1868, 1878
- General war, 602–605, 690, 692–694, 706–707, 804–805
- Indochina, 795–796
- Military program, 260–261, 263–264, 290, 294, 822
- Mobilization program, 532, 600, 712–713, 732n, 759n, 760n, 763–770, 798
- Mutual Security Program, 289, 297, 300–301
- National security policy, funding for, 288–289, 292, 710
- Negotiation policy, 530, 680, 695–697, 843
- Project Solarium, 437–439
- Redeployment of forces abroad, 444, 526, 528, 548–549, 571, 573–575
- Soviet atomic capability, 531
- Soviet Union, attitude toward, 372, 703, 708, 785–787, 790–791, 793, 839–840
- Trade policy, 799–800
- Western European military capabilities, 562, 569
- Wisner, Frank G., 351
- Womble Board Report, 674
- Wood, C. Tyler, 350
- Yoshida, Shigeru, 446
- Yugoslavia, 107, 175, 557
- Zarubin, Georgi N., 1324–1325, 1328, 1332, 1334n, 1335n, 1336–1341, 1345n, 1346–1348, 1350, 1352, 1354, 1363, 1367n, 1369, 1371, 1376–1378, 1385, 1389, 1415, 1436, 1458n, 1473n, 1546n, 1547n, 1560