S/S–NSC files, lot 66 D 148, “Solarium”
Memorandum by the President
to the Secretary of State
top secret
Washington, May 20, 1953.
I have asked the Commandant of The National War College, Lieutenant General H. A. Craig, USAF, to organize and administer the
above-mentioned highly classified and urgent project for the National
Security Council. The carrying out of this project will require the
temporary services of some few specially selected officers, possibly from
your Department or Agency, and the furnishing of some administrative or
secretarial personnel and services. The project, which will formally
commence about June 10, 1953, should be completed in about six weeks.
This is to request that you cooperate with General Craig by providing to him on temporary duty such
officers and other personnel as he may request and any services he may
require. Travel, per diem and other expenses connected with his requests
should be borne by your Department.
I wish to emphasize the urgency involved and to request that the needs be met
as expeditiously as possible and by the provision of highest quality
personnel and services.
The Acting Secretary of State, General
Smith; the Director for Central Intelligence, Mr. Dulles; and the Special Assistant to
the President for National Security Affairs, Mr. Cutler; constitute a
[Page 350]
working committee of the National Security
Council in connection with Project Solarium. At my request they are
coordinating arrangements with General
Part I—Personnel Recommendations for Task
Task Force “A”:
The exploration and presentation of Alternative “A”2 requires intimate understanding of the
past policies and actions of the United States, the rest of the free
world, and of the U.S.S.R., and broad gauge political, military,
economic and psychological planning for the future.
The persons recommended to make up this Task Force are:
- George F. Kennan
(Retired Foreign Service, Political Planner and Russian Expert)3
- Colonel G. A.
Lincoln (USA, Military Planner and Economist)
- Mr. Paul Nitze (State
Department, Political Planner and Economist)
- Rear Admiral H. P.
Smith (USN, Military Planner and Expert on Foreign
Military Matters)
- Mr. C. Tyler Wood
(MSA, Economist and Expert on
Congressional Relations)
- Lieutenant General C. P.
Cabell (USAF,
Military Planner and Intelligence Expert)
- Mr. Dean Rusk
(Rockefeller Foundation, Political and
Military Planner and Economist)
- Mr. Edward T. Dickinson (NSRB, Economist)
- Mr. Joseph E. Johnson
(Carnegie Endowment, Historian, Political Planner)
Task Force “B”:
The exploration of Alternative “B” requires an intimate knowledge of
Communist reactions and methods; sound political and military
[Page 351]
judgement both regarding the
Communist orbit and the free world; knowledge of United States military
capabilities to wage general war, including the use of unconventional
weapons; ability to evaluate the economic capability of the United
States and the rest of the free world to support the alternative.
The personnel recommendations are:
- Philip E. Mosely (Director of Russian
Institute, Columbia University)
- Major General John R.
Deane (USA, Rtd., Military Planner and Russian
- Mr. Douglas MacArthur, Jr.
[II] (State Dept.,
- Major General James
McCormack (USAF,
Military and Political Planner, Atomic and New Weapons
- Mr. John Lindeman (MSA, Student, NWC, Economist with experience in foreign
- Mr. James K.
Penfield (Foreign Service, Political Planner with
experience in Far East, Soviet Orbit, U.K.)
- Major General John B. Montgomery (USAF, Strategic Air Operations)
- Dr. S. Douglas Cornell (Recently of R&DB,
New Weapons Expert)
Task Force “C”:
The Task Force working on Alternative “C” should include imaginative
military, political, psychological and subversive planning experience;
profound experience on Soviet-Communist actions and reactions; knowledge
of the military situation in Korea and Soviet Satellite areas; and
ability to evaluate the economic resources required to follow such a
Recommended personnel are:
- Lieutenant General L. L.
Lemnitzer (USA, Military Planner, Foreign Affairs
Expert, recently returned from Korea)
- Mr. G. Frederick
Reinhardt (Foreign Service, Russian Expert, Political
Advisor, SHAPE)
- Mr. Frank G. Wisner
- Lieutenant Colonel A. J.
Goodpaster, Jr. (USA, Brilliant Military Planner,
extensive background in international affairs)
[Page 352]
- Admiral R. L.
Conolly (USN)
- Mr. Edmund A. Gullion
(Foreign Service, Policy Planning Staff, recently in Indo
- Mr. Burke Knapp (International Bank,
Economist NATO and South American
- Mr. Robert P. Joyce (Foreign Service, Policy
Planning Staff, psychological and covert operations, Balkan
- Mr. Edward T. Dickinson (NSRB, Economist)
Part II—Organization4
- 1.
- The three separate Task Forces will be organized to work at The
National War College. The Commandant of The National War College
will provide the necessary administrative facilities and support. A
small technical staff composed of Colonel C. H. Bonesteel as
Executive, Colonel V. J. Esposito as Logistical
Advisor and Colonel R. Hackett as Costing
Advisor will assist the Commandant and the Task Forces. Mr.
T. M. Koons, of the National Security
Council Staff, aided by Chief Warrant Officer Leland W.
Thompson, USA, will act as Executive Secretary. It
may be found desirable to co-opt as a temporary member of the staff
a senior officer of the Bureau of the Budget to provide budgetary
advice to the Task Forces from time to time. Any of the faculty or
students of The National War College will be available to assist if
- 2.
- Arrangements must be made to provide experts from the Executive
Departments and Agencies for consultation with the Task Forces as
required. These witnesses need not be informed of the project under
way. They can be told they are being called upon in connection with
a War College project.
- 3.
- Physical accommodations and most of the necessary equipment and
supplies will be furnished by The National War College. Six expert,
security cleared shorthand-typists will be required from other
- 4.
- Visual aids for presentation purposes should be made up somewhere
other than at the War College so as not to compromise the Cover Plan
applying to the work of the Task Forces.
- 5.
- Authority will be needed to order required personnel to temporary
duty at the War College and to obtain needed services. The source of
funds required for travel expenses, per diem, etc., needs to be
[Page 353]
Part III—Method of Work and
- 1.
- During the week ending 23 May, the Task Forces will be formed,
initial briefing performed, intelligence and background data
accumulated. A tentative briefing schedule might be as follows:
- Thursday A.M., 21 May—N.S.C. Staff
- Thursday P.M., 21 May—J.C.S.
- Friday A.M., 22 May—Research and Development Board
- Friday A.M., 22 May—Munitions Board
- Friday P.M., 22 May—C.I.A.
- Friday P.M., 22 May—State Department
- (These might need to be scheduled later if many members of the
Task Forces are required to travel some distance to get to
- 2.
- The week 24–30 May will be devoted to general exploration of each
Alternative in the form it is expressed in the original Memo for the
Record, dated 9 May. Task Forces will be available for consultation
with the Directing Panel while the Panel is finalizing the terms of
- 3.
- The two weeks 31 May–13 June will be devoted to the formulation of
initial plans and presentations for each Alternative. These initial
presentations will be made before the Directing Officers and the
Panel on the week-end 13–14 June. The Panel will then make such
criticisms and suggestions to the Task Forces as are required to
assure that the finished presentations will be of the type and
substance desired.
- 4.
- The ten days 15–24 June will be used to complete the plans and
presentations in accordance with the critique of 13–14 June.
Semi-final presentations will be given to the Panel on 24–25
- 5.
- The Task Forces will be prepared to give their finished
presentations to the President and the NSC any time after 28 June.
- 6.
- During the working periods there will be frequent plenary sessions
at which all Task Forces can exchange ideas and be informed of the
others work.
- 7.
- The Commandant of The National War College and the Technical Staff
for the project will assist the Task Forces as required.
Part IV—Security Arrangements
- 1.
- The highest security will be maintained concerning the existence
and object of the project.
- 2.
- As a Cover Plan it is suggested that the group working at the War
College be explained by calling them a Board of Review on
[Page 354]
National Security
Education, with the purported task of examining the present
- 3.
- Special identity passes will be issued to all persons working on
the project and the area in which they work will be under special
security guard.
Part V—Actions Required
- 1.
- Early approval as to the composition of the Task Forces.
- 2.
- Authority for the Commandant of The National War College to
request orders be issued to bring government employed personnel of
the Task Forces to temporary but full time duty at the War College.
One means of handling this is to have the President sign a
memorandum to certain Chiefs of Executive Departments and Agencies
requesting them to provide personnel and services as requested. A
draft of such a letter is attached.6
- 3.
- Provision of competent shorthand-typists. This would be effected
by the Commandant of The National War College through use of the
Presidential memorandum suggested in 2 above.
- 4.
- Arrangements for briefings of the Task Forces. Depending on when
the Task Forces can be assembled, these can be arranged by the
Commandant of the National War College under the authority of the
Presidential memorandum.
- 5.
- Arrangements for obtaining intelligence and background material
and, from time to time the services of expert advisors from
Executive Departments. This can be handled as in 4 above.
- 6.
- Security clearance, administrative arrangements, compensation,
etc., of persons not presently employed by the government who are
asked to serve on the Task Forces. Recommend these be effected by
the State Department.7