Editorial Note
Secretary of State Dulles testified before the Subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee on April 6. His testimony and the supplementary written statement he submitted at that time is included in the Subcommittee Hearings on S.J. Res. 1 and S.J. Res. 43.
Later that day, Secretary Dulles telephoned Attorney General Brownell and said that his testimony had gone reasonably well, but that it had been an exhausting experience. He said that the Democrats on the subcommittee had taken no part in the questioning, which had come completely from the Republican members. He [Page 1808] warned the Attorney General, who was to appear the following day before the subcommittee, that they were worried by NATO’s power to station troops around the world. (Eisenhower Library, Dulles papers, “Telephone Conversations”)
Also on April 6, Secretary Dulles spoke by telephone with President Eisenhower about the hearings. The President expressed his surprise about Senator Jenner, who had seemed lately “to want to be on our side.” Dulles said that Senator Bricker was moderate and that he had praised him. The President remarked that he could not understand why “the Republicans are against us,” and he wanted the Department of State to let him know if he could be of help in the matter. (Eisenhower Library, Dulles papers, “Telephone Conversations”)
Following Secretary Dulles, other administration officials testified against the proposed amendments: Attorney General Brownell on April 7, Assistant Secretary of Defense Frank C. Nash on April 8, the General Counsel for the Department of Commerce, Stephen F. Dunn, and Director for Mutual Security Harold E. Stassen on April 9. Leaders of the American Bar Association, including Frank E. Holman, then spoke on behalf of the amendments before the subcommittee concluded its hearings on April 10 and 11.