The development of United States policy regarding the applicability of antitrust legislation to international petroleum companies1

1. For related documentation, see volumes ix and x. For documentation concerning antitrust action by the U.S. Government against the United Fruit Company, see volume iv.

[135] Memorandum by Federal Trade Commissioner Stephen J. Spingarn to the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission (Mead)

Truman Library, Spingarn papers, FTC International file

[136] Memorandum for the File, by Federal Trade Commissioner Stephen J. Spingarn

Truman Library, Spingarn papers, FTC International file

[138] Notes on the Intelligence Advisory Committee Meeting, May 6, 1952

INR files, lot 59 D 27, “Meeting Notes”

[139] Memorandum by the Director of Central Intelligence (Smith) to the President

Truman Library, Truman papers, PSF

[140] Memorandum for the File by Federal Trade Commissioner Stephen J. Spingarn

Truman Library, Spingarn papers, FTC International

[141] The President to the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission (Mead)

Truman Library, Murphy papers

[143] Memorandum for the File, by Federal Trade Commissioner Stephen J. Spingarn

Truman Library, Spingarn papers, FTC International file

[144] The Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission (Mead) to the President

Truman Library, Spingarn papers, FTC International file

[145] The President to the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission (Mead)

Truman Library, Spingarn papers, FTC International file

[146] Memorandum by Jeffrey C. Kitchen of the Executive Secretariat


[150] Memorandum by the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Economic Affairs (Linder) to the Acting Secretary of State

S/SNSC (Miscellaneous) files, lot 66 D 95, NSC 138 Memoranda

[158] Special Estimate

INRNIE files

[159] Report to the National Security Council by the Departments of State, Defense, the Interior, and Justice

S/SNSC (Miscellaneous) files, lot 66 D 95, NSC 138 Memoranda

  1. A handwritten note in the margin of the source text indicates the following: “This letter drafted by SJS [Stephen J. Spingarn] & taken to White House by him Friday Aug. 15 & given to Admiral Dennison. President signed this letter Sat. A.M., Aug. 16.”