81. Memorandum for the Chief of the Western Hemisphere Division, Central Intelligence Agency (King)1
Washington, January 6, 1954.
- 1.
- On the afternoon of 27 November 1953 Mr. [name not declassified] and Mr. [name not declassified] of WHD stated to me that they expected to travel to [place not declassified], on the following Monday to confer with [name not declassified] in connection with Project PBSUCCESS, but were seriously confused and concerned regarding their orders for the interview. Mr. [name not declassified] stated that, although definite commitments had been made to [name not declassified] regarding financial support due on 1 December for operations already initiated in Guatemala, Mr. [name not declassified] had told him that no funds were to be provided until he had so decided at an undetermined future date, possibly 1 January. Mr. [name not declassified], on the other hand, stated that he had been instructed that funds would be forthcoming in increments as required for specific operational use. [name not declassified] had rechecked with [name not declassified] and was told that his orders held.
- 2.
- In order to avoid confusion as well as a possible breach of faith with [name not declassified] the matter was referred to Col. J.C. King, who decided to discuss the question with [3 names not declassified] and the undersigned. The meeting was held in Mr. [name not declassified] office. Although [name not declassified] appeared reluctant to discuss the problem he eventually agreed to honor the commitments made to [name not declassified].
- 3.
- Following the meeting, after Col. King, [name not declassified] and [name not declassified] had departed, [name not declassified] stated to me that he wished to make several points very plain: first, that he strongly resented Col. King’s having attended the meeting or having been brought into the discussion; second, that he had no intention of being “pushed into a corner” or confronted with a “power play” involving operational matters which were exclusively subject to his, [name not declassified], jurisdiction.
- Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79-01025A, Box 151, Folder 4. Secret; Eyes Only. There is no indication on the memorandum of a drafting or originating officer.↩