261. Telegram From the Central Intelligence Agency to the CIA Station in [place not declassified]1
07063. Here is present situation and headquarters’ instructions:
- 1.
- Since objective of throwing top Communists out of Guatemalan Government accomplished and Monzon whom we believe reliable and friendly to Calligeris now in charge of situation in Guatemala City our prime objective must be to prevent fratricidal civil war.
- 2.
- PBPRIME and Salvador have been asked by Monzon group to use good offices to bring about immediate cease fire and to arrange El Salvador meeting between Monzon group and Calligeris group. We are anxious to bring this about as promptly as possible.2
- 3.
- Council of American States met today and was advised of good offices invitation and of its acceptance by both PBPRIME and Salvador and that latter is endeavoring to bring about immediate San Salvador meeting.
- 4.
- SKILLET has been asked by ODACID to send his attaché and member of his staff to Calligeris to urge his acceptance of El Salvador invitation and to facilitate cease fire proposal made by Monzon who has asked Calligeris to fix time for such cease fire.
- 5.
- Whelan is being asked to request Somoza to help persuade Calligeris to accept El Salvador invitation.
- 6.
- We are anxious that air operations should be stopped at earliest possible moment consistent with vital security Calligeris forces and hope that Calligeris can take some action in the field to bring about a cease fire. We understand Monzon may attempt to approach him through emissary to effect this.
- 7.
- Desire [place not declassified] should immediately send Ontrich to Calligeris Hdqrs on behalf of the group which has been extending support to Calligeris. Ontrich should report as promptly as possible regarding [Page 406] attitude Calligeris and present military situation. He should tell Calligeris that consistent with the vital security of his forces he should not undertake offensive action and should permit Guat forces to disengage if they show willingness to do so and should not call for or expect air support inconsistent with above policy. Also he should propose Calligeris accept Monzon proposal for cease fire and fix time if he able do so in advance Salvador meeting.
- 8.
- Calligeris should be advised that his supporting group will exert its influence to see that at El Salvador meeting legitimate claims and interest of Calligeris group are protected unless he insists upon prolonging hostilities if other side is willing to accept honorable conditions and carries out cease fire.
- 9.
- Calligeris has just sent message reading as follows: “I accept interview with the categorical understanding that the fact of attending it does not forcibly bind me to come to an agreement. If it be that the conditions do not satisfy the ideals and plans of the liberation movement for broad and definitive national reform.” We consider his expressed attitude to be reasonable. [place not declassified] should facilitate trip to Salvador if Calligeris requests. Desirable that his pilot [1–1/2 lines of source text not declassified] and preferably one of his own people. Since Monzon being flown by official U.S. plane same facility might be accorded Calligeris if available [place not declassified] and Embassy approves. Possibly preferable Calligeris should use his own light plane directly from Hdqrs in field. Suggest Calligeris advise estimated ETA Salvador.
- 10.
Since dictating above message GUAT 001 IN 235243 received indicating situation Guat City strongly favorable Calligeris, that population overjoyed and want their hero now. Cable recommends that Calligeris simply announce coming Guat City by plane with fighter escort.
We are endeavoring check this recommendation by phone through ODACID with JMBLUG. This daring program appeals to us provided adequate security at airfield can be arranged in opinion JMBLUG and Guat Station. Will send further advice on this subject as soon as JMBLUG’s views obtained.
- 11.
- [place not declassified] please pass entire message to SKILLET.
- Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79–01025A, Box 146, Folder 6. Top Secret; Priority; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Repeated to Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters, the Mission Broadcasting Station, and the CIA Station in Guatemala. Drafted by Allen Dulles.↩
- Arrangements were set in motion later that morning, Allen Dulles told the Secretary of State during a phone call: “we must decide this morning whether Jack [Peurifoy] should go down to the meeting. It is important that some dynamic wise fellow be there.” The Dulles brothers then agreed that “we cannot let Armas down.” (Memorandum of telephone conversation, June 30, 8:44 a.m.; Eisenhower Library, Dulles Papers, General Telephone Conversations, Box 7, A67-28)↩
- Dated June 29. (Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79–01025A, Box 11, Folder 6)↩