251. Telegram From Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida to the CIA Station in Guatemala1

4470. Ref: A. SLINC 4458;2 B. DIR 06769;3 C. SLINC 4467 (IN 22836).4

LINC recognizes possible conflict in your receiving orders from two places nevertheless believe action taken on ref A will not conflict too seriously with ref B.
Ref C was sent before receiving STANDEL–1’s speech which failed to mention his removal of Communists as reported in GUAT 986 (IN 22794).5 Thinking here was based on your having a crack in the door to put foot in which could be exploited. Second thought is that SWALLOW should mediate but this not too good as he would have to follow Osorio who is not our man.
LINC believes [name not declassified] is better choice than SMILAX to replace STANDEL–1 as closer to being agreeable to recognition of Calligeris which is important to our objectives.
On theory full advantage should be taken of first enemy weakness LINC has directed air strikes for Adam afternoon 28 June on TGW transmitter bldg, Matamoros and flak suppression. Anticipate this show of strength will provide substance to any consideration of Calligeris’s position.
  1. Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79–01025A, Box 6, Folder 6. Secret; Operational Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Repeated to the Director of Central Intelligence.
  2. Document 247.
  3. Apparently wrong ref. See DIR 06759 (OUT 57820). [Footnote in the source text. Telegram 6759 is in the Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79–01025A, Box 9, Folder 3.]
  4. Document 252.
  5. Document 250.