250. Telegram From the CIA Station in Guatemala to the Central Intelligence Agency1

986. From JMBLUG to Ascham and Whiting.

As result all day meeting with STANDEL 1 and General Staff, it has been determined that STANDEL 1 will assume presidency tonight. Then have agreed to move immediately on seizing Commie leaders and sending them out of country. They have refused to deal with Calligeris and sought good offices of PBPRIME to bring about cease fire on both sides.
It is my opinion that once STANDEL is out tonight, they should be forced to deal with Calligeris. I personally do not wish to become part of another Mihailovich-Tito deal. It seems to me that those who had the courage and guts to bring about this situation should not be sold down the river. While we might for temporary period attempt to stop bombing Adam, I believe attacks should continue in north until such a meeting arranged.
I do not trust the army leaders either on anti-communism or on keeping faith with PBPRIME. They are collaborators with communism and must pay penalty in form Calligeris assumption of presidency.
Our first victory has been won but not the battle. Please consult Holland on this matter in conjunction with my formal reports to him. In other words, force negotiations. If necessary, have Holland send me such instructions.
  1. Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79–01025A, Box 11, Folder 5. Secret; Operational Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Repeated to PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida.