188. Telegram From Operation PBSUCCESS Headquarters in Florida to the CIA Station in Guatemala1
[place not declassified], June 16, 1954,
3895. RE: GUAT 848.2
- 1.
- Appreciate fully your apprehensions behalf Page however he is fully briefed by LINC on how to proceed upon his arrival.
- 2.
- With exception change in residence status all points were recognized and anticipated in above briefing. Page despite healthy desire to be cautious is fully prepared for expulsion, denial of entry and at worst apprehension by local authorities. Important point is to permit him opportunity to materialize K Program in manner originally contemplated. FYI LINC 3838 (IN 17978)3 was prepared with his assistance and Hqs general concurrence in principle. Moreover LINC convinced that more than “issuing marching orders” left to do.
- 3.
- Accordingly however tenuous Page’s position may be he should attempt finalization his program with fullest support your Station: In event situation denies him opportunity then Station should be prepared to pick up and follow through with [name not declassified].
- 4.
- Therefore arrange to meet and brief Page on developments since his departure setting up usual emergency and alternate procedures in event of his forced withdrawal from operation. Resolve his residence situation soonest. Inform him of DIR 04858 (OUT 53908).4
- 5.
- Imperative your Station provide LINC fullest details these developments by OPIM cable as many other factors hinge upon your progress. Page has been requested to do same.
- Source: Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79–01025A, Box 5, Folder 9. Secret; Operational Immediate; RYBAT; PBSUCCESS. Repeated to the Director of Central Intelligence.↩
- Dated June 16. (Ibid., Box 11, Folder 4)↩
- Document 186.↩
- Dated June 15. (Central Intelligence Agency, Job 79–01025A, Box 9, Folder 1)↩