Lot 55D128: Black Book, Tab 125: Telegram
The Commander in Chief, Far East (Ridgway) to the Joint Chiefs of Staff
operational immediate
C–57837. For info, CINCUNC Adv HNC 476.
“1. a. Agreement reached by sub-delegations on agenda item 2.
“b. Following is text of recommendation to be submitted to plenary session after location of line of demarcation is agreed upon by sub-delegations. The delegation of the Korean People’s Army and the Chinese People’s Volunteers and the delegation of the UNC reach the following agreement on the second item of the agenda, fixing a mil demarcation line between both sides so as to establish a demilitarized zone as the basic condition for the cessation of hostilities in Korea:
- ‘1. The principle is accepted that the actual line of contact between both sides (as determined under either para 2 or 3, as appropriate) will be made the mil demarcation line and that at the time specified in the signed armistice agreement both sides will withdraw 2 kilometers fr the line so as to establish the demilitarized zone for the duration of the mil armistice.
- ‘2. If the mil armistice agreement is signed within 30 days after the two delegations approve in the plenary session this agreement and the specific location of the mil demarcation line and demilitarized zone determined by the sub-delegations on the basis of the above-stated principle and in accordance with the present line of contact (as indicated in the attached map and explanatory notes), the mil demarcation line and demilitarized zone shall not be changed, regardless of whatever changes may occur in the actual line of contact between both sides.
- ‘3. In view of the fact that hostilities will continue until the signing of the armistice agreement, if the mil armistice agreement is not signed within 30 days after the two delegations approve in the plenary session this agreement and the specific location of the mil demarcation line and the demilitarized zone as determined in para 2 above, the sub-delegations shall revise, immediately prior to the signing of the mil armistice agreement the above mil demarcation line and the demilitarized zone in accordance with the changes which have occurred in the actual line of contact between both sides, so that the revised mil demarcation line will coincide exactly with the line of contact between both sides immediately prior to the signing of the mil armistice agreement and will constitute the mil demarcation line for the duration of the mil armistice.’
“2. Staff Officers of both sides now in conference to fix present line of contact. Sub-delegations will reconvene upon completion of Staff Officers work in order to approve location line of contact. This may possibly take place tomorrow, 24 Nov. Sgd Joy.”