792.00/11–3051: Telegram
The Chargé in Thailand (Turner) to the Secretary of State
1232. FonMin informs me mil comite gave power this morning to new Cabinet which now functioning. He stated that govt is de facto and will remain so until sanction given by King and ratification 1932 constitution, which govt hopes will be forthcoming immed upon arrival of King. He stated that Regent had refused to name Phibun Prime Min and had resigned; that accordingly Cabinet considers itself Regency Council in accordance with provisions of newly imposed constitution.
Prince Regent confirms that he declined ratify acts of mil comite or promulgate newly imposed 1932 constitution. He plans advise King upon arrival to await calling of Parliament and its action before accepting new constitution and govt. Regent realizes that parliament appointed by new govt under provisions 1932 constitution wld ratify any measure taken by new govt. He feels delay on part of King wld help avoid impression King forced to accept new cabinet and constitution.
We are now faced by problem of recognition new govt. Without attempting to decide upon legal technicalities involved, we think it advisable to withhold recognition of de facto govt until King arrives. If King sanctions new constitution and government, we see no reason to withhold recognition. However, there is possibility King might [Page 1641] abdicate. I have consulted with Brit and other colleagues whose views are approx parallel. Please instruct urgently.1
- In telegram 1193 to Bangkok, November 30, the Department replied that “question recognition or non-recognition new Govt need not be raised at this time and that Govt shld be treated on de facto basis pending further developments.” (792.00/11–3051)↩