Foreign Relations of the United States, 1951, Asia and the Pacific, Volume VI, Part 2

Foreign Relations of the United States, 1951, Asia and the Pacific, Volume VI, Part 2
- Paul Claussen
- John P. Glennon
- David W. Mabon
- Neal H. Petersen
- Carl N. Raether
General Editor:
- Fredrick Aandahl
United States Government Printing Office
- List of abbreviations and symbols
- East Asia and the Pacific (Documents 1–102)
- New Zealand (Documents 1–2)
- United States policy toward New Zealand
(Documents 1–2)
- United States policy toward New Zealand
(Documents 1–2)
- Philippines (Documents 3–67)
- Thailand (Documents 68–102)
- United States relations with Thailand
(Documents 68–102)
- United States relations with Thailand
(Documents 68–102)
- New Zealand (Documents 1–2)
- South Asia (Documents 103–503)
- Multilateral Relations (Documents 103–371)
- General United States policies with respect to South Asia
(Documents 103–108)
- Efforts to resolve the dispute between India and Pakistan over
(Documents 109–293)
- The Pushtunistan dispute: interest of the United States in preserving
the peaceful relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan with respect to
jurisdiction over the North-West Frontier Province
(Documents 294–371)
- General United States policies with respect to South Asia
(Documents 103–108)
- Afghanistan (Document 372)
- United States policy with respect to Afghanistan
(Document 372)
- United States policy with respect to Afghanistan
(Document 372)
- Ceylon (Documents 373–426)
- India (Documents 427–489)
- Pakistan (Documents 490–503)
- Policies and problems in relations with Pakistan
(Documents 490–503)
- Policies and problems in relations with Pakistan
(Documents 490–503)
- Multilateral Relations (Documents 103–371)
- Index