792.00/11–2951: Telegram

The Chargé in Thailand (Turner) to the Secretary of State


1217. Military junta has forced resignation PriMin Phibun and Cabinet and formed executive comite nine men to reorganize Govt, composed of fol: Gens Phin, Sarit and Dej for Army; Admirals Sunthorn, Yuthasart and Chamarn for Navy; Air Marshals Fuen, Cherd and Prung. These all ’47 coup party members. Gen Phin is provisional head of Govt and police Gen Phao is appointed “preserver of the peace”. Radio announces fol: (1) Govt has ceased to function as of time of announcement (2) Parl dissolved (3) Provisional executive comite will exercise governmental auth. Also announced that the constitution is abolished and 1932 constitution restored;1 elections will be postponed and new Parl will be appointed (6) Announcement emphasized that this is purely internal change that foreign policy is in no way affected; that Govt will adhere to UN and will resist and suppress communism even more strongly. Announcement reassured foreign community.

Reliably informed by source close to PriMin that new Cabinet will be appointed shortly with Phibun as PriMin and also DefMin and composed almost wholly of former Cabinet members including Worakan as FonMin. Phibun is reported now en route to report change to Regent.2 We hear Phibun objected strenuously to this [Page 1639] change on grounds wld have adverse effect on confidence abroad but was overruled.

Chief CID cabled to reassure me that city was quiet and that no disorder need be expected.

It is too early as yet to assess significance this coup but expect to make full report soonest. Reliable sources indicate that there is anti-Royalist motive behind the action. (King is expected arrive December 3).

Dept pass Defense. Rptd info Manila 93, priority Saigon 32.

  1. For the explanation of these constitutional changes, see infra.
  2. Prince Dhani.