689.90D/5–2051: Telegram

The Chargé in Afghanistan (Horner) to the Secretary of State


367. Fully concur with proposal made (Karachi tel to Dept 1094 May 19) to effect that Paks and Afghans should agree to withdraw ground troops on either side Kandahar–Baluchi border, and that US and UK MilAtts Karachi and Kabul shld make survey both sides frontier. However, we wish point out possibility that Afghans may be disinclined to accept UK MA’s as impartial witnesses on ground UK has been directly responsible for Pak’s alleged aggressive policy. We shld anticipate possible Afghan counter-proposal to broaden observer group, and shld not be caught unawares by possible inclusion Sov MA’s (obviously Afghan Govt bringing Sovs into picture wld be highly undesirable). We further agree, as indicated Embtel 357 May 16,1 that continuance present inflamed situation constitutes real danger to peace of area, and that energetic measures our part are called for. In this regard, we note no diminution strongly-worded Afghan press and radio campaign directed not only against Pak but incidentally accusing UK of pro-Pak attitude and actions. This has reached point where “spontaneous demonstration” are being held in schools, obviously wholly engineered and inspired by regime. Consequently, time has perhaps come when we shld be prepared to deliver firm warning to GOA that this type irresponsible agitation can only be regarded by US as indicating Afghan failure to comprehend real issues at stake and attendant dangers armed conflict. In sum, we feel “neutral” position we hitherto have taken on so-called “Pushtoon” issue may have to give way to stand perhaps more in keeping with current trend developments.

Dept pass London, rptd info London 8087, Karachi 38.

  1. See footnote 2, supra.