690D.91/9–2651: Telegram
The Chargé in India (Steere) to the Secretary of State
1123. Deptel 669, Sept 221 and related telegrams discussed with UK HC (Nye)2 today. He read me exchange telegrams with London in which he urged that British attitude toward UN handling Kashmir question be kept flexible until Graham report available and situation resulting from it became clear. He had said that Graham had made excellent impression upon Nehru and Indians generally, as he had also in Pakistan.
From what was known of Graham questions to two govts it was clear he had been at pains to keep situation open if possible. Nye understood Pakistani replies had been favorable, and from remarks by Bajpai he judged that GOI had given most careful consideration to its reply. Nye also thought approaching adjournment Parliament and coming elections India were beginning to have influence on GOI and Parliament in the direction of avoiding a showdown with UN and delaying Kashmir settlement efforts until after elections.
Nye said he was inclined (assuming Graham report kept Kashmir question open) to urge that effort be made use Graham demonstrated skill and high prestige for further negotiations, and possibly to widen scope his powers.
If, on other hand, Graham report showed no possibility further progress under existing resolution, Nye was inclined favor reference Kashmir question to GA, since he believed that action under Article 37 wld lead to hardening of Indian attitude and that this wld be prejudicial to efforts by GA to resolve dilemma. Reference to GA also wld have merit of gaining time at unpropitious moment. Nye intimated he thought new govt after elections wld be more ready to negotiate than present GOI.
[Page 1867]Embassy in agreement with Nye views regarding Graham and his possible future usefulness this problem. We are also inclined believe GOI, while most reluctant if not unwilling reach agreement on Kashmir before elections over, will be in better position to undertake settlement, for better or worse after elections.
Embassy struck by apparent interest of Zafrullah (Deptel 667, Sept 21 rptd Karachi 325)3 in action under Article 37 to break present deadlock as distinct from final solution of Kashmir problem, as well as certain other possible indications that Pakistan may be relaxing pressure toward early final solution. Pakistan HC in New Delhi recently remarked to me that last thing Pakistan wished was see Nehru lose power in India. A possible interpretation of such remark by Pakistani officials is that Pakistan may be beginning to see some virtue in not pressing the Kashmir issue to a showdown in months just ahead.
It wld be helpful to Embasssy for possible future use to know steps which wld ordinarily fol Article 37 action.
Repeated info London 45, Karachi 67, USUN unnumbered.