694.001/7–751: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Political Adviser to SCAP (Sebald)1


Topad 28. From Allison. Reurtel 50, July 6 concerning UK amendment fishing declaration. We cannot approve suggested revision particularly beginning phrase of second sentence reading “Pending the conclusion of negotiations”. A literal interpretation of this phrase might enable other govts to postpone conclusion of negotiations and hence leave Jap morally obligated to live up to obligations of declaration indefinitely. See no reason why terms of declaration as outlined Yoshida’s letter are not sufficient. US is willing accept them and we have as great, if not greater, interest in this problem than other nations. Terms used in original letter, “In the meantime asterisk”, while admittedly vague as to exact meaning are subject to reasonable interpretation which presupposes mutual good faith and US reluctant agree extending scope of Jap declaration as desired by UK. However, shld Jap see no objections or practical disadvantage in phrase US willing withdraw objections.2 [Allison.]

  1. Cleared with, among others, Mr. Dulles.
  2. Mr. Sebald replied in telegram 81 from Tokyo, July 9, that in light of the considerations set forth above Mr. Clutton had stated his government was willing to accept Mr. Allison’s earlier draft of this declaration. (694.001/7–951) Text of the latter is printed, p. 1173.