694.001/4–1251: Telegram
The United States Political Adviser to SCAP (Sebald) to the Secretary of State
Topad 1792. For Dulles from Sebald. Re your 1441 Apr 9.1 Although I have not raised with Jap matter of sending Jap representative to Washington, I believe it highly unlikely that any Jap sufficiently apprised of treaty matters cld be found or spared at this time for suggested assignment. In any event such Jap representative wld perforce be required on almost all questions request instructions from [Page 977] his govt, a procedure which wld be time-consuming and obviously unsatisfactory. We believe it wld be preferable continue negots locally, if necessary attributing Brit viewpoints as received from you together with combined recommendations regarding appropriateness Brit position and desirability Jap make suitable concessions to ensure UK participation.
I also question advisability placing Jap in pseudo-negotiating position vis-à-vis Brit whose draft presumably is for our information only and not submitted for discussion with Jap. In this connection, as Jap have copy of our tentative draft, any changes subsequently suggested therein cld with definiteness be attributed to Brit or other allied pressure and responsibility wld therefore not rest solely upon US.
Another related point militating against presence Washington suggested Jap representative is fact that his assignment to overseas agency wld violate terms of reference under which agencies operate and assurances limited functions publicly given numerous friendly govts including FEC.